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Photo credit: Patty Swanson Photography
Ronni has been a resident of West Hartford since 1998, and an active member of the community as a journalist and leader since she moved here.
Before launching We-Ha.com in 2014, she was editor of West Hartford Patch, and during her three years at Patch she wrote thousands of stories, shot photos and video, posted to a variety of social media sites, and managed a team of local editors for other Patch sites. She is the recipient of two first-place awards from the Society of Professional Journalists.
Ronni has also worked as managing editor for lifestyle magazines, and freelanced as a writer and copyeditor. She even managed an oral history exhibition for the Noah Webster House/West Hartford Historical Society, volunteered with many local non-profits and was PTO president when her children were in elementary school.
Ronni’s past professional experience as a vice president in the role of consultant/client manager in the insurance industry gives her an exceptional ability to understand the distinct nature of any business.
She’s originally from Stamford, CT, and attended Westhill High School. She graduated from Duke University – where she met her husband – in 1983, with a degree in Political Science and Economics.
Her husband, Ted, is a West Hartford native (Kingswood-Oxford ’80), and he has often joked that within a few weeks of moving to town, she knew more people than he did.
Ronni has a daughter who graduated from Conard High School in 2013, earned a BS in Allied Health from UConn in 2017, earned her Doctor of Physical Therapy from UConn in 2020, and is now a physical therapist and director of Physical Therapy and Sports Medicine Centers on South Main Street in West Hartford. She and her husband (a teacher and football coach at Avon High School who also graduated from Conard and UConn, plus earned a master’s in Special Education from CCSU), live in West Hartford.
Ronni’s son graduated from Conard High School in 2016, earned a BA in Statistics and Economics from UConn in 2020, and earned his Masters in Public Policy from UConn in May 2022. He is an economist with HDR in Boston.
Ronni can be reached by email at [email protected].
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