Hall Graduates ‘Inspiring’ Class of 2019
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Hall students flip their tassels as they become graduates. Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto
Hall’s commencement featured speeches from West Hartford Public Schools Superintendent Tom Moore and Board of Education representative Deb Polun, as well as student speaker Emma Hines and faculty speaker Scott Ferguson.

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto
By Dexter McCann. Photos by Hunter Marotto
Inclement weather couldn’t dampen the mood at Hall’s graduation Thursday night, as more than 300 members of the Class of 2019 joyously celebrated commencement inside the school gymnasium.
The speakers described the class as an inspiration to generations old and new alike, a group of change-makers and door-openers who had the opportunity to leave their mark on community, country, and world alike.
After school president Will Hutensky opened proceedings with the Pledge of Allegiance, Hall High’s concert band performed a touching rendition of the National Anthem. Following was Principal Dan Zittoun, who offered some brief but thoughtful words to the graduates.
Zittoun spoke of the diversity in the class, in background, experiences, and in ideas. But, despite that diversity, Zittoun saw the graduates as one cohesive group, linked by their background as Hall students.
“Regardless of your outlook on graduation, the one common thread I hope each and every one of you leaves Hall with, is that your goal is one that you create,” Zittoun said.
Elaborating on that statement, Zittoun warned of the dangers of measuring accomplishments and failures against peers, as that would only lead to failure. “In the end what matters isn’t how we rank amongst others, the goal therefore isn’t to be the best, but to do your best,” Zittoun told the graduates.
Superintendent Tom Moore was the next to speak, and he juxtaposed the pain and grief of Sept. 11, 2001, which occurred around the time period during which many members of the class of ’19 were born, with the hope, joy, and inspiration the graduates have brought into the world.
Moore spoke of the class as a harbinger of happiness, and asked only for the class to continue to bring sunshine to the world.
“As you go forward today, to every room you walk into, whatever life brings forward, remember your role isn’t to bring people down, your role for the moment you were born was to lift people up, and that’s what you’ve done.
“Remember going forward, bring that sunshine, bring that hope, bring that joy,” Moore added.
Board of Education remember Deb Polun began by thanking the Class of ‘19 for their enthusiasm and efforts in making the world a better place, noting that “this generation is not content to let the world keep spinning, you are a generation that wants to control the way it spins.
“Thank you for making those connections, and for using your time to change our world,” Polun added.
She then proceeded to offer three points of advice to the graduates as they moved on to another chapter in their lives. The first was to continue to stay involved in the community, as doing so helps a person find their niche. The second was to find a mentor, and to be a mentor.
Finally, and perhaps most important of all, Polun urged the graduates to find three things that make them happy, each and every day.
“Be happy, but don’t be content. Continue to try and make the world a better place,” Polun concluded.
Emma Hines was the night’s student speaker, and she took an interesting approach, choosing to frame her speech as a letter to her ninth grade self.
“It’s nothing like I expected it to be,” remarked Hines to a laughing audience.
Hines told the audience that her high school experience had not been the one she dreamed of as a freshman, but that it was rewarding in ways she had not previously imagined.
Speaking to her younger self, Hines said “At Hall we found our passions. We ended up discovering the thing that makes us feel alive, the thing that makes us tick.”
“Best of all, we found ourselves … this was a crazy, unforgettable, part of your life,” she continued.
In a final goodbye to her classmates, Hines assured the graduates that Hall had prepared them to accomplish whatever they set out to do. She urged them to bring the idealism and excitement of their younger selves to wherever they may be.
The night’s final speaker was faculty member Scott Ferguson, who offered some humorous words of advice to the class regarding the images they project of themselves to the world.
To explain, Ferguson spoke of his experience as a father of a newborn, and his fear that he would find some way to let down his child. Rather than express those fears, Ferguson would simply respond “Awesome!” when asked about how he was feeling about being a father.
He had imagined developing a completely new perspective on life following the birth of his child, but when that didn’t happen, he grew worried about his capability as a dad.
Ferguson compared those fears to those the graduates might be experiencing regarding their own lives, and described how the social media age has exacerbated the problem of projecting false or fragmented images to others. Those images, he argued, only serve to create self-doubt and worry, the same kind of doubt he experienced as a new father.
“The more we see these images, the more we bow down before them. Ultimately, we can forget who we really are.”
However, Ferguson said, “We can tell the whole truth, and we can tell that truth here at Hall.”
He jokingly described an honest Christmas card he would send out this holiday season, one that would include photos of his children gazing at screens at the dinner table, tactical blunders made as a soccer coach, and even of mundane moments, like driving his children across town. He urged the graduates to be as honest in the projection of themselves.
“If you don’t magically transform the moment you move that tassell to the other side, don’t pretend that you did,” Ferguson added.
By stopping the projection of partial truths, “you won’t have to pretend the world is amazing, you will just know it.”
Following those wise words, the class of ‘19 finally got to collect their diplomas. Once that process was complete, the graduates flipped their tassels, tossed their caps in the air, and many lit a cigar in celebration of both the end of their high school experience as well as the beginning of a new chapter in their lives.
A complete list of graduates follows the photographs below.
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Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Faculty speaker Scott Ferguson. Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Student speaker Emma Hines. Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Board of Education member Deb Polun. Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Superintendent Tom Moore. Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Principal Dan Zittoun. Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto

Hall High School graduation. June 13, 2019. Photo credit: Hunter Marotto
Hall Class of 2019
John Michael Abreu
Stefano Farid Acosta Changanaqui
Ean McLaren Adams
Diyorakhon Akbarkhujaeva
Muhammad Magdi Ali
Layan Alnajjar
Caroline Jenny Alzamora
Alexandra Erica Ambroise
Delnaz Amroliwalla
Miller Dayton Anderson
John Abraham Antony
Adrianna Rauchle Anziano
Ryan Jeffrey Arnold
Nicole Odaliz Arroyo
Colleen Mary Aspell
Luke Antonio Aubin
Matthew Burton Azia
Liat Bachar
Gavin James Baker
Lauren Elizabeth Barlow
Brenda Klain Barreto
Valerie Marie Barrieau
Samantha Bliss Barrows
Nita Basnet
Allison N. Bazzano
Quinn Christopher Beal
Palakjot Kaur Bedi
Gabrielle Rose Bellizzi
Claire Marie Bellucci
Brett Berman
Sydney Rose Berman
Mariana Betancourt
Maren Morgan Beverly
Amman Mazhar Bhatti
Ahna Rebecca Bielik
Millicent Helen Block
Austin Kent Blodgett
Anna Irene Bobruff
Sophia Elizabeth Bolio
Luca Menegaz Bonilha
Maya Madison Borden
Emma Nicole Boulter
Olivia Martine Bowes
Maxwell Boyd
Siobhan Catherine Boyle
Lily Dionna Braidich
Andrew Kodai Bristow
John Carson Brockway
Ellis R Brown
Sunsiray Lyte Brown
Nathaniel Luis Bukowy
Alexa Victoria Bush
Hannah Violet Callison
Delaney Alysa Campbell
Desiree Enid Cancel
Alana Marie Cedeno
Edith Chan
Jason Chan
David William Chen
Vincent QiWei Chen
Vivian Vanessa Chow
Sophie Claire Christensen
Abigail Brooke Cieplinski
Andrew Harrison Cohen
Abdur Rahman Exel Colon
Kassandra Storm Colón
Max MacDonald Congdon
Victoria Grace Conlon
Cole David Connelly
Benjamin William Connole
Anastazia Natasha Copeland
Luis Manuel Coraspe
Trey David Cormier
Clay Berthold Courtmanche
Jason Ariel Cramer
Todd Christopher Cravedi
Carolyn Rose Crespi
Charles Stephens Cubbage
Carol Curinanco
Colby Stephen Currier
Khoa Anh Dang
Helena Coelho De Oliveira
James Frederick DeCrisantis
Alexis Marisa DeJesus
Benjamin Javier Delagarza
Colin James Delaney
Jacob Murray Dembo
Lauren Michal Dembo
Lucas James Diaz
Giovanna Lucia Dionicio
Leonardo Andre Dionicio
Michael Francesco DiPietro
Shayneshka Donado
Grace Alexandra Donovan
Sean MacLeod Donovan
Sydney Elyse Dood
Joseph Donald Dowd
Ellery Grace Louise Dressler
Kaylei Mae Driscoll
Ryan John Druckenmiller
Bryant Si Toan Duong
Kathryn Chern Dyson
Elias Jasper Echevarria
Ariana Enid Edgar
Sophia Hope Ellavsky
Zachary Dylan Ellovich
Onyx Isaiah Erazo
Christopher M Espejo
James Parker Evans
Noel Fagan
Nina Faynshtayn
Mitchell John Fanning
Jason Kenneth Farrell Jr
Lise Thomassen Farstad
Ashley Elsie Feeney
Mia Kathryn Ferguson
Joshua Jude Fernandes
Veronyka Avella Ferreira
DeAhna Monet Fisher
Isabella Sidney Fortuna
Lindsay Peyton Fox
Benjamin Theodore Foxman
Crizauld Jacob Francois
Alexandra Lauren Freed
Shea Ryan Friedman
Zoe Rose Friedman
Grace Elizabeth Gamester
Elison Noel Garcia
Martha Karina Garcia
Leann Amelia Gardner
Samantha Marissa Gardner
Jacob Luis Garofalo
Emma Suzanne Gelber
Brennan Michael George
Jonah Gershon
Sophia Gianoulis
Avery Urban Glagovich
Zachary Lev Goldberg
Michael Bernard Goldstein
Samara Jae Gordon-Wexler
Margaret Anne Grant
Gavin McGovern Gray
Casey Max Martin Greenbaum
Jacqueline Kelly Greene
William Lockwood Groshek
Olivia Gisela Guevara
Nabeel Musa Gulaid
Karisma Ashley Gurahoo
Rae Hannah Gutcheon
Henry Markham Haddad
Jeremy Daniel Hariprasad
Ian Thomas Harker
Samuel Gill Harrington
Max Joseph Harris
Julia Kathryn Hartzog
Nefari Bilal Hassan
Elias James Heinen
Nicole Sydney Herz
Seth Elliot Heye-Smith
Carolin Mariel Hidalgo Reyna
Emma Jane Hines
Lauren Eileen Hines
Nancy Hoang
Andrew Paul Hobbs
Roger Hogendorn
Lillian Grace Hohl
Jordan Elizabeth Holley
Olivia Natasha Holmes
Max Robert Holsbeke
Jason Michael Hoopes
Colin James Horan
Diego Alejandro Horisberger
Aubrey Paula Horn
Eduardo Houlis
Ryan Howe
Jose Fernando Huerta
Devon Isabella Hunt
KaSandra Jaqueline Hunt
Carlos Jose Hurtado-Munoz
William Dahne Hutensky
Anna Rose Hutzler
Awele Adaobi Ikani
Ashley Elyse Johanson
Rory Ashlyn Kane
Samuel Reuben Katz
Mehmet Kaya
Claire Elizabeth Kearney
Matthew Keeley
Patrick James Keith
Colleen Mary Kennedy
Joshua Derrik Kennedy
Samuel Aidan Kerrigan
Omar Barakat Khalil
Jamie Klein
Aine Maeve Knapp
Alana Saori Kneeshaw
Joseph Anthony Kornman
Hannah Elise Kozun
Samuel Isaac Kursman
Camille Mary LaRock
Juliette Alvera LaRock
Emily Jean LaSpada
Devin Jeremi Latimer
Marissa Lynn Lazinsk
Sarah Esther Lewis
Adam Samuel Liebman
Alex Liew
Zanela Santo Lima
Alexandra Julia Lioutikova
Charles Royce Luipold
Carla Angela Luna
Michael Luna
Francesca Mary Lynch
Katie Mae Mahoney
Mac Sawyer Mahoney
Hannah Elizabeth Maidman
Susannah Helen Major
Shayna Emily Makarewicz
Nesyanvella Malk
Brenden Patrick Maloney
Ariella Fay Mann
Sophia Gabriela Mantilla
Nathan Maxwell Margolis
Sinead Millar Marie
James David Marks
Jonet Kitana Martinez
Clare Virginia Marx
Janina Calista Matsikas
Mateo Maturana
Michaela Aliza Liling McCormick
Lindsey Clare McDonald
Erin Frances McGuinness
John Gerald McHale
Kam’rim Kori McKain
Shanai Jabre Meade
Simone Tanesha Melhado
Matthew Fitzgerald Mendoza
Hayden Jane Meyer
Jaxson Jeannine Meyer
Deanna Parven Michaels
Ruben Miras-DeSimone
Priya Yogesh Mistri
Aislinn Mitchell
Liam Mohan
Adrian Jesus Montero Valera
Samuel Montoya
Kyle Patrick Moore
Valentina Gabriela Moran
Ava Soleil Morin
Joseph Blake Morin
Erin Margaret Moss
Sullivan Stinson Mulready
Sophie C Murchie
Jack William Murphy
Erin Elizabeth Murray
David Antonio Narvaez
Bailey Ward Nemirow
Carl Jacob Nicklas
Desiree Lee-Rodriquez Nigol-Mason
Lexi Emily Nieves
Maya Taly Novitsky
Ryan Wilson O’Connor
Mariam Obed
Charles Oh
Lauren Michelle Oken
Dinaka Onoh
Joshua Tanner Ort
Jaylaan Ortolaza
Yingjie Ouyang
Mustafa Ozgur Ozbay
Mitchell Robert Palczewski
Alissa Caroline Palmer
Samiksha Pant
Elery Rose Parker
Zivan Isiah Pascal
Olivia Michelle Pascon
Lucia Rose Paul
Sophia Capasso Pedro
Claire Isabel Peikes
Zaria Beatriz Pena
Ethan William Penn
Isaiah Grattan Perry
Sarah Rebecca Peschke
Mario Joseph Petrolito
Xavier I.J Phillips
Sylvie Brooke Pidto
Elizabeth Anne Pillow
Devon McHugh Poduje
Avery Ryan Polk
Grace Ashleigh Polk
Megan Hannah Polun
Samuel Ribeiro Pontes
Enrik Pretashi
Tiantian Qin
Xinxin Qin
Yoav Raichelson
Thais Ramos Bezerra
Steve Lee Ramos Jr
Daidrien Elias Ramos
Izabella Maya Raviv
Eda Madison Raycraft
Rithik Bardhan Rayi
John Stone Reid
Shara Madeline Reimer
Dylan Rendon
Bryan Richard Renker
Jacqueline Mae Renstrom
Matthew Conroy Reynolds
Lyla Candice Rivera
Yovan Mykel Rivera
Franklin Hartwell Robinson IV
Alec Jaydon Rodman
Maya Dougherty Rose
Jonathan Duc Vu Rosenfield
Drew MacKenzie Rossler
Michael Cole Rossler
David Samuel Rothstein
Olivia Sarah Rotter
Victoria Rozario
Jackson Winston Russo
Caroline Grace Rutstein
Reatt Elnur Sadygov
Jonathan Arnold Sanchez
Gabriel Ali Santos Rashidi
Saad Rehman Saud
Alexandra Rose Sauer
Lindsey Ann Schmucker
Max Antonio Seguro
Katelyn Reed Seidman
Daquan Davon Shaw
Annabelle Ester Shea
Natalia Alexandra Sherman
Rachel Lin Silver
Leah Bethany Simanovich
Weller Charles Simmons
Charanpreet Singh
Guntaas Singh
Andrew Lawrence Skwiot
Adam Patrick Smith
Taryn Cha’viay Smith
Gabriel Howard Stanton-Catallo
Jacob Andrew Steinberg
Scott Jacob Steinmetz
Joseph Ethan Stern
Alexis Lee Stewart
Megan Elisabeth Striff-Cave
Daniel Howard Sullivan
Thomas Allen Sullivan
Sean Ryan Sutula
Diana A Taboada
Emily Anna Tang
Sarah Tangarife
Julia Wilson Tannenbaum
Daniel Aleksander Taranto
John Randall Taylor
Logan Nicholas Thiell
Aleena Rose Thomas
Matthew Michael Thomas
Nolan Patrick Tibball
Brady Tober
Daniel Robert Towner
Charlie Margaret Elise Townswick
Anne Lois Tulikangas
Wilmer Uceda
Luke Udell
Griffin Jake Van Rye
Ava Grace Varano
Sebastian Velez
Ryan Anthony Venora
Justin Sandro Vera
Elizabeth Suzanne Ververis
Maria Elena Vidal
Julia Catherine Vide
Benton Lee Webersen
Danielle Elana Weinberg
Ethan Benjamin Weitz
Hugh Benjamin Wells
Eric Brian West
Lauryn Dominica West
Maxwell Xavier West
Boden Boeckmann Whalen
Joshua Andrew Winters
Jordaine Kaseem Wisdom
Jack Libucha Wisialowski
Eliana Margalit Wolpaw
Shoshana Haiwan Wu
Oumulcare Djibo Yaye
Jesus Martin Yzquierdo Rodriguez
Jason Angel Zamorano
Rachel Zazon
Amy Ruth Zazon
Riglersson Anthony Zea Alcivar
Angela Zhao
Yun Ying Zheng
Beckett Miles Zinn-Rowthorn
Jacob Dylan Zweifler
Carly Marie Zyskowski
Isabelle Rose Zytka
Oops! Found the Ms with the Rs in the Hall High graduating seniors list ! :)
There were bunch more that were somehow out of alphabetical order. It was copied from an excel spreadsheet provided by Hall, but something probably did not translate properly in the formatting! I believe it’s all correct now, and thanks for pointing that out! ~Ronni