Blue Back Mitten Run is Sunday
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HMF Blue Back Mitten Run. Dec. 2, 2018. Photo credit: Ronni Newton ( file photo)
The Hartford Marathon Foundation’s annual Blue Back Mitten Run will begin and end in West Hartford’s Blue Back Square on Sunday, Dec. 8, 2019.
The festive Blue Back Square Mitten Run, a family-oriented 5K, will welcome runners and walkers of all ages and abilities to celebrate the season as a community.
The 5K winds through West Hartford neighborhoods, lined with homes decorated for the holidays and festive shop windows. Bring the kids to participate in the HMF FitKids run – a ½-mile or 1-mile dash through Blue Back Square.
All participants will receive a warm knit beanie, high-fives from Santa, and gourmet hot chocolate and holiday cookies await finishers for post-race merriment in Blue Back Square.
The kids run starts at 10 a.m. and the 5K begins at 10:30 a.m. Register early to guarantee commemorative HO HO HOliday Series swag.
Please help give back to the community that has opened their streets for participants. Donations of new mittens, scarves, and hats will be collected on race day. This year, participants are being asked to “stuff the mittens” with a small cash donation. Checks are also welcome and should be made payable to “The Town That Cares Fund”, a program of the Town of West Hartford’s Department of Human and Leisure Services.
If you are interested in more ways to use this or other events to support a charity or cause, visit the Run for Good page to learn about group and individual fundraising opportunities.
For more information, updates, and to register the Blue Back Mitten Run website or Facebook event page.
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