Free ‘Eyes on Wellness’ Workshops in West Hartford

Published On: July 18, 2019Categories: Health, Lifestyle

Dr. Stephanie Brown, optometrist, will discuss how visual health is affected by diet and lifestyle choices at two upcoming workshops.


Optometrist Dr. Stephanie Brown will conduct “Eyes on Wellness” workshops in West Hartford. Submitted photo

Somewhere along the way we’ve grown to almost plan on our vision deteriorating needing as we age.

That may not necessarily be the case – and to address eye health at the nutritional level, Optometrist Stephanie Brown will lead a discussion about nutrition and eye health at two separate workshops in West Hartford this summer.

Hear her free presentation on Saturday, July 20, from noon to 1:30 p.m. at the office of Dr. Allie Mendelson, DC, owner of Essential Health, 74 Park Rd., and Thursday, August 22, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at b kind, 1000 Farmington Ave. Dr. Brown will touch on antioxidants, why you should care about them, and how to get more in your body.

The seminar title is “Eyes on Wellness” and will answer your wonderings such as: is your body absorbing the nutrients it needs from the foods you eat? Here’s an opportunity to learn more about the process and how to safeguard your visual health.

“I’m constantly reminding patients to get off of sugar for their health,” commented Mendelson who will be hosting the first ever Eyes on Wellness workshop in the area. “Reducing, or better yet, eliminating sugar from your diet will have a direct and positive impact on your overall health.”

At the workshops, Brown will illustrate the importance of being sure your body is not only getting the proper nutrition for optimal eye health, but that the nutrients are actually bio-available and that the body is absorbing the nutrients from the foods and supplements. 

Brown dedicates her practice to empowering patients and has new technology that can measure the level of antioxidants in your bloodstream without a needle. It is the ultimate nutrition lie detector test! For a fee, workshop attendees will have the opportunity to have the doctor conduct a scan and read the results on the spot to determine if additional supplements are recommended. 

Dr. Brown is an optometrist with Westfarms Eye Associates, P.C.

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