Conard Class of 2020 Celebrates at Drive-In Graduation
Audio By Carbonatix
Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto
Conard High School’s Class of 2020 celebrated their 63rd commencement ceremony at the Farmington Polo Grounds.

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto
By Melanie Grados and Dexter McCann. Photos by Hunter Marotto and Ronni Newton
The venue might have been different from years prior, but Conard’s class of 2020 was still able to enjoy an in-person graduation at Farmington’s Polo Grounds on Wednesday.
Nearly all 360 members of the class of 2020 enjoyed a socially distanced “drive-in commencement,” in which the graduates parked in front of a pop-up stage that displayed all the speakers on a big screen TV. In addition, the speeches were broadcast over the air on 94.5 FM radio and telecast via livestream on Comcast Channel 5/Frontier TV channel 6098 to ensure that all in attendance and at home would feel like they were a part of the ceremony.
While unusual in comparison to traditional celebrations, the graduates and their families seemed to be enthusiastic about the drive-in commencement, with many honking their horns in lieu of traditional applause for the speakers.
Senior class president, Kaitlyn Gilson welcomed the class of 2020 with a smile while graciously thanking all those who have contributed to the graduating class.

Class President Kaitlyn Gilson. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
“Thank you for the guidance you have given us and the patience you have shown in teachings us things that we will take with us, as we step into a world of unknowns,” said Gilson.
Although the graduating class has veered away from a traditional year, Gilson reminded the class of 2020 of the great memories they were able to make through their time at Conard noting sporting events, clubs, performances, proms, and academics as some.
“These events and our memories from the past four years, especially our senior year, are the ones we will hold forever,” she said.
Following Gilson was Tom Moore, superintendent of West Hartford Public Schools and also the proud father of Fallon Grace Moore, a member of the graduating class.

Superintendent Tom Moore. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
Moore began by reflecting on the tumultuous time brought on by COVID-19, and referenced a famous experiment conducted by the Princeton Seminary to drive home a point: “situations drive our actions,” noting that the current crisis will play a significant role in shaping the men and women of the Conard class of 2020.
Moore compared current times to the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, which occurred around the time many in the class of 2020 were being born. He drew parallels between the “doubt, fear, and insecurity” the U.S. faced following the attacks, but noted that the country came together during a challenging time, and implored the class of 2020 to do the same.
“You’ve been special. Don’t be one of those people that curses the darkness. Be candles. Be light … be who you know you are because you’ve been that for us for 18 years,” Moore concluded.
Dr. Lorna Thomas-Farquharson, vice chair of West Hartford’s Board of Education, also had a message for the Class of 2020.

Board of Education Vice Chair Dr. Lorna Thomas-Farquharson. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
Thomas-Farquharson opened by applauding the class’ resilience and perseverance in the face of the chaos brought upon by COVID-19.
“You’re living through a pandemic, however, your accomplishment is much greater than that. … In spite of living through a moment in history, a moment in her-story, a moment in our-story, a moment that has never been seen before in modern times, you persevered and you made it through!.”
Thomas-Farquarson was quick to remind the audience, however, that another pandemic threatened American society: racism.
She quoted Aristotle in reminding the graduating class that “the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” but asserted that America could not truly be whole if it would not acknowledge that Black lives matter and take steps to combat racial injustice.
“If we don’t recognize and respect black lives, we are not whole as a country. If we are not whole as a country, we cannot claim greatness.”
“Enough is enough,” Thomas-Farquharson said, her words punctuated by car horns honking in support. She concluded with a call to action.
“I dare to see what you can accomplish making history. This is your moment, this your opportunity … claim it!
English teacher Ramona Puchalski-Piretti was selected as this years’ faculty speaker. She began her speech by expressing her pride and admiration for the graduating class

Faculty speaker Ramona Puchalski-Piretti. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
“Many of you suffered painful losses early in life and yet you took that pain and have focused on building a better world. I know you made by world better. You are amazing. I have ‘the future of the world is in this classroom’ stenciled on the wall in my classroom and it has never been more fitting.”
Puchalski-Piretti continued on by sharing her love for stories and how important it can be for one to discover their own story. She compared these stories to gardens, “which were planted by those who came before us.”
She encouraged students to discover their own stories, “tend to your garden by putting those critical thinking and research skills to work,” and then to explore and learn about the stories of others.
Puchalski-Piretti concluded with some parting advice for the graduating seniors: “Take a deep breath and go out and tell your stories. Step back and listen to the stories of the other. Then demand a new story to be written. The full story. Your story.”
Following Puchalski-Piretti was William Macdonald and Sara Rodonis, the class commencement speakers.

Student speaker William MacDonald. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
Macdonald began his speech by commending the graduating seniors for their ability to overcome a plethora of unforeseen obstacles – which was met with a roar of car horns.
“We have forgone these experiences and memories by gained something many of us may deem as even more important, to become a part of history,” continued Macdonald.
He reminded the class of the important role they play in history and questioned what will come next.
“We are graduating into a divided country filled with civil unrest, economic uncertainty, and a pandemic with no clear end in sight. Without a doubt, the world is changing, yet we must not forget our individuality in order to change with it.”
Macdonald concluded his speech by encouraging his fellow classmates to continue to persevere.
“Those of you who feel as if they are not heard; don’t be scared to shout louder. Those of you who feel isolated; you are not alone. Those of you who are terrified of change; you will find strength. And lastly, those of you who feel insignificant; we can change the world.”
Rodonis began the second address to the class by sharing an anecdote from her senior year physics class. Her lab group had been given a slinky for class which ended up getting tangled. Although it was proven difficult, the group worked together to untangle the slinky.

Student speaker Sara Rodonis. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
“Conard, in a way, is like a giant slinky. It’s a little overwhelming and it’s easy to get tangled up but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible to fix.”
Rodonis recalled a freshman year memory in which the Conard principal, Julio Duarte, challenged the incoming freshman to make Conard a better place. She noted how “standing on stage surrounded by the class of 2020 I know that we did not complete Mr.Duarte’s challenge. We surpassed it.”
In her final words, Rodonis thanked Conard custodians, cafeteria staff, security guards, nurses, administrators, teachers, parents, and her fellow classmates for their hard work and dedication.
The last to speak before the presentation of the graduates was Conard’s principal, Julio Duarte. He kept his remarks brief and instead chose to use his time to broadcast a video a video on the big screen, which captured memories made by Conard’s class of 2020.

Conard Principal Julio Duarte. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
Following that video, each graduate had their name presented over their radio and had their class photos displayed on the screen.
After the final graduate was presented, the class of 2020 celebrated with a deafening chorus of car horn cheers. Then, the graduates exited their cars and turned their tassels, cementing their new status as Conard High School alumni.
Congratulations Conard Class of 2020!
Names of graduates are listed below.

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Principal Julio Duarte. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Jeff DiCosimo, Premier Portraits Studio

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Jeff DiCosimo, Premier Portraits Studio

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Libby Geisler. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Principal Julio Duarte welcomes graduates. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Assistant Principal Lindsay Tringali. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Superintendent Tom Moore. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Faculty speaker Ramona Puchalski-Piretti. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Sara Grady. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Student speaker William MacDonald. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Student speaker Sara Rodonis. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard Principal Julio Duarte. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Assistant Principal Jamahl Hines with Board of Education Student Rep. Kenia Ferreira. Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Jeff DiCosimo, Premier Portraits Studio

Conard High School graduation. June 24, 2020. Photo credit: Jeff DiCosimo, Premier Portraits Studio
Jeslie Abreu |
Matthew Adam |
Jeniffer Ariana Agreda Vasquez |
Hamad Ahmad |
Yazan AL Doumani |
Yousif Marghany Albur |
Samirah Kidada Alexander |
Alishba Ali |
Lucinda Alissi |
Christopher Joseph Allen Jr |
Yazeed Omer Almazraawy |
Zachary David Anaya |
George Constantine Andrews |
Guillermo Alejandro Antepaz |
Abel Antony |
Benjamin Ian Arky |
Nolan Maxwell Asadow |
Jason Alberto Aviles |
Jire Cinque Barlow |
Alexander Dean Barnard |
Devan Lawlor Barnum |
Kate Ann Bell |
Mason Gregory Belville |
Leonid Georgievich Belyaev |
Alexus Daniel Benitez |
Aya Benkoua |
Jackson Paul Berrettini |
William Rowland Berry |
Hayden Thomas Bissonnette |
Xavier Sebastian Blackwell-Lipkind |
Alexis Rickless Blinder |
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John Alexander Bonee |
Nathin Alexander Bones |
Wagner Fragassi Boucault |
Patricia Fernand Boulton |
Samantha Rose Bowin |
Kate MacKenzie Boyd |
Giovanna de Sousa Braga |
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Silas Shane Bridges |
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James Hewitt Calvert |
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Guilherme Cardoso de Freitas |
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Cate Rebecca Di Giacomo |
Jasmine Renee DiGenti |
Ella Caroline DiPippo |
Sophonias Dires |
Sean E Dombrofski |
Haroun B Dridi |
Falyne Colleen Driver |
Eileen Katherine Droney |
Aubrey Aliguyon Dulnuan |
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Geldon Mohmoud Farah |
Ryan Edward Farley |
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Samantha Taylor Frigon |
John Matthew Gabinelle |
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Carla Lorena Garcia Leon |
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Aarya Gautam |
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Robert Michael Gerity |
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Yonas Dires Getachew |
Khalil Hakim Gilbert- Freymond |
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Sara Keefe Grady |
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Eshe Azizi Griffith |
Sean Guevara |
Thao Vy Thuy Ha |
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Thomas John Hosek |
Matteo Yale Hunter |
Jenna Rachel Hutensky |
Edlira Isufi |
Gracie Cho Iwersen |
Chrisjohn Malik Jagdat |
Mateu Jaramillo |
Mia Katharine Jaworski |
Emoni Miya Johnson |
Makhi A Johnson |
Sarah Wyman Kelly |
Brian Falvey Kenna |
Carlos A Kerrigan-Mock |
Rahul Jung Khadka |
Sophia Grace Kim |
Taehyun Kim |
Faizah Kiran |
Gavin Thomas Klett |
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Sara Harrison Kohl |
Jenna Caroline Kopp |
Sebastian Patrick Krueger |
Jack William Kuhnly |
Caroline Linda Kumpa |
Emily Kate Kyle |
Leana Marie Lao |
Brianna Q Le |
Samantha Olivia Lee |
Alcide Lemieux IV |
Taariq Emmanuel Lewinson |
Harrison Hamilton Lewis |
James Benjamin Little |
Cheyanne Milagros Lopez |
Miriam Lopez Cruz |
Joniel Lopez Ojeda |
Madison Paige Lopol |
Samuel Bruce Louden |
William Charles Macdonald |
Hannah Kristine Mack |
Christopher Philip Maglio |
Devin Thomas Mahoney |
Michael Edward Majewski |
Carlos Jantae Maldonado Garcia |
Gabriel Gill Maldonado |
David Martin Malugen |
Anthony Michael Mancini |
Michael Theodore Mancini |
Shonayzya Julie Maragh |
Olivia Ann Marcella |
Tyler James Marino |
Joseph Kelsey Market-Maestre |
Daniel Lee Markham |
Trey Matthew Martin |
Jorge Luis Martinez Diaz |
Joshua Bruce Massey |
Andrew James Mazzatto |
Allyson Taylor McKenna |
Nicholas James McKeown |
Joshua Lawrence Meehan |
Max Yazir Mega |
Vanessa Kate Meikle |
Zoe Elizabeth Michini |
Natalie Dare Miller |
Fumio Minoguchi |
Isabella Jade Mocadlo |
Yasmin Khadijah Mohamad |
Jibriel Fawzy Mohammadu |
Rasheem Jamel Montes-Daniels |
Connor Patrick Montgomery |
Daniel Lewis Monyak |
Fallon Grace Moore |
Ty Joseph Morales |
Demarco Keith Morgan |
Jonathan Stewart Morrey |
Lindsay Elizabeth Moynihan |
Anastasia Mae Mozonski |
Reana Mucka |
Andrew Brian Murillo |
Jonathan Dean Murphy |
Sam Frederick Musto |
Alexander Nadeau |
Syed Mohammad M Naqvi |
Matthew Alexander Nemergut |
Taj-Roi Liam Newman |
Helen Nguyen |
Henry Nguyen |
Hieu Thanh Nguyen |
Ivy Nguyen |
Justin Dinh Nguyen |
Lana Nguyen |
Tanya Nguyen |
Vina Nguyen |
Wilkie Ni |
Veronica Gabrielle Niedmann |
Clotilde Maria Noble |
Frank Emmanuel Nobou |
Aaliyah Lexis Norton |
Hollis Katherine O’Connor |
Katherine Elisabeth O’Leary |
Michael Emmanuel Ocasio |
Ava Elizabeth Odlum |
Moufira Nicole Ogountola |
Oreofeoluwa Eunice Oluwasina |
Kayla Nicole Oriola |
Victor Manuel Ortiz Jr |
Kaliya Elizabeth Ortiz |
Saverio Foster Palaia |
Kitana Dara Park |
Brenden John Parker |
Elizabeth Anne Parker |
Brahmdeep Singh Parmar |
Joshua Augustus Pechenuk |
Tatiana Rubi Pelaez |
Julian Boas Peres |
Benjamin Jurgis Petkaitis |
Emma Caroleena Pinckney |
Brock August Pizzoferrato |
Zoe Nicole Pizzoferrato |
Ray Thomas Plocharczyk |
Anisha Pokhrel |
Mary Grace Policelli |
Jerveil Kwame Prempeh |
Brian Thomas Puleo |
Huubang Diep Quach |
Kaylynn Quach |
Jyojyolung Rai |
Carmen Mariel Ramirez Parra |
Damian Andres Ramos |
Corinne Raphino |
Ukase Raut |
Jasmine Delfina Rawls |
Melany Abigail Recinos-Vargas |
Jorgens Remy |
Ashley Jasmine Requenes |
Dylan C Richards |
Nathan Pierce Rinaldi |
Juan Andres Rivera Velazquez |
Nevaeh Rivera |
Renee Star Rivera |
Yarissa Enid Rivera |
Brian Armando Rivera-Royal |
Nicholas Roberts |
Ashanti Shardanee Kintell Robinson |
Abigail Marie Rocktaschel |
Sara Elizabeth Rodonis |
Xaymara Rodriguez |
Samuel William Rothfarb |
Saige Elizabeth Rovero |
John Mathew Roy |
Briana Alize Ruiz |
Britney Salas |
Kevin Salazar |
Kelly Sanichara |
Robert Alexander Sarkisian |
Talia Catherine Sarkisian |
Florence D’avila Sassou |
Colin Francis Savage |
Nina Sayarath |
Lisa Tam Scanlon |
Nancy Thao Scanlon |
Alexandra Marie Scheib |
Allison Grace Schneider |
Madeleine Claire Schott |
Nicholas Jacob Segarra |
Ceili Nicoll Senft |
Devon Elizabeth Shay |
Brynn Elise Sherry |
Liza Shrestha |
Arsen Gregoriy Shtefan |
Isabella Simoes |
Peter James Simplicio |
Katherine Elizabeth Simpson |
Gurjot Singh |
Karanveer Singh |
Rajvir Singh |
Owen Dean Smith |
Lorenzo Blumer Sofarelli |
Dhi-Yannix Soler |
Rachel Marie Son |
Jonathan Kyle Sorgio |
Quinn James Spada |
Ethan Angelo Speranza |
James Andrew Standish |
Tyler Stanley Staron |
Nichole Katherine Sutliff |
Emma Elisabeth Tapia |
Abriana Julia Teodoro |
Amy Chantal Then |
Jason Michael Thurston Jr |
Max Siheng Tian |
Abigail Theresa Tonkinson |
Lauren Rose Torla |
Meghan Elaine Torla |
Jack Henry Tousignant |
Dyllan James Trafford |
Meagan Truong |
Charles Stephen Uthgenannt |
Joel Valentin |
Hailie Marie Velez |
Zachary Iyahn Vesci-Williams |
Marcel Angel Vicente |
Alexander Robinson Vietzke |
Yaffa Tova Waren |
Marika Wanda Weber |
Jon Azamat Westfall |
Isaiah Maleek Joshua Williams |
Todd Jhavon Wilson |
Spencer Lee Wimpe |
Eli R Wizevich |
Larry Sirroy Womack Jr |
Anna Elisabeth Wood |
Owen Barry Wood |
Emma Cantor Wright |
Levi Rafi Yelin |
Juan Pablo Yepes |
Christina Nicole Yett |
Mollie Ann Yezza |
Dominic Alijah Zaleski |
Alexander Nicholas Zayas |
John Matthew Zehr |
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