Conard Students Win Awards at World Affairs Council Model UN

Published On: December 13, 2015Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

850 Students from 31 Connecticut High Schools Engage in Global Dialogue at University of Hartford in West Hartford.

Conard students Anna Baker (left) and Liza Uthgenaant, representing Japan, were the Best Delegation for the Special Political and Decolonization Committee. Submitted photo

Conard students Anna Baker (left) and Liza Uthgenaant, representing Japan, were the Best Delegation for the Special Political and Decolonization Committee. Submitted photo


Four students from West Hartford’s Conard High School were among the participants recognized at the World Affairs Council’s Model United Nations on Dec. 4 and Dec. 5 at the University of Hartford.

Liza Uthgenannt and Anna Baker, representing Japan, were honored as Best Delegation – “Special Political and Decolonization” committee. Michael Sisti and Isaias Hutcheon ​(South Korea)​ received Honorable Mention – “Special Political and Decolonization” committe​e.​

The Council has hosted the Model U.N. for over 60 years during which thousands of Connecticut students have participated. This year, was the program’s biggest year yet with over 850 high school students from 31 schools representing 66 different countries.

The Model U.N. program is a simulated meeting of the United Nations General Assembly in which student teams, each representing a UN member nation, meet and discuss the world’s most pressing issues and ways to resolve those issues. The World Affairs Council’s Model U.N. is entirely student run and includes a trip to New York City where students visit the U.N. missions of the countries they represent in the program. Students learn the views of the country they represent and use this first-hand information to help them best represent their nation at the conference.

Isaias Hutcheon (left) and Michael Sisti, representing ​South Korea, received an Honorable Mention from the "Special Political and Decolonization" committe​e.​ Submitted photo

Isaias Hutcheon (left) and Michael Sisti, representing ​South Korea, received an Honorable Mention from the “Special Political and Decolonization” committe​e.​ Submitted photo

On Saturday morning, Dec. 5, U.S. Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) paid student delegates in the Humanitarian Committee a surprise visit. Senator Murphy spoke to a packed room on the importance of a global education and engaged the students in an open dialogue. Students were able to ask questions on a wide array of pressing world issues such as the Syrian refugee crisis, ISIS, and access to education in regions plagued by conflict.

“The World Affairs Council of CT’s Model U.N. program provides CT high school students with the chance to learn about complex global issues, and prepares them to become leaders in the international community and the global economy,” said WACCT Executive Director, Megan Torrey.

The students that participate in Model UN are dedicated to making the world a better place and are overwhelmingly optimistic about the future of global affairs. They are our future diplomats and citizens of the world and we thank them for their continued commitment to the program, organizers said.

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