Halloween Safety Tips, Pumpkin Recycling and West Hartford Police Hosting Trick or Treat Event
Audio By Carbonatix
Courtesy West Hartford Police Department
The West Hartford Police Department has issued Halloween safety tips, and will be hosting a drive-up Halloween event.
By Ronni Newton
The West Hartford Police Department will be hosting a drive-up Halloween event on Oct. 31, 2021, and to ensure a safe and enjoyable Halloween for the department has also provided some safety tips and reminders for trick or treaters as well as for motorists.
All on duty patrol vehicles will have high visibility cruise lights on as a reminder to motorists, police said.
“Drivers are highly encouraged to make extra efforts not to be distracted as there will be more pedestrians out on Halloween,” police said in an announcement.
All on duty patrol vehicles will have their high visibility cruise lights turned on, and the public should be advised that the Department of Transportation’s High Visibility Distracted Driving Enforcement Campaign is still underway, and all officers will be strictly enforcing distracted driving laws.
Sunset on Oct. 31 is at 5:46 p.m., and drivers should be aware that this is prime time for young trick or treaters to be out and about, and the reduced lighting can create additional challenge for drivers.
“Please drive with extra care,” police said.
Safety precautions and advice for pedestrians and trick or treaters
West Hartford Police have asked those who are out trick or treating to follow the below advice:
- Stay on the sidewalk and cross at intersections
- Walk with an adult
- Stay in well-lit areas and walk against traffic if you have to be in the road
- Carry a flashlight or even illuminated Halloween decorations
- Wear reflective safety wear or even glow sticks to help with visibility
- If you’re sick, don’t hand out candy
- Stay in groups while going house to house
- Only go to well-lit residences – never go into a home or apartment
- Use caution with masks or costumes that may block vision
- Use caution with costumes that present trip hazards
- Clear your property of trip hazards and provide safe walkway lighting
- Make sure pets are secure from all of the extra excitement of visitors
- Don’t eat anything until it has been thoroughly inspected by an adult
- If you see suspicious behavior call police to report it right away.
West Hartford Police Department Drive-Up event
The West Hartford Police Department has scheduled a drive-up trick-or-treating event, and officers will be handing out candy and other treats, as well as reflective wear.
Cruisers will also be on display.
The event will be held on Halloween, Sunday, Oct. 31, 2021, from 4-7 p.m. at Police Department Headquarters, 103 Raymond Rd., West Hartford.
Pumpkin recycling

An organics container for pumpkins has been put into place at the West Hartford Public Works facility at 17 Brixton St. Courtesy photo
The West Hartford Department of Public Works is once again collecting Halloween pumpkins to be turned into energy and compost by Quantum Biopower.
A container is currently in place at the West Hartford Department of Public Works facility at 17 Brixton St., and the community can drop off their “aging” pumpkins through Nov. 12. Carved Jack-O-Lanterns, including those that have been painted, can be dropped in the container rather than discarded through the trash.
“This is a great opportunity for West Hartford residents to reduce trash volume and weight by composting your pumpkins,” the town said in an announcement. “When food waste decomposes in landfills, under piles of trash without oxygen, methane – which is more harmful than CO2 – is released into the atmosphere as a byproduct. Over 1 billion pumpkins end up in landfill every year in the U.S.A. alone.”
Plastic bags, trash, or recycling should not be placed in the dedicated pumpkin container.

An organics container for pumpkins has been put into place at the West Hartford Public Works facility at 17 Brixton St. Courtesy photo
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