Children’s Charity Ball Committee Gets to Work
Audio By Carbonatix
The Children’s Charity Ball, an annual fundraiser that supports the work of The Bridge Family Center in West Hartford, began meeting this week.
By Ronni Newton
The outdoor air on Tuesday was about as hot and humid as any summer day, but now that Labor Day has passed the months-long process of planning the winter’s Children’s Charity Ball has commenced.
The Bridge Family Center’s Executive Director Margaret Hann kicked off the committee’s planning process with an inspirational speech about the importance of The Bridge’s work and the critical contribution that the Ball’s fundraising makes to the non-profit’s budget.
The January 2014 gala raised more than $275,000, Hann said. “Without you we would not be able to do the things we do,” said Hann.
“These kids [who are served by The Bridge’s various programs] are trying to survive, to hold themselves together in very hard times,” Hann said. She called this a year “about determination and no regrets” and said that those who work to make the Ball so successful will never regret the impact they have and the changes they help bring about in the children The Bridge serves.
The Children’s Charity Ball will be held at the Hartford Golf Club on Saturday, Jan. 17, 2015. Details have not yet been finalized, but the Ball’s colors will be white and champagne and the theme will likely involve diamonds, committee members said. WFSB’s Scot Haney will serve as emcee, and music will be provided by Timmy Maia.
Committee members include: Amanda Aronson, Megan Baumgartner, Suzanne Bell, Judy Bierly, Cathy Brewer-Mancini, Cyndi Brown, Mary Butler, Heather Clifford, Laury Currier, Suzanne DeSimone, Kara Flanagan, Mary Ellen Flege, Laura Giannone, Sue Healy, Rebecca Holmes, Nancy Hunt, Lynn Jimenez, Margaret Johnson, Nancy Kennedy, Kara Langan, Penny Lightner, Carol Lorenzo, Kristin Magendantz, Shelley Mendoza, Jane Mielcarek, Dee Newton, Martha Rennie, Beth Ryan, Ellen Sayers, Chris Schuck, Paula Stabnick, and Cheri Stabnick.