A Day of Pride for Conard High School Graduates
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Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
The Class of 2016 at West Hartford’s Conard High School is urged to ‘be bodacious.’

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
By Lisa S. Lenkiewicz
Conard High School’s Class of 2016 joyfully celebrated its graduation June 9. Under a sunny, bright blue sky with a brisk breeze the graduates heard words of wisdom from distinguished guest speakers and fellow students.
A throng of proud families and friends cheered the students attired in robes and mortar boards – mostly the traditional red for the girls and gray for the boys, although the students were given a choice of color this year – as 396 Chieftains filled the seats on the school’s baseball field to the accompaniment of the classic and majestic processional, “Pomp and Circumstance.”
Interspersed with contemporary music performed by senior choir members and seniors from the Conard Concert Jazz Band were inspirational speeches urging the graduates to take risks in life and to have confidence in themselves and their future lives.
Describing life metaphorically as a ride on a roller-coaster, Conard Principal Julio Duarte told the students their success depends on how and what they choose. Will they climb aboard and face the “ups or downs” or walk away? “When you feel you are plummeting,” Duarte said, “I encourage you to work harder and stay strong.”
Duarte fondly recalled highlights from this school year such as the musical production of “The Addams Family,” the senior trip to Six Flags, an outstanding art show and the many hard-won sports awards.
The senior class selected English teacher William Antonitis as its class speaker. His theme was “heroes,” and he provided several examples of lessons learned from heroes in literature and in film, with a focus on Joseph Campbell’s book, “The Hero With a Thousand Faces.”
“What is truly heroic is our service to others,” concluded Antonitis.
Tom Moore, superintendent of schools, instructed the new graduates to “be there” for others – as Conard’s faculty and their families have “been there” for them. In addition, he said, who they will be is more important than what they will do. “Your career may be great, but who you are will be better.”
Reflecting Conard’s motto “Diversity is our Strength,” Board of Education member Dr. Cheryl Greenberg’s remarks focused on the students as citizens of the globe who can make the world a better place. She encouraged the graduates to “be bodacious.” She told them to challenge themselves in new directions, don’t take the easy way out, think creatively, and to try and view the world in varied ways.
Assistant Principal Matt Pace and Alexandra Lee Abels, Class of 2016 president, welcomed all to the school’s 59th commencement ceremony.
There were two student commencement speakers – Kaitlyn Renee Jones and Zacharie Christopher Mega. In spirited and humorous remarks, both student speakers reminisced about their high school years.
Jones made an acrostic out of the word Conard to relay her message: C—challenge yourself and others around you; O—open your mind to new ideas; N—never give up; A—actions speaker louder than [previous] actions; R—remember your home; and D—dare to be great.
Mega, the son of immigrants to the U.S., noted many of the challenges facing his generation. He said his classmates are prepared to take on global issues. He urged classmates to stand up to hate and to value others’ opinions. “I want to be an advocate for open-mindedness,” he said.
Conard has been recognized nationally as a school of academic distinction: 59 percent graduated with honors, and the Class of 2016 included 116 National Honor Society members. Sixty students graduated with highest honors, 67 students graduated with high honors, and 115 students graduated with honors.
Conard High School was named by U.S. News and World Report as a “gold school,” and the news magazine placed Conard in the top two percent of all high schools in the country.
A list of the Conard High School 2016 graduates provided by Conard can be found below.
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Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 9, 2016. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
Conard Class of 2016
Alexandra Lee Abels
Jonathan Andrew Adams
Joshua Luis Agosto
Muhammad Ahmad
Hibbah Ali
Jack Thomas Alissi
Sabrina Martinhago Almeida
Emilie Marie Alvarez
Caitlin Lopes Anaya
Kenneth Raymond Andrews
Ashley Antoine
Sophia Rose Appicelli
Krishna Neal Arabolu
Maria Katherine Armillei
Waverly Diane Arnold
Jelisse Marie Arzola Torres
Enea Avdiaj
Qasian Dion Banks
Brianna Lynn Barbeau
Jazmine Barber
Kyla Yin Hui Barry
Sadmir Becirovic
Kirsten Marie Bednarz
Jackson Fallon Bell
Kylie Margaret Bell
Noah Raul Benjamin
Kiera Raye Bibeau
Jessica Sophie Bienasz
Sarah Helen Miron Binder
Charles Billings
Zachary Taylor Boehm
Lanceley David Bondoc
Erin Rose Booth
Camilla Jean Bowin
Kiarnan Joseph Boyd
Paige C. Brink
Throy Williams Brown
Liam Bartley Bruce
Ken Bui
Rachel Clare Burke
Michael Donald Burnett
Lucas Jamison Busch
Chavely M. Cabrera
Stephanie Gabriela Caldero
Thomas Ernest Callahan
Nicholas Thomas Calvi
Joseph William Campbell
John Martin Cannon
Xiomy Arianne Cano
Clara Jane Capone
Chelsea Marie Cardona
Peter Andrew Carone
Tyler J. Carson
Grayson Cook Carter
Megan Teresa Casagrande
Olivia L. Case
Daniel Ernesto Castillo
Alexis Castro
Michael A. Casuso
Sean Daly Cavanaugh
Alexis Michelle Chambers
Tanya Holden Chandler
Sadie Chasse
David Chen
Jessin Pappachan Cherian
Emily Jade Chu
Isiah Aaron Cintron
Meghan Quinn Cobb
Isabelle Elise Cohn
Narumi Alicia Collins
ChaKai Shatasja Copeland
Patrick Anthony Corcoran
Gabriela Costa
Elizabeth Mera Crosby
Kyle Dale
Emma Louise Damokosh
Callie Ann Dannhauser
Jonathan Grady Davis
Meghan Alexandra Davis
Micah Alexander Davis
Taylor Cassandra Davis
Zachary T. Day
Lucas Decelles
Amarilys DeJesus
Jonathan Diaz
William Christopher Dickinson
Katlin Faith DiPietro
Yezna Abebe Dires
Michael Anthony DiTaranto
Jordan Michael Dorfman
Ross Donald Dowd
Grace Nora Downes
Sarah Elizabeth Downes
Olivia Mae Downey
Sean Samuel Aliguyon Dulnuan
Hien Nha Duong
Joseph James Duva
Gerson Daniel Echevarria
James Allen Eden
Rachael Kay Edlund
Derek Rudolf Ehle
Anis Musa Ehsani
Maya Rose Eisler
Marc Emile Jr.
Millie Michelle Farah
Alexander David Farrah
Gabrielle Kristina Fearon
Matthew William Fernandez
Eliover Ferraz-Cosme
Gabriella Ferreira
Diana Nicole Festa
Steven Lee Figueroa
Luke Joseph Flege
Thalia Marie Flores
Matthew James Flynn
Sara Shannon Flynn
Jordon Anthony Fongemie
Jackson Gray Fowler
William Mark Fowler
Megan Eva Fredette
Ryan C. Gabinelle
Olivia Rose Gaglioti
Brittany Samantha Gaiter
Michael Marcello Gammon
Bridget Anne Garach
Ian James Gearty
Haley Ann Geithner
Kathleen Marie Gerity
Jack Timothy Gerundo
Eve Feldman Gilles
Isaac Feldman Gilles
Christine Ann Giuffrida
Desiree Elizabeth Goffe
Kayla Moriah Golden
Christopher L. Goncalves
Sandra B. Gorczynski
Antoine Keenen Gordon
Abigail Marie Gosselin
Katherine Rose Gosselin
Rebecca Milne Gotthelf
Charles Edward Grabber
Isabella Fern Gradante
Adrianna Mira Graham
Tyler James Grainger
Torrie Leo Green
Madeline Rose Gregory
Rachel Morgan Gustafson
Melanee Emmaline Haggett
Elijah Tyrell Hales
Mitchell James Hamilton
Sarah Anne Hamilton
Marisa Grace Haverty
Olivia Kathryn Heintz
Michael Joshua Hennessey
Joshua A. Henry
Jose Nickolas Hernandez IV
Michael Hoang
Tony Quoc Hoang
Sarah Marie Hoisl
Cole Grayson Hollant
Andrew Gerald Hollerbach
Julia Angela Hook
Victoria Rose Howard
Salman Hussain
Isaias Stanley Hutcheon
Gianna Emilia Hutchins
Bailey David L. Hutchinson
Blerta Isufi
Pei Elizabeth Ivins
Robert Faulkner Iwersen
Sierra-Anne Jane Jackson
Ajay Jagjivan
Anthony Michael Jarvis
Dijon L. Johnson
Byron Tracy Jones Jr.
Kaitlyn Renee Jones
Natalie Ilana Joseph
Jacob Michael Judd
Caroline Joyce Kane
Arjun Pravin Kaneria
Monica Elise Karriem
Loveleen Kaur
Laura Ann Keck
Gavin Matthew Keif
Patrick Kelly Kenna
Anna Palmer Kirklin
Cameron Dean Klett
Dwain Anthony Knight
Nicole Ellen Kradas
Nicholas Jay Kranmas
William Akira Krysinski
Veenu Kumar
Grayson Joseph Lacroix
Anna Louise Lafreniere
Emily Marie Lafreniere
Paul Joseph Lafreniere
Nicholas Alexander Lagana
Andrew Lau
Elisa Jeannette Laureano
Nicholas Anderson LeConche
Emily Shanley Ledwith
Jonathan Lee
Matthew Garrett Lee
Uen Woo Lee
Ansley Jane Levine
Charlotte Cassard Leyland
Franklin Hanming Li
Matthew Robert Litchfield
Sunna Liu
Jessica Patricia Lohneiss
Jordan Celine Lohneiss
Brooke Elizabeth Lomma
Brianna Long
Pavlo Lyalyutskyy
Madeline Adair Lynch
Zheyuan Lyu
John E. Maas
Riley Ann Hennessey Mackenzie
Tyler M. Macko
Kristen Michele Maguire
Sarah Ann Mahon
Mamata Malla
Nickolas Manning-Ingala
Savannah Marie Marcano
Maria Luisa Marconi
Ryan Michael Marsh
Hannah Marshall
Antonio James Martinez
Kathleen Ann Massaro
Isabella Matos
Aidan Elizabeth McCaffrey
Brian Benneyan McCauley
Josie Chunyi McCormick
Matthew Christopher McCormick
Benjamin Louis McDonough
Julie Erin McKenna
Toni Kiara McLendon
Kasandra Medina
Zacharie Christopher Mega
Benjamin Hwee So Meis
Daniela Mendez
Nicholas Peters Meredith
Lauren Elisabeth Michaels
Amanda Rose Michaud
Jotham Moise
Julia Anne Monyak
Benjamin Donald Moore
Ryan Joseph Morais
Dezyree Jenae Morales
Matthew Antonio Morales
James Andrew Morrissey
Liam Patrick Morse
Makayla B. Murphy
George Patrick Murray
Carlie Frances Musto
Syeda Khadija Naqvi
Syeda Zainab Naqvi
Elizabeth Swenson Narwold
Sam Michael Nasby
Brianna Samerah Nash
Christian Isaiah Navedo
Moriah Catherine Nelson
Timothy Tyler Nelson
Samuel Harris Newton
Leonardo Nunez
Grace Helene O’Connell-Bach
John James O’Connor
Rosemary Kathleen O’Rourke
Claire Elizabeth O’Shea
Erin Rose O’Shea
Andrew Joseph Oddo
Kate Mary Alice Olguin
Andrew Lincoln Olmstead
Cassie Doria Orkin
Xavier Ortiz
Margaux Pace
Owen Nash Painter
Ethan Thomas Patterson
Leandro Alexis Pegeas
Leonardo Samuel Pegeas
Kyle Damian Peña-Green
Devon Gene Pencz
Leandro Perez
Shakira R. Perez
Katherine M. Perrone
Kenny Pham
Ty Thi Ngoc Pham
Kiley S. Phelan
Wallace E. Phelps
Kevin K. Pho
Kevin Phu
Justin Richard Picard
Asia Kaprice Pickens
Andrew S. Pixley
Katherine Jean Policelli
Destiny Cherise Poteat
Marcell Joseph Prados
Kevin F. Presing
Evelyn Katherine Puzio
Nicole Elizabeth Pytel
Shannon Laurel Racz
Zenith Rai
Jennifer Ramos-Baizan
Kyle Christopher Randall
Carson Taylor Reale
Zachary James Reed
Cailyn Tessa Regan
Nathaniel Richam-Odoi
Scott Brien Riley
John Hofmann Rinald
JoLynn G. Rismay
Alyssa Hope Rivera
Myles Jonathan Robinson Walters
David Z. Robles
Gregory Alexander Robles
D’Aja Demani Rodgers
Krystal Yvonglelee Rodriguez
Oscar Rodriguez
Thalia Gisselle Rodriguez
Liliana Enidt Roldan
Alexandre Ferreira Rosa
Cornelia Mary Russell
Jack Anthony Ryan
Jeffrey Sanchez
Alexus Marie Santos
Luis Enrique Santos
Ryan Spencer Santos
Malissa Sayarath
Lauren Jeaneve Scheid
Avery Thomas Schott
Colleen Grace Schulken
Kassandra Ann Elaine Seenarine
Angel Serrano
Gabrielle Sevillano-Colon
Zainab Shahbaz
Milad Shams
Jazmine L. Shepard
Avery McKay Sherrill
Lily Siembab
Michael Silbo
Philip Richard Simplicio
Karman Singh
Michael Anthony Sisti
Jacqueline M. Siu
Sequan Savion Small
Seque Ascherd Small
Ainsley E. Snook
Rashida Akaliah Solomon
Cameron Spada
Grace Albina St.Pierre
Timothy William Stahl
Alexa Parker Stansfield
Alyssa Mary Stokes
Cierra Mone’t Sturdivant
Connor Ryan Swanton
Matthew Rubin Swartz
Michelle Szeto
Tia Simoné Tavares
Matthew G. Taylor
Abhinay Singh Thapa
Jefrin Antony Thomas
Raven Nadeisha Thomas
Lily Maritza Thornberry Mendoza
Destiny Shyleen Torres
Shanya Velise Torres
Fatou Kine Toure
Kendy Tran
Jason Trieu
Vincent Tu
Michael Allen Tuite
Jasmin Maya Tulisano
Gabriel Thomas Turco
Seamus Vincent Turco
Kristina D. Vakhman
Louis Matthew Valentin
Juliann Isah Vargas
Milo Christopher Vath
Maria Isabel Vega
Kelley Elizabeth Venora
Miguel Armando Vicente
Isaias Rolando Villalobos
Astrid Isabela Villamil
Gabriella Vogel-Freedman
Allison Susan Volpe
Stacie Kristine Walsh
Tiffany Wang
Ashieka Crystal Watson
Christopher Charles Webber
Alessia Laura Weber
Gabriel Widem
Aidan Robert Wilkinson
Bridget Hall Williams
Bryce Alexander Williams
Brian William Wilson
Rebecca Katherine Wilson
Christyle Unique Azzure Winns
Jeremiah Tylique B.J. Winns
Sydney Joy Wittstein
Crysta Noel Wolski
Madison Elizabeth Woods
Kaylin Ann Wu
Jesse Jupiter Yelin
Jeny Yonjan
Kellie Judith Youmans
Kirsten Dee Youngstrom
Christina Marie Zagorski
Jordyn Olivia Zolty