Emanuel Synagogue Welcomes Entire Community for Upcoming High Holidays

Published On: September 1, 2015Categories: Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Moshe Pinchover, Ritual Director of The Emanuel Synagogue, West Hartford, sends the deep, rich sounds of the shofar (ram’s horn) reverberating through the Emanuel Synagogue on the High Holy Days. Submitted photo


Membership in the synagogue is not required to attend services at the West Hartford synagogue.

Submitted by Francene Turken Weingast, Emanuel Synagogue

Moshe Pinchover, Ritual Director of The Emanuel Synagogue, West Hartford, sends the deep, rich sounds of the shofar (ram’s horn) reverberating through the Emanuel Synagogue on the High Holy Days. Submitted photo

Moshe Pinchover, Ritual Director of The Emanuel Synagogue, West Hartford, sends the deep, rich sounds of the shofar (ram’s horn) reverberating through the Emanuel Synagogue on the High Holy Days. Submitted photo

The Emanuel Synagogue of West Hartford once again welcomes family, friends, and unaffiliated guests to our High Holy Day services.

Please join us for Rosh Hashanah on Sept. 13-15, 2015 and/or Yom Kippur on Sept. 22-23.

Members receive tickets in the mail. Guests can obtain tickets by calling the synagogue office at (860) 236-1275. Better still, stop by the synagogue office at 160 Mohegan Drive, West Hartford to say hello and reserve tickets.

Tickets are free to all; just make a donation of your choice to the synagogue. If you decide to become a member later this year, we will apply your donation toward membership dues.

The deadline for requesting tickets is Sept. 9, 2015. To ensure security, we require you to show tickets to enter the building on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. We make an exception for children, students, and those currently serving in the Armed Services.

The Emanuel strives to accommodate diverse spiritual needs. From the majestic High Holy Day services in the main sanctuary, to the simpler, “Ohel” or “Tent” service with no chorus and no organ accompaniment in the chapel, to four services for children and their families, to a teen-led service for teens, we are committed to all who come.

Our High Holy Day ticket policy is just another example of how we welcome one and all. Every Friday night and Saturday morning, we encourage the entire Jewish community to share in our warm, inclusive Shabbat services. After Saturday morning services, we hope you will sit down with us for a delicious kiddush lunch. On weekdays, we have morning and evening minyan. Please come see what we are so excited to share! For more information, visit our website at www.emanuelsynagogue.org or call 860-236-1275.

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