'Inclusion' Lecture in West Hartford Will Commemorate Jewish Disability Awareness Month
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Jacob Bensmihen will be the guest speaker at an event in West Hartford commemorating Jewish Disability Awareness Month.
Jacob Bensmihen. Submitted photo
At age 6, Joseph Bensmihen walked into Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau’s Office, asked for an immediate meeting, and got it. Five years later he was the first Canadian student with disabilities to be mainstreamed in a public school.
From the young age of 6, Joseph Bensmihen has been actively passionate about inclusion. In commemoration of Jewish Disability Awareness month (February) the Friendship Circle along with Chabad of Greater Hartford as well as the Mandell JCC and the Ruderman Inclusion Initiative invites attendees to learn from JB how to act inclusively.
Jacob Bensmihen will be speaking on Sunday, Feb. 12, at the Mandell JCC 333 Bloomfield Ave. at 10 a.m. The cost to attend is $10/person. RSVP: [email protected].
Friendship Circle is a non-profit organization that brings together children, teens and young adults with and without special needs for a wide range of educational and social programs in a Jewish environment. For more information visit FriendshipCircleCT.org.