Images of West Hartford: A [Temporary] New Reality
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Farmington Avenue in West Hartford Center, looking west. Photo credit: John Lyons
West Hartford, CT, Sunday, March 29, 2020.

A line outside Trader Joe’s, with physical distancing being enforced, as customers wait to be let into the store a few at a time. Photo credit: John Lyons
Photos by John Lyons
The rainy weather didn’t help, but as West Hartford resident John Lyons drove throughout town on Sunday, March 29, he was struck by the quiet streets.
Coffee shops were closed, church parking lots were barren other than perhaps a sign noting their online services, and parking spaces (temporarily free) were empty in the Center.
The parking lots at Westfarms and Bishops Corner were also empty – as were the shelves that should hold toilet paper.
A line formed outside Trader Joe’s, with customers standing apart to obey social distancing guidelines, and only a certain number permitted to be in the store at any one time.
It’s a new reality, a temporary reality.
We look forward to the day when the Center is bustling and tables full of diners fill the sidewalks, when our complaints are about the trouble finding a parking space (and having to pay for it), when the movies sell out, the carts are three deep at the produce aisle and there is more than enough toilet paper.
We look forward to sharing images of those scenes.
In the meantime please continue doing what you’re doing to stay safe and healthy for the benefit of all of us. ~Ronni Newton

An unidentified woman walks toward Trader Joe’s in Corbin’s Corner Sunday afternoon. Photo credit: John Lyons

Westfarms parking lot is completely empty. Photo credit: John Lyons

New Britain Avenue in Elmwood, looking west. Photo credit: John Lyons

Empty parking lot outside Pepe’s Pizza. Photo credit: John Lyons

Gas at the CITGO on New Britain Avenue in Elmwood is selling for under $2.00 per gallon. Photo credit: John Lyons

West Hartford athletic fields like these soccer fields at Goodrich are empty, not just because of the weather. Photo credit: John Lyons

New Britain Avenue in Elmwood, looking east. Photo credit: John Lyons

Church parking lot on South Quaker Lane empty on a Sunday morning. Photo credit: John Lyons

Park Road, looking west. Photo credit: John Lyons

First Church is offering online services only. Photo credit: John Lyons

Businesses are trying to find ways to safely remain open, with strict instructions for customers. Photo credit: John Lyons

While Starbuck’s on LaSalle Road in West Hartford Center is closed, the Thai restaurant next door is filling the nearby need for coffee. Photo credit: John Lyons

Starbuck’s on LaSalle Road is temporarily closed. Photo credit: John Lyons

Prai Kitchen in West Hartford Center, next door to the closed Starbuck’s, is selling ice coffee. Photo credit: John Lyons

“Signs” of the times. Photo credit: John Lyons

“Signs” of the times. Photo credit: John Lyons

LaSalle Road looking south from Farmington Avenue. Photo credit: John Lyons

Short-term parking on the street in West Hartford Center and Blue Back Square is temporarily free. Photo credit: John Lyons

Empty church parking lot off North Main Street on a Sunday morning. Photo credit: John Lyons

Empty church playground on a Sunday morning. Photo credit: John Lyons

Bishops Corner parking lot. Photo credit: John Lyons

Albany Avenue looking east from Mountain Road, not a car in sight. Photo credit: John Lyons

Stop & Shop on Farmington Avenue. Photo credit: John Lyons

Empty toilet paper shelves at Stop & Shop on Farmington Avenue. Photo credit: John Lyons

A plexiglass shield installed to protect the cashier at Stop & Shop on Farmington Avenue. Photo credit: John Lyons

Veterans Memorial Rink, temporarily closed to the public along with other West Hartford recreational facilities. Photo credit: John Lyons

Flocking, however, still goes on. Photo credit: John Lyons

Flocking, however, still goes on. Photo credit: John Lyons

Flocking, however, still goes on. Photo credit: John Lyons
Elizabeth Park has been packed