‘Financial Freedom’ Workshop Will Assist Young Professionals

Published On: February 15, 2019Categories: Business, Happenings, Lifestyle

FLOW – the Future Leaders of West Hartford – is sponsoring a ‘Financial Freedom’ Workshop on Feb. 21.

By Ronni Newton

Many young professionals acquire a “deer in the headlights” look when asked about their personal budgets, and how they are planning for the future, but through its educational programming FLOW hopes to help dispel some of the mystery and trepidation by offering a “Financial Freedom” Workshop.

“We’ve seen a demand for young professionals looking to plan for their future while also dealing with student loan debt and other financial obligations,” said Aaron Bohigian, a vice president at Webster Bank and vice president and co-chair of FLOW’s programming committee.  FLOW – Future Leaders of West Hartford – is the young professionals division of the West Hartford Chamber of Commerce.

The Financial Freedom Workshop has been scheduled for Feb. 21, from 5:30-6:30 p.m. at BlumShapiro, 29 South Main St., West Hartford. The targeted audience is any young professional (roughly ages 21-40) looking to plan for the future, Bohigian said.

Young professionals may be earning good salaries, but at the same time saddled with student loan debt. They may be focused on the future – saving up to get married, buy a new car, buy a first home – but unsure of how to achieve those goals.

Bohigian will lead a discussion about building a balanced budget and a personal balance sheet, and Chris Lundberg from Wells Fargo Advisors will speak about how to plan for a secure financial future while still having fun.

“It’s an important conversation to have,” Bohigian said.

Those attending the workshop will be provided with information about available tools that they can use to calculate personal net worth, and budget for the future. There will be ample time for questions, said Bohigian.

And after the hour-long forum, participants will attend a happy hour at a local West Hartford restaurant.

The Financial Freedom Workshop is free to FLOW members, and $10 for all others. Click here to register, and email [email protected] with any questions.

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