Conard High School Announces 2019-2020 Academic Award Winners

Published On: June 22, 2020Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

West Hartford’s Conard High School announced the winners of 2019-2020 academic awards via social media, and has provided a list of all recipients.

Submitted by Conard High School

Conard High School was unable to hold an in-person award ceremony this spring, but used social media to announce the winners in a variety of categories.

The name of each award winner and a description of the honor can be found below.

American Association of Teachers of French Outstanding Senior Medal

To an outstanding senior student in French.

Eli Wizevich

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Language Award

To an outstanding student of Spanish Language.

Gracie Iwersen

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Literature Award

To an outstanding student of Spanish Literature.

Natalie Chernysh

American Classical League

To a senior who shows a commitment to learning and achievement in advanced Latin or Ancient Greek.

George Andrews

American Legion and American Legion Auxiliary Distinguished Achievement School Award

To two seniors who display high scholarship and citizenship.

Devan Barnum

Julian Flores

American Math Competition – AMC 10

The AMC 10 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice examination in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills. The exam challenges students and offers problem-solving experiences beyond those provided in most upper-level high school mathematics classes. The Conard High School winner, by virtue of their score, is

Joseph Palisi

American Math Competition – AMC 12

The AMC 12 is a 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice examination in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills. The exam challenges students and offers problem-solving experiences beyond those provided in most upper-level high school mathematics classes. The Conard High School winner, by virtue of their score, is

Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

American Psychological Association Book Award

To a senior who demonstrates hard work, dedication, and extensive interest in the field of psychology.

Fallon Moore

Art Department Award

To an outstanding senior who shows all-around performance in art.

Patricia Boulton

Band/Jazz Band PTO Award

To a student who demonstrates strong leadership skills, dedication to music making, and a positive presence in and out of the classroom.

Daniel Monyak

Saverio Palaia

Bates College Book Award

To an outstanding junior pursuing academic excellence with a rank in the top 5-10% of the class, and exhibits a commitment beyond self through active citizenship, community service or social responsibility.

Mara Cicchetti

Bausch and Lomb Science Medal

To a junior with high achievement and rigor in science courses and high PSAT and/or SAT math scores.

Purit Butsapak

Bay Path University Presidential Book Award

To a female junior who is committed to academics, is in the top 15% of her class and has demonstrated an interest in community service.

Audrey Mongillo

Brandeis Book Award for Social Action and Civic Engagement

To a junior of high academic standing who has demonstrated commitment to civic engagement, community service, political activism, social justice or volunteer work.

Isabelle Burnett-Herkes

Brown University Book Award

To a junior who best combines a high degree of ability in English expression, both written and spoken.

Rushil Yerrabelli

Business Education PTO Award

To an outstanding student based on all-around performance in Business Education.

Johnny Hoang

Aaliyah Norton

Careers in Foods PTO Award

To a student who demonstrates a serious interest in pursuing a degree in the culinary arts or a related field, possesses a high degree of knowledge and skills in the culinary arts, and has consistently demonstrated leadership in the classroom by participating in many school and community catering projects.

Lisa Scanlon

Lauren Torla

Jeffrey Carples Memorial Award

Jeffrey Carples, a 1969 graduate of Conard, was Student Government President at both Conard and Princeton University and went on to hold managerial positions with the Office of Mayor of New York and Columbia University. This award, in his honor, goes to a senior who has distinguished herself/himself in student government.

John Zehr

Mike Carr Sportsmanship Award

Michael Carr, Conard Class of 1973, was a talented athlete whose legacy lies in the spirit of sportsmanship he demonstrated so vividly both on and off the field. This award, in his honor, goes to an outstanding senior who exhibits sportsmanship qualities during her/his sport season.

Julian Flores

Child Development PTO Award

To an outstanding student based on all-around performance in Child Development.

DeLauren Coombs

Cate Di Giacomo

Chatham University Rachel Carson Healthy Planet Award

To one deserving student who embodies the spirit of Rachel Carson in his or her dedication to sustainability and community development.

Rose McGowan

Choral Music PTO Award

To a student who demonstrates strong leadership skills, dedication to music making, and a positive presence in and out of the classroom.

Jonathan Golden

Emily Kyle

Tyler Claflin Memorial Orchestra Award

Navy Lieutenant Tyler Claflin M.D., Conard Class of 2002, was one of “Conard’s finest.” He was known to arrive to orchestra with boundless enthusiasm for making music with his cello. Tyler approached every class, lesson, early morning rehearsal, concert and music trip filled with joy and expectation. He was a wonderful and accomplished young man and will never be forgotten by those who knew him. This Memorial Award goes to a Conard senior in the orchestra who best exemplifies the spirit of Tyler Claflin.

Max Mega

Clarkson University Achievement Award

To a junior of high academic standing, who demonstrates strong leadership qualities and positively impacts his/her high school and community.

Rachael Burtness

Clarkson University Leadership Award

To a junior who demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities and academic promise.

Gabriella Zhalov

Classical Studies Award

To an advanced Latin/Ancient Greek student who demonstrates a commitment to academic pursuits and an enthusiasm for Ancient Roman and Greek culture.

Hollis O’Connor

Marion F. and Norman Cohen Memorial Award

Marion Cohen worked as the Conard Guidance office secretary for over 15 years where her smiling face and willingness to go out of her way to help students and staff was greatly appreciated. She and her husband, Norman Cohen, placed great emphasis on the value of education. They valued the importance of achievement within the classroom and also in finding time to pursue passions, whether in music, community service or sports. Marion and Norman Cohen passed along these values to their own children. Mrs. Cohen also brought these values to her work where she was dedicated to helping Conard students pursue their educational goals. This scholarship, sponsored by the Cohen’s three children, honors their memory and goes to a senior who has demonstrated achievement in their academic and extracurricular pursuits in the areas of music, service to the community or athletics and who plans to continue to fulfill her/his educational goals after high school.

Saverio Palaia

Conard Excellence in French Award

Awarded by the Conard World Language Department, this is given to a senior who is devoted to promoting the study of French Language and culture on a worldwide basis.

Edlira Isufi

Conard High School Spirit Award

To a senior who demonstrates the core values, beliefs, and spirit of the Conard High School community. This award is made possible by donations from the Class of 1996, in memory of classmates Liam Snow, Brienne Francisco, Tera Jean Molchan and Sylvie Potashner.

George Andrews

Kenia Ferreira

John Zehr

Conard Retirees’ Award

To a senior who has shown the greatest academic and/or citizenship improvement.

Frank Nobou

Connecticut All-State Music Festival Representative

The Connecticut All-State Music Festival selects the top musicians in the state based on statewide auditions. These students are recognized for their participation in the festival.

Emma Kramer

Alison Pauluk

Margaret Slap

Samantha Kramer

Juliet Pia

Thomas Tarutin

Colin Savage

Connecticut High School Scholar/Athlete Award

To one female and one male senior who excel academically, are a varsity letter winner, and have demonstrated exemplary citizenship and leadership.

Cate Di Giacomo

Peter Simplicio

Connecticut Junior Science and Humanities Award

To a student honored as a participant in the Connecticut Junior Science and Humanities Symposium, preferably a student who has completed an independent research project.

Rushil Yerrabelli

Connecticut Scholars Award Semifinalist

To an academically outstanding high school junior, in recognition of being one of Connecticut’s top scholars.

Ethan Mathieu

Creative Process Award

To a senior who has done the most for the school community through their commitment and achievement in the visual arts.

Nancy Scanlon

Dartmouth Club Book Award

To an outstanding junior who displays leadership and academic excellence.

Jett Rosner

Daughters of the American Revolution Good Citizenship Award

To an outstanding senior who displays leadership, dependability, service and patriotism.

Kate Bell

Frederick A. DeLuca Foundation Award

The Foundation was established by Fred DeLuca, president of the Subway Restaurant Chain, to help schools and charitable organizations give others a chance to help themselves.This award goes to a senior, with academic achievement and involvement in extracurricular activities, who will be attending an accredited college or university, and who was employed while attending high school.

Aaliyah Norton

Department Supervisors’ Award

To a senior with high academic achievement across all disciplines.

Thanh Dao

Carolyn Eddy

Frederick Douglass and Susan B. Anthony Award in Humanities and Social Science

To a junior with outstanding achievement in the humanities and/or social sciences, a demonstrated commitment to understanding and addressing difficult social issues, leadership and a dedication to community action.

Alison Pauluk

Drama Department Acting PTO Award

To two seniors who have demonstrated talent and commitment on the stage in theatrical productions.

Ray Plocharcyzk

Charles Uthgenannt

Drama Department Technical Theatre PTO Award

To a senior who has demonstrated talent and commitment behind the scenes of theatrical productions.

Sebastian Krueger

Jonathan Morrey

Michael Dubay Memorial Award

Michael Dubay, a Conard Class of 1988 graduate, was Swim Team Captain, an active member of Student Council, and admired by peers and staff for his good nature and school spirit. This award, in his honor, goes to a male senior who is good-natured, a member of an athletic team, and who exhibits positive school spirit.

Samuel Louden

George Eastman Young Leaders Award

To a junior with strong leadership at school and in the community, high grades and challenging courses, and extensive involvement in extracurricular activities.

Avery Pollicita

Elmira College Key Award

To outstanding girls and boys in their junior year of high school, in recognition of their scholarship and school and community leadership.

James McPhee

Julia Racz

English Department Creative Writing Award

To a senior who demonstrates outstanding ability in creative writing as evidenced by school, state, and/or national recognition.

Ashanti Robinson

English Department PTO Award

To a senior who has shown excellence in performance.

Kate Bell

Ivy Nguyen

English as a Second Language PTO Award

To an outstanding student, based on all-around performance in English as a Second Language.

Ysadora Da Silva

Arcenego Vi

Khang Le

Excellence in American Sign Language

To an ASL student who demonstrates excellence in all elements of language learning and is a true role model in the classroom.

Khalil Gilbert-Freymond

Excellence in Chinese Language

To a Chinese language student who demonstrates excellence in all elements of language learning and is a true role model in the classroom.

Katherine O’Leary

Exchange Club Youth of the Year Award

To a senior who displays superior qualities of leadership, scholarship, athletic ability, industry and a demonstrated commitment of service to high school or community.

Zachary Cohen

Faculty Scholarship Award – “Dress Down for a Senior”

To a senior who has made significant improvements socially and/or academically during her/his time here at Conard and who is continuing her/his education at an accredited institution of higher learning.

Demarco Morgan

Malonee Garrett

Kira M. Fischer Memorial Arts Award

Kira M. Fischer (1981-2002, Conard Class of 1999) was a talented artist pursuing a career in filmmaking. She was also an excellent student and a person who had a profound influence on the people who knew her. This award, which her family hopes will continue that influence by enabling other artists to achieve their dreams, goes to a unique senior who has a passion for art, and plans to major in and pursue a career in visual art.

Abigail Rocktaschel

Furman Scholars

To a junior who immerses themselves in academics with a desire to know, to challenge, to connect and to contribute to the campus community.

Nina DeVries

Maura Fletcher

Barbara Leonard

The George Washington University Book Award

To a junior who embodies the GW drive and spirit, specifically with their academic excellence, leadership outside of the classroom, diversity of thought, and ability to put knowledge into action.

Mary Capone

Gettysburg College Book Award

To a junior who has achieved academically, has distinguished herself/himself in the study of American History, and who demonstrates a dedication to scholarship.

Eleanor Khan

Paul J. Haggerty Memorial Award

Paul Joseph Haggerty was born and raised in West Hartford. He was number seven out of a family of eight. As a young boy, Paul excelled in football, baseball and hockey. Paul graduated from Conard High School in 1987, where he played hockey and was a part of the 1986 State Championship team. Hockey remained an important part of Paul’s life as he went on to play Division I hockey at the United States Military Academy. His college hockey career culminated with Paul winning Army’s Most Valuable Player in 1991. After retiring from the Army, Paul began his coaching career as an assistant coach to John Dunham at Trinity College. He spent the last two years of his life as an assistant coach to Rob Riley at the United States Military Academy. Paul died suddenly and unexpectedly while training with the hockey team on April 13, 1998 at the age of 29. His family that he left behind included sons; Nick and Luke who were ages 3 and 1 at the time of their Dad’s death. Paul was an exemplary man who was admired by all for his integrity, strong work ethic, commitment, kindness and big heart. This award, given in his honor, goes to a senior who has embodied these qualities throughout their four years at Conard High School.

Brock Pizzoferrato

Jennifer R. Hamilton Graphics Arts Scholarship Award

Jennifer Hamilton, a member of the Conard Class of 2005, had hoped to pursue a graphic arts major in college. While at Conard, she participated in athletics, student government and community service activities. Jenny’s independent spirit and genuine attitude of caring, friendship, and loyalty has left a profound legacy within the Conard community. This award, established in her honor, goes to a senior planning to pursue a college education, with a demonstrated talent and interest in the field of graphic arts, who has made a positive contribution to the school and community.

Max Mega

Hartford Society of Women Engineers

To an outstanding junior boy and girl who has three years of excellent achievement in mathematics and science and who is involved in school and community.

Lillian Gallinoto

Ethan Mathieu

Harvard Book Award

To an outstanding junior who combines excellence in scholarship and high character with achievements in other fields.

Benjamin Covici

Roszena Haskins Spirit of Community Award

This award, established by the faculty and staff of Conard High School, is in grateful appreciation of the contributions made to the school and community by Roszena Haskins during her time at Conard. Admired and respected for her dedication to students and staff, Dr. Haskins was, and continues to be, an active advocate for students and their families with her involvement in a wide variety of community organizations. This award, in her honor, goes to a senior who has demonstrated outstanding commitment to philanthropy through community service and volunteerism and who has made a significant and positive difference in the school, community, and/or in the lives of others.

William Macdonald

Health Careers PTO Award

To an outstanding junior or senior in the Health Careers Program who has shown interest in pursuing a career in the healthcare field

Yazan AL Doumani

Anastasia Mozonski

Heart & Soul Award

Every so often, you meet a sensitive, caring and insightful person who can make you laugh even in your worst moments. For members of the Mathematics and Social Studies Departments here at Conard, Roy Caron, our 2nd Shift Custodian is just that person. Roy is the Heart & Soul of our school community, going above and beyond for all of us. He is the person who reminds us that in life, caring for one another is the most important thing someone can do. The recipient of this award is someone who demonstrates kindness toward others and contributes to the Conard community in a multitude of meaningful ways. The recipient of the Heart & Soul Award is a person who acts as the heart of a classroom, team, or organization; someone who embraces collaboration with anyone and truly appreciates the opportunity to be a part of the school community each and every day.

Darren Chen

Jennifer Hodges Memorial Scholarship

Jennifer Hodges, who graduated from Conard in 1977, was bright, highly motivated, and hard – working. Her positive energy was surpassed only by her ever present smile. A respected student-athlete, she captained both the cross country and track teams in her senior year. Passionate about her nursing career, she was among the very first to be selected as a member of the specially trained Hartford Life Star helicopter team where she served as a flight nurse. Tragically, in June of 1992, the Life Star helicopter crashed as it attempted to land at an accident scene. Jenny, the assistant chief flight nurse, was killed at age 32. This award, in her honor, goes to a senior who is planning to pursue a career in nursing.

Corinne Raphino

Mimi Hostetter European History Book Award

Mimi Hostetter started teaching Social Studies in West Hartford in the 1960s. She was an integral part of the Conard community for almost 30 years until she retired in 2009. In her capacity as a history teacher, advisor to the Student Council and Mock Trial Team, and a mentor for many students, Mimi’s enthusiasm for history and dedication to Conard students was evident. Mimi loved teaching Ancient History, particularly of Greece and Rome, and Modern European History. She often led students in independent studies and encouraged them to follow their intellectual passions. This award, in her honor, goes to a junior student of European History and/or the Classics who exhibits the traits that Mimi Hostetter values in her work and her life, which include a love of European History and/or the classics, intellectual curiosity, and substantial contributions to the Conard community. Nora Willson

Jerry’s Artarama Art Award

To art students who have shown a commitment to the fine arts.

Moufira Ogountola

Marika Weber

Lieutenant Colonel (retired) Harold “Hal” Kevorkian Award

LTC Hal Kevorkian, retired from the U.S. Army Military Police Corps after 25 years of service, worked as a security officer at Conard High School for 18 years. In 2012, he completed 50 years of work in public safety (firefighting, police work, and emergency medical services as an EMT). During his years at Conard, LTC Kevorkian was dedicated to the safety of students and staff and always had a welcoming word for anyone entering the doors of Conard. This award, in his honor, goes to a senior who plans to enter a branch of the military upon graduation or pursue a career in public safety, law enforcement or criminal justice, is good-natured, friendly and demonstrates a genuine concern for others.

Victor Ortiz

Kleinman/O’Toole Award

Harry Kleinman served as Chair of the West Hartford Democratic Town Committee for several years and was involved in local politics for over 40 years. He and his wife, Ruth, were very involved in many community activities. Moraith Marra-O’Toole was a former Democratic Town Committee Chairman and an activist for peace. Additionally, she served her community through her work as a nurse. She was a very giving person who often took people experiencing difficulties into her own home. This award, in their honor and sponsored by the West Hartford Democratic Town Committee, goes to a senior who has shown outstanding academic achievement and community service.

Caroline Kumpa

Ray Lachat Memorial Award

Ray Lachat was a popular mathematics teacher at Conard who always tried to bring out the best in his students. This award, in his honor, goes to a senior who demonstrates a strong desire to learn, has achieved academically to her/his capabilities, has post-secondary education goals that she/he intends to pursue in the next academic year, has a reputation for friendliness and hard work, and has demonstrated sensitivity for the rights and feelings of others.

Helen Nguyen

Chuck Landroche PTO Award

Chuck Landroche was the Principal at Conard from 1998-2007. Mr. Landroche was a strong advocate for all students, believing that each and every one could be successful. He was a role model for all in his demonstration of perseverance, dedication, and discipline. Mr. Landroche was also known for being a regular presence at school activities so that he could see students for more than their academic achievements. This award goes to a senior who has a reputation for the same kind of friendliness and hard work Mr. Landroche demonstrated on a daily basis, who has achieved academically to his/her capabilities, and has made a positive contribution to Conard and/or the community.

Gabriel Hernandez

Priscilla Lane Nursing Scholarship

Priscilla Denton Lane was an active member of the West Hartford community, where she and her husband Bruce raised their three children, who are all Conard graduates. Priscilla also worked as a school nurse for many years at West Hartford Public Schools: Conard, Whiting Lane, Braeburn, and Bugbee until her retirement. Students will remember her calm and reassuring presence in their school. She was an involved parent and an active community member and volunteer. Her example of love, dedication and compassionate care is her legacy. This award, in her honor, goes to Conard seniors who exemplify these qualities and who will pursue a career in nursing.

Sara Grady

Anastasia Mozonski

Lasell University Book Award

To a junior with demonstrated academic achievement and active participation in extracurricular activities.

Eileen Chen

Lucio Lefante Academic Scholarship

To one Conard senior who has demonstrated academic talent. This student must have extraordinary commitment to academic achievement and dedication to learning beyond the books, with a desire to expand learning beyond the classroom or traditional learning. Additionally, this student should be an encouraging leader to peers, willing to help others in the pursuit of academic success.

Natalie Chernysh

Lucio Lefante Athletic Scholarship

To one Conard senior who is an exemplary student athlete. This individual must consistently exhibit athletic and academic commitment. Such a player must show team-focus, unselfish playing, and superior character and sportsmanship. Above all else, this person must play without ego, as there was nothing that irked Lucio more than a player with more talk than action. ​​Athletic achievement does not mean the sacrifice of academics, and this person must embody the term “studentathlete.”

Cate Di Giacomo

Lucio Lefante Benevolence Scholarship

To recognize a Conard senior student for their extraordinary goodwill. This person has made doing well by others a priority, and consistently goes the extra mile for people around them. Such a person must demonstrate selflessness in their actions. Despite any challenges they may face, this student makes the best of any opportunity with a positive attitude and demonstrable effort.

Rachel Son

Peter Letizia Scholarship Essay Recipient

Pete Letizia was a United States History teacher at Sedgwick Middle School. His love of history and his desire to inspire his students to love history led him to design experiences that required students to think creatively about content and synthesize ideas from various moments in time. This scholarship is awarded to honor a student, in Mr. Letizia’s name, who demonstrates an ability to think creatively about history.

Brian Kenna

Librarians’ Appreciation Award

To a senior who has made a positive contribution to the library environment, has shown an interest in discovering and exploring information resources, and has demonstrated the kind of curiosity that turns students into lifelong learners.

John Dalton

Khalil Gilbert-Freymond

Elizabeth Giles

Officer Looby PTO Certificate

Officer John Looby, a Community Relations Officer for the West Hartford Police Department, was well-known and well-liked by students and staff in all the town’s schools as he presented programs to all ages on safety issues. This award, in his honor, goes to a student who exemplifies those qualities reflected and taught by Officer Looby which include being friendly, loyal, innovative, sensitive and caring.

Mollie Yezza

Peter Luke Humanitarian Award

Peter Luke was a graduate of the Conard Class of 1994. This award, in his honor, goes to a student who shows respect for fellow students and for diversity in human beings.

Jonathan Murphy

Gloria A. Maloney Scholarship Award

Gloria Maloney was a dedicated West Hartford Public School Nurse and Central Nurse for 19 years. Her seven children and 13 of her 21 grandchildren will graduate from Conard High, the last one in 2023. This award, which her children established in her honor on her 80th birthday, goes to a senior with a love of learning, who is caring and compassionate, especially with children, is a good friend to others, and who plans to pursue a career in the healthcare professions, with preference given to a career in nursing.

Sara Grady

Dr. David Manning Award

Dr. David Manning, during his tenure as teacher and administrator at Conard, brought to his profession integrity, good humor, a love of history, and devotion to the school community. This award, in his honor, goes to a senior who has had a positive influence on fellow students; works to her/his full academic potential; demonstrates a love of history; and exemplifies the best of Conard.

Sara Rodonis

Sam Martin Memorial Award

Sam Martin was a longtime English teacher at Conard who exemplified the highest degree of scholarship, learning, and compassion. This award, in his honor, goes to a senior who has shown the highest degree of scholarship and dedication to learning in her/his four years at Conard.

John Zehr

Mathematics Department PTO Award

To an outstanding senior who shows all-around performance in Mathematics.

Jenna Kopp

Daniel Monyak

LTC. Michael McMahon Memorial Award

LTC. Michael McMahon, Conard Class of 1981 and West Point Class of 1985, was a talented athlete, exemplary leader, devoted family man and involved community member. He possessed these qualities throughout his life including during his years at Conard. He was a career army officer and helicopter pilot who died in a plane crash in Afghanistan in 2004 while serving his country. This award, in his honor, goes to a senior who exemplifies the traits that LTC. McMahon valued in his life and work which include strong leadership and athletic abilities, strong character and a positive attitude, integrity, academic achievement, reputation for friendliness and compassion toward others, and active involvement in Conard and the community.

Cate Di Giacomo

Douglas J. Myers Scholarship Award

Douglas J. Myers, a member of Conard’s Class of 2002, taught those around him to cherish friendships, value life and what each of us may bring to this life. His resolve and courage in his battle with cancer, that ended his life at the completion of his junior year, was remarkable. This award, in his honor, goes to a senior who has demonstrated compassion toward others, a high caliber of citizenship through participation in either the Conard High community and/or the Town of West Hartford community, humility, a love of the outdoors and is a team player.

Sara Rodonis

National Center for Women & Information Technology Aspirations in Computing Award Connecticut Winner

To high school women who have demonstrated interest and achievements in computing, proven leadership ability, academic performance, and plans for postsecondary education.

Rebeccah Fleischmann

Abigail Tonkinson

National Center for Women & Information Technology Aspirations in Computing Award Connecticut Honorable Mention

To high school women for their demonstrated interest and achievements in computing, proven leadership ability, academic performance, and plans for postsecondary education.

Ethel Chen

Aaliyah Norton

Helen Nguyen

Katherine O’Leary

National Center for Women & Information Technology Aspirations in Computing Connecticut Certificate of Distinction

To high school women who are active and interested in computing and technology with technical skills and/or potential.

Mary Capone

Alexandra Hudson

National Hispanic Recognition Program 2020 Recipient

In order to qualify for this honor, a student must take the PSAT/NMSQT in October of junior year, be at least one-quarter Hispanic/Latino, achieve the minimum required score on the PSAT/NMSQT, and earn a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher by the middle of junior year.

Emily Kyle

The National Merit® Scholarship Programis an academic competition for recognition and scholarships. High school students enter the National Merit Program by taking the Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT®)and by meeting published program entry and participation requirements. The following students received recognition on the basis of their scores.

2020 National Merit Scholarship Program Commended Students

To students who took the PSAT/NMSQT in October of their junior year and are among the top 50,000 scorers of the test.

Leonid Belyaev

Maggie Heller

Samuel Louden

William Macdonald

Michael Majewski

Andrew Mazzatto

Daniel Monyak

Fallon Moore

Julian Peres

Huubang Quach

Colin Savage

Eli Wizevich

2020 National Merit Scholarship Program Finalists

To students who took the PSAT/NMSQT in October of their junior year and are among the top 15,000 scorers of the test.

Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

Jenna Kopp

John Zehr

Oberlin College Book Award for Achievement in the Arts

To one exceptional junior who has shown a commitment to the arts.

Grace O’Rourke

Orchestra PTO Award

To a student who demonstrates strong leadership skills, dedication to music making, and is a positive presence in and out of the classroom.

Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

Matthew Hill

Outstanding High School Accounting Student Award

To an outstanding accounting student with a sincere interest in a future career in accounting.

Miriam Lopez Cruz

Abriana Teodoro

Overall Academic Improvement PTO Award

To an outstanding student, based on all-around performance, who has overcome difficulties or obstacles.

Ashanti Robinson

David Virgo

Carl P. Palazzotto P.M.A. Scholarship Award

Carl Palazzotto taught for 23 years and coached cross-country and track for 14 years in the West Hartford Public Schools. He was renowned for his “P.M.A.” (Positive Mental Attitude) philosophy in directing his athletes. This award, in his honor, goes to a senior student-athlete who consistently exhibits a positive mental attitude and demonstrates the ability to inspire “P.M.A.” in other students, has a track record of athletic and academic success and best exemplifies the qualities that “Coach P” demonstrated in his daily life. Preference may be given to students who participate in cross-country and/or track.

Mary Policelli

Mary Ann Papa Award

Mary Ann Papa began work in the West Hartford Public Schools in 1965 as a mathematics teacher and continued until 2000 when she retired from Conard as Mathematics Department Supervisor and BC Calculus teacher. Her legacy is one of dedication to students and staff, enthusiasm for learning, and commitment to excellence. This award, in her honor, goes to a senior with a GPA of 3.5 or higher, who excels in math but also displays interest in other disciplines; exhibits a genuine interest in learning; displays a sincere concern for peers; and contributes to the classroom environment through good citizenship.

Natalie Chernysh

Helen Nguyen

Abigail Tonkinson

Brayden Pharrell Award

Brayden Pharrell is the son of a Conard graduate, Class of 1985. This award goes to an outstanding African American college-bound senior who has been a true “model citizen” in and out of the classroom, who works to her/his potential academically and demonstrates cultural sensitivity and awareness, promoting African American pride while remaining committed to the ideal of a diverse yet unified Conard student body.

Silas Bridges

Physical Education Department PTO Award

To two outstanding seniors based on their great effort and achievement in physical education, and for their many contributions that make such a positive difference to all those around them.

Abel Antony

Katherine O’Leary

Princeton Association of Central Connecticut Award

To a junior with high honor roll standing and a commitment to learning beyond class requirements, good character, community service outside of school, and an outstanding contribution to some school extra-curricular activity.

Toluwanimi Adetola

Principal’s Scholar Award

To a junior with high academic achievement in a challenging program of studies, with significant extracurricular involvement, who is deserving of recognition.

Marlena Bailey

Isabella Balta

Aaron Borla

Lucy Buccilli

Erika Cangro

Courtney Chamberland

Julia Kiernan

Emma Kramer

Chandni Krishnaprasad

Maxwell Langweil

Margaret Leonard

Madeleine Levesque

Owen McGoldrick

Diana McGovern

Maggie Mieczkowski

Zoe Morrow

Mason Murphy

Chloe Nollet

Connor Olechna

Angela Pham

Juliet Pia

Romy Reichenberger

Chloe Scrimgeour

Allison Shane

Catherine Thiery

Principal’s Scholar Award

To a senior with high academic achievement in a challenging program of studies, with significant extracurricular involvement, who is deserving of recognition.

Matthew Adam

Leonid Belyaev

Emily Delaney

Ella DiPippo

Sean Dombrofski

Falyne Driver

Jillian Gallagher

Elizabeth Geisler

Kaitlyn Gilson

Jonathan Ho

Madison Hoang

Ashleigh Kobialka

Allyson McKenna

Vina Nguyen

Veronica Niedmann

Kayla Oriola

Joshua Pechenuk

Julian Peres

Emma Pinckney

Zoe Pizzoferrato

Huubang Quach

Alexandra Scheib

Madeleine Schott

Rajvir Singh

Spencer Wimpe

Anna Wood

Emma Wright

Randolph College Book Award

To a junior who is academically strong and possesses leadership potential.

Alexa Wells

Rensselaer Medal

To a junior in the top 10% of the class who excels in advanced math and science courses, demonstrates potential for success in a challenging academic setting and is involved in extracurricular activities.

Ryan Lafferty Rochester Institute of Technology Computing Medal

To a male and female junior, in the top 10 % of the class, who have demonstrated leadership in school and/or community activities and an interest and ability in the field of computing.

Charles Krajc

Catherine Nguyen

Rochester Institute of Technology Innovation and Creativity Award

To a male and female junior, in the top 10% of the class, who are involved students in their school and/or community and have demonstrated outstanding achievement in innovation, creativity or entrepreneurship.

Jayanth Karuturi

Stephanie Reuning-Scherer

Rotary Club Award

To a senior who best demonstrates the Rotary ideal of “Service Above Self” – to the school, to the community, and to the world.

Britney Salas

Saint Anselm College Book Award

To a junior who has demonstrated academic success and exceptional leadership qualities in the area of civic engagement, possesses strong character and plans on continued education. Nina Kluskiewicz

Saint Michael’s College Book Award

To a female and a male junior who are inductees of the National Honor Society (or equivalent honors organization) and who have demonstrated a sustained and sincere commitment to community service activities through school or community organizations.

Ceszar Santos

Emma Sibson

Frank and Emiline Scheehl Memorial Scholarship

To a senior with demonstrated academic achievement and citizenship.

Natalie Chernysh

Sean Guevara

Faizah Kiran

Ivy Nguyen

Marcel Vicente

Science Department PTO Award

To an outstanding senior who shows all-around performance in Science.

Benjamin Arky

Madison Lopol

Secretary of the State’s Citizenship Award

To a senior based on academics, community involvement, leadership, and personal achievements.

Justin Goldstein

Maggie Heller

Lindsay Moynihan

Adam Smith Book Award

To an AP Economics student who passionately delves into the many facets of economics while performing at a very high level in the course.

Eli Wizevich

Smith College Club Book Award

To an outstanding junior girl on the basis of academic achievement, leadership qualities, and concern for others.

Christina Coburn

Social Studies Citizenship Service Award

To a senior who exemplifies the ideal of public service to the local community, through volunteer activities.

Devan Barnum

Social Studies Department PTO Award

To an outstanding student who shows all-around performance in Social Studies.

Abigail Rocktaschel

Abigail Tonkinson

Spanish Speakers’ Award

To a junior or senior whose first language is Spanish and who serves as a role model for other students in Spanish class by demonstrating a strong work ethic, high personal expectations and high academic achievement.

Juan Pablo Yepes

Spanish Teachers’ Award

To a junior or senior, for whom Spanish is not her/his first language, who has shown an extraordinary interest in and enthusiasm for learning Spanish; has achieved strong language skills, particularly speaking; and who has also shown a genuine interest in Spanish culture by making it a part of her/his everyday life.

Charles Uthgenannt

Springfield College Book Award

To a junior who has demonstrated an exemplary record of service to the school and community- at-large.

Kayla Yousman

St. Lawrence University Book Award

In recognition of the value that the St. Lawrence community places on service to others, the St. Lawrence Book Award honors high school juniors who have distinguished themselves in their communities by their significant commitment to community service.

Amanda Sagers

Student Recognition Award

To a student who has maintained a positive attitude, achieved academically to her/his best capability, and demonstrated involvement in school and community activities.

Nathan Maloy

Studio Art PTO Award

To an outstanding student based on all-around performance in studio art.

Sophia Concepcion

Alexander Vietzke

Technology & Engineering Department PTO Award

To an outstanding senior student in Technology Education.

Dylan Richards

Trinity Club of Hartford Book Award

To an outstanding junior for scholastic standing and service to the school.

Arianna Roach

United States Naval Academy Appointment

Applicants to the USNA undergo a rigorous application process and are selected based on excellence in academics, athletics and in leadership roles. Accepted students commit to attending college in a military training environment and to a four year commitment to active duty as an officer in the United States Navy.

Julian Flores

University of Pennsylvania Book Award

To a junior who best exemplifies the characteristics of scholar, innovator, and community servant.

Madeline Jakubowski

University of Virginia Jefferson Book Award

To a junior who best represents the Jeffersonian ideals of scholarship, leadership and citizenship.

Luke Yanosy

Harold & Phyllis Van Horn Foundation Scholarship

Harold and Phyllis Van Horn lived in the West Hartford community for over 50 years. Harold was a structural steel worker and Phyllis was a sales clerk at a gift shop. The couple did not have any children of their own and they lived a modest lifestyle. Phyllis Van Horn created the Harold & Phyllis Van Horn Foundation to fund college scholarships for West Hartford residents. This is awarded to an outstanding senior ranked in the top 20% of the class who clearly demonstrates leadership in academics and community involvement. Natalie Chernysh

Vassar College Book Award

to an outstanding junior who demonstrates intellectual honesty, curiosity and excellence in scholarship.

Halle Weissmann

John P. Webster Library Alternative High School Book Award

To a junior or senior at REACH who has grown positively both academically and personally.

Hailie Velez

Wellesley College Book Award

To an outstanding junior girl who has demonstrated intellectual curiosity and excellence in scholarship.

Jamie Sterling

Wells College 21st Century Leadership Award

To two students who are top academic performers and have the passion and integrity needed to become successful leaders.

Eloise MacKinnon

Vivian Nguyen

Wesleyan University Book Award

To a junior who excels at a rigorous course of study that includes courses at the most advanced level, demonstrates independent thought and creative thinking and shows extracurricular and/or community involvement, leadership, or commitment to the arts.

Tyler Remigino

West Hartford Retired Educators Association (WHREA) “Reach to Teach” Award

To a senior planning to pursue a career in teaching, beginning at a community college or university in Connecticut. This student has demonstrated the need for scholarship, a strong commitment to learning, good citizenship within Conard’s student body, a willingness to serve their community outside of school, and a desire to expand their own personal interests and strengths.

Kenia Ferreira

Dr. Tracey Wilson Peace and Justice Award

to a senior who has made significant contributions to building understanding among different peoples, and who has furthered the cause of social justice.

Eshe Griffith

Women in Science & Engineering Scholarship

To a female members of the senior class who is dedicated to pursuing a major in the Sciences or Engineering at a four year college or university, and has demonstrated strong academic achievement throughout her four years at Conard

Hannah Mack

Ashleigh Delia Woodfield Memorial Scholarship Award

Ashleigh Delia Woodfield, Class of 2005, was always trying to make a difference no matter how small or great. As a junior, she was recognized on the national level for her outstanding personal, school and community achievements and, on the regional level for her boundless compassion and education of others. Her natural generosity, spontaneous energy and ability to articulate her heart’s desire made her an exceptional human being. This award, in her honor, goes to a junior who best emulates her passion and actively demonstrates a genuine concern and compassion for others.

Katrina Genca

Lindy Quach

Woodfield Family Choral Award

Cross (Conard class of ‘02), Ashleigh (‘05) and Kolby (‘09) all had the privilege of participating in Conard’s choirs and honors program. Their family believes it is this participation that complemented their efforts in the classroom and most benefitted them in their extracurricular activities. Their commitment to all aspects of singing and performing provided much joy and ultimately gave them confidence to succeed in other endeavors. It is with gratitude that their parents present this award to a choral student who has shown exceptional devotion and a tireless work ethic to Conard’s choral program.

Giovanna Braga

Charles Uthgenannt

Worcester Polytechnic Institute STEM Leadership Book Award

To a female member of the junior class who demonstrates exceptional academic achievement in the fields of science, technology, engineering or mathematics.

Tejal Nair

World Language Department PTO Award

To an outstanding senior student in World Language.

Xavier Blackwell-Lipkind

Saige Rovero

Xerox Award for Innovation and Information Technology

To a junior with a high level of achievement and a strong interest in innovation and/or information technology.

Matthew Hook

Yale Club Book Award

To a junior, who has achieved academically and has demonstrated qualities of leadership, effective teamwork and organizational abilities through participation in extracurricular activities in school or the community.

Rebeccah Fleischmann

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