Elmwood Senior Center Has Full Calendar of Activities

Published On: November 14, 2014Categories: Happenings, Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

There are plenty of upcoming activities to interest seniors at the Elmwood Senior Center in West Hartford.

Submitted by Liz Forrest, Elmwood Senior Center

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West Hartford seniors should have no problem keeping busy, with a full calendar of activities available over the next several months. Here is a sample, and feel free to call the senior center at 860-561-8180 or click here for more information.

Voices of the Homeless – Monday, Nov. 17, 3:30 p.m.  Hall High school students, under the direction of their Global Problem Solving (“GPS”) Teacher, Elizabeth Devine, recently debuted their film “Voices of the Homeless, which was created to give a voice to the homeless. The GPS class serves as an “exit course” that allows seniors to apply skills that they’ve learned, collaborate with others, and complete a project using a multitude of skills. The students, many of whom have now graduated, focused their studies on shelter as a basic necessity for humans and created the film which will be presented by their teacher. The project aims to enlighten the local community about “some amazing individuals through a raw and emotional documentary.” A collection box will be on site for toiletry and personal care items, flip-flops, towels and washcloths for the Immaculate Conception Shelter in Hartford. Every donation will help and will be appreciated.  The presentation will be followed by a light dinner of soup, salad, bread, cake and coffee.  Registration is required by Friday, Nov. 14. Fee: $3 Member; $5 NM. Co-sponsor:  West Hartford Health & Rehabilitation Center.

Light Fantasia, Hartford’s Goodwin Park, Wednesday, Dec. 3, 3:30 – 6:30 p.m. (Est). This annual park-wide celebration captures the true spirit of the season. The 2-mile drive through Goodwin Park in Hartford is a festive show that offers an enchanting evening of fun for everyone, while providing a much needed break from the hectic holiday season. You will see whimsical holiday sights, familiar characters, local tributes, and new this year, a Candy Cane Café in the Goodwin Park Clubhouse, featuring a visit from Santa Claus. Before viewing this magical drive-through display, you will have an early dinner at First and Last Restaurant in Hartford. Upon arrival, you will be able to order off the menu and each person will receive an individual check. Trip participants who choose to attend the Hall High Holiday Concert at ESC beforehand, from 2 – 3 p.m.get to attend the concert for free. Cost: $15 Member; $18R; $19NR.  Trip Leader: Nancy Kunak departs from Elmwood Senior Center.

Cheese Making I Class – Thursday, Nov. 209:30 – 11:30 a.m. You won’t believe how easy it is to make your own soft cheeses. In this section, we’ll make a lemon-herb cheese spread, a camembert-style and mozzarella! You can make these fresh soft cheeses at home! All supplies will be provided.  Instructor: Rosemary Aldridge. (Class limit 10)   Cost:  $30/Member; $35/Non-member; $37/Non-resident.  Register at Elmwood Senior Center:  (860) 561-8180.

Wreath Making Workshop – Thursday, Dec. 11, 2014, 9:30 – 11:30 a.m.  Brighten your Holidays with a personally-made wreath for you home with Jane Gottier at Westmoor Park. We will walk through the grounds at the park to gather extra greens for your special wreath. Class Limit 20. Fee: $6M; $8R; $10NR. $20 material fee in addition to class price.  Register by Dec. 4 with Elmwood Senior Center:  (860) 561-8180.

Movies & Munchies – Fridays, 1-3 p.m. at Elmwood Senior Center.  Admission is FREE, and popcorn is served.


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