FOUND: the Fountain of Youth!

Published On: March 9, 2014Categories: Health

And it’s probably in your refrigerator right now!
by Tammy Kroll

For centuries, people have been searching for that elusive fountain of youth – that one solution, serum, supplement, or powerful potion that will keep them vital forever!  While there are many wonderful products on the market that do help keep our skin glowing, hair glossy and teeth glistening white – three major signs of youth – the most basic and critical components for looking and feeling full of life may be in your home already!

Check the fridge! The food we eat each day can either fuel and enhance our look or can seriously inhibit it.  We are the ‘gate keepers’, so to speak, and are in full control of what we let in and keep out. Keeping our skin glowing and our body healthy, right down to our cells, requires daily doses of certain vitamins, antioxidants and minerals found in our diet.

Minimize aging damage by eating vegetables, such as carrots, squash, mangos and cantaloupe, all high in vitamin A, grapefruit, oranges, pineapple and strawberries (strawberries naturally whiten teeth, as well!) high in vitamin C, and mustard greens and spinach, loaded with vitamin E, known for its skin repairing properties.  Check the pantry for nuts, such as almonds, also a great source of vitamin E.

Foods containing B complex vitamins (B-12, niacin, biotin, and riboflavin) have properties for reducing itching and inflammation, while healing and repairing skin.  They are found in mushrooms, wheat germ, eggs and avocados, which also have healthy essential oils good for skin and body.

Chocolate anyone?  As well as being an anti-oxidant, cocoa is an excellent source of copper and zinc which are key minerals for keeping us young by building elastin in our skin. If you must have chocolate, just an ounce a day of at least 70% Cacao chocolate can be beneficial.  Potatoes, especially the skins, are also an excellent source of copper, as are oysters, which contain a significant amount of zinc.  Zinc helps fight acne by controlling sebum production in the skin to prevent clogging of pores and has the added benefit of boosting your immune system too. Try a handful of pumpkin seeds, which are loaded with zinc. Sprinkle them in salads, soups, oatmeal and yogurt!

With warm weather and outdoor cooking upon us, now’s a good time to start consuming more oily fish, such as salmon, which contain omega 3 fatty acids, for hydrating skin and even reducing acne by diluting and regulating sebum production.  Omega 3’s can lower risk of heart disease and increase cognitive brain function. Other foods rich in omega 3’s include flaxseed, olive oil and walnuts.  An added benefit of these foods is that they can also help with mood swings and depression…and a smiling face is a more youthful looking face!

Not only is what we eat important to our health, energy level and youthful appearance, but what we don’t eat is equally important!  Avoid the obvious high fat, high sugar/corn syrupy foods.  Consider cutting back on dairy and red meat.  Dairy, while good for strong teeth and bones, can make our systems more acidic, leading to skin, hair and health issues.  Make your dairy choices count – for example, eat more Greek yogurt with high protein and digestion friendly enzymes.  Red meat is another acid producing culprit in our systems.  Adopt the Japanese cultural way of eating, whereby meat is more of an accent flavoring or condiment in meals, while vegetables are the main focus.  Look for hormone free/antibiotic free/pesticide free meats, dairy and eggs.

Minimum processing of food is important, as well. Purchase fresh or frozen veggies. In all your food choices, consider eating organic as much as possible. Switch over a few foods at a time. Could be a bit pricier but can you really put a price on your health?  Be mindful of where your fish comes from and avoid farmed fish, which can contain unwanted additives and dyes.

And watch what you drink. Cut back on acid producing drinks (soda, coffee and alcohol), replacing them with green teas and fresh juices. A glass of red wine now and then is known to have some health benefits, as it contains healthy anti-oxidants.  And don’t forget the best natural spring of youth – water!  Eight glasses a day is recommended.  Drink plenty of water to dilute and remove toxins from your body and hydrate your skin.

By adding more nutrient rich foods and ridding yourself of toxins, you will notice a healthier, more vibrant complexion, glossy hair and a brighter smile, as well as feeling younger and more energetic! You will have discovered that fountain of youth! Eat well and spread the good news!

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