Conard Girls Basketball Team To Host Golf Tournament
Audio By Carbonatix
Conard Girls Basketball team. Submitted photo
West Hartford’s Conard High School Girls Basketball Team will hold its inaugural golf tournament on Aug. 11, 2017.
The Conard Girls Basketball Golf Tournament will be held on Friday, Aug. 11,2017, at Tower Ridge Country Club, 140 Nod Rd., Simsbury, CT 06070.
The cost per Golfer is $120, and includes 18 holes, cart, driving range access, lunch before the tournament and full buffet dinner after.
The proceeds from this tournament will not only go to the Conard Girls Basketball program but also the V-foundation for cancer research. The goal is to raise money to be given back to our student-athletes in the form of scholarships, equipment and future needs and to make a donation to the V-Foundation in the name of our Girls Basketball Program and Conard High School.
Schedule of Events:
Registration: 10:15-11:15 a.m.
Open Driving Range: 10:15 a.m.-noon
Lunch: 11:15 a.m. to noon
Shotgun Start: 12:15 p.m.
Dinner to follow
Sponsorships are also Available (Tee, Cart, Lunch)
Tee Sponsors: Red: $100; Gray: $75; White $50
Lunch Sponsor: $1,000
Cart Sponsor: $25 per cart or $750 for all
Please send cash or check to Coach Mike D’Angelo at the following address. Make check payable to: “Conard Girls Basketball”: Mike D’Angelo, 16 Halwood Dr., Granby, CT 06035
For questions please email at [email protected].