Birthday Celebration Begins for ‘Conny’ the Whale
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The New Children’s Museum in West Hartford kicks off the celebration of Conny’s 40th birthday with ‘Nile the Whale.’
Conny the Whale will turn 40 this year. Submitted photo
The New Children’s Museum’s iconic whale statue, Conny, is ringing in his 40th year with fun for the whole family. While the big birthday party is planned for June, Conny’s Pre-Party will take place April 2, 2016.
Conny’s Pre-Party on Saturday, April 2, features a visit from Nile the Whale, arts and crafts, face-painting, and whale artifacts. All activities are free with general admission or membership to the Museum.
Nile the Whale, or the Whalemobile, is a life-sized humpback whale modeled after a real whale named Nile. The inflatable whale travels around the region with owner Cynde McInnis who brings Nile to schools, libraries and summer programs to educate families about whale biology, sounds, natural history and more. For more information go to:
The New Children’s Museum is inviting the community to celebrate the 40th birthday of Conny the Whale, a life-sized sperm whale replica built in 1976 by community volunteers and The Cetacean Society. Over the past year, The New Children’s Museum has revitalized their relationship with the now Cetacean Society International (CSI). Bi-annual meetings take place at the Museum and are open to the public. On Saturday, June 25, CSI and other very special guests will be on hand to celebrate Conny’s 40th birthday!
For a detailed list of activities at The New Children’s Museum and at the Roaring Nature Center, please visit