Dancers of All Ages Can Dance with SBTC

Published On: January 22, 2024Categories: Arts, Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Adult ballet with instructor Anna Laghezza. Courtesy of Ballet Theatre Company

West Hartford-based Ballet Theatre Company is offering classes for adults.


The School of Ballet Theatre Company (SBTC) is pleased to announce classes for adults in the new year.

Moving into the new year, SBTC encourages people to get moving and stay active. Adult ballet is a great workout for the whole body. Ballet is a weight-bearing form of exercise which strengthens muscles, promotes healthy bones, and increases coordination. It uses the full range of muscles which improves cognitive functions. It is great for posture and balance too!

We offer a five class pass for those who are not sure they can commit for a full year. This pass is $100. You are also welcome to enroll for the year which costs $302.50 after it is prorated. You may enroll and register through our online portal.

No ballet background is required! The dress code for this class is relaxed: We just ask that you make sure to wear something that you can dance in and feel confident in. We do require ballet flat shoes for this class.

We are thrilled to have Anna Laghezza, a scholarship recipient at the School of American Ballet and former dancer with Miami City Ballet, as the teacher for this class. Adult Ballet is offered once a week; Tuesday from 8-9pm.

To learn more about SBTC’s faculty visit

SBTC’s 2023-2024 Academic Year commenced on September 6th, however, SBTC is still accepting new students for its program. We welcome interested dancers to register and enroll through our portal at—new-and-returning.

For any additional questions, please contact School Administrator, Liza van Heerden at [email protected].

The School of Ballet Theatre Company is part of Ballet Theatre Company is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. The school is supported in part by Ron and Nancy Compton, The State of Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development/Office of the Arts, Connecticut Humanities, The Maximilian E. and Marion O. Hoffman Foundation, The Ellen Jeanne Goldfarb Memorial Charitable Trust, Beam & Barre, Laurel Graphic Design, Cricket Press, and

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