‘Lead with Kindness’: Conard Honors the Class of 2024

Published On: June 10, 2024Categories: Schools

Adama Lette was among the 377 members of the Conard Class of 2024. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

At West Hartford’s Conard High School’s 67th commencement ceremony on June 10, 2024, the Class of 2024 gathered together one final time to celebrate all they’ve accomplished.

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

By Bridget Bronsdon. Photos by Ronni Newton

The future couldn’t be brighter for the Conard High School class of 2024 and as the students, now alumni, moved their tassels and threw their decorated and bedazzled caps Monday night, they officially stepped into the next phase of their lives. What began as an unusual freshman year full of COVID tests and online classes is now a closed chapter after four years of friends, family, hard work, and resilience at Conard. 

As the famous saying goes, “days are long but the years are short,” and as Class President Kris Rimal said, “In the blink of an eye, here we are.” While the graduates sat in the evening breeze surrounded by adoring friends, family, and faculty, they were at the cornerstone of their adult lives. Every early ride to school, carpool to practice, long rehearsal, tough test, and time spent studying had led them to this moment, a peak of success. As the graduates sat in the early summer sun, Rimal encouraged everyone to take a moment and applaud themselves, each other, and their victories. 

Conard Class President Kris Rimal. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Interim Principal Jocelyn Tamborello-Noble was the first faculty member to the podium and showered the graduates with words of wisdom one final time before they became alumni. While she encouraged the students to find a supportive and encouraging circle of peers, learn from those who are different, and to continually follow opportunities to learn in “the grand classroom of life,” she also gave the graduates some of the simplest, yet most meaningful advice:“Be kind.” 

“Be the person who uplifts others, who lends a hand without expecting anything in return, and understands the profound impact of a kind word or gesture,” she said as she encouraged the young adults to “lead with kindness.” 

Interim Principal Jocelyn Tamborello-Noble. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

After Tamborello-Noble’s thoughtful advice, Superintendent Paul Vicinus drew inspiration from the recent 80-year anniversary of D-Day to inspire the graduates. His theme fell on four simple yet important ideals spoken by former President Ronald Regan over four decades ago – faith, belief, loyalty, and love. 

“As I look upon you, the Class of 2024, I wonder, in what do you place your faith, your belief, how deep does your loyalty run and what passions have captured your love?” Vicinus asked the graduates. 

“Be true to beliefs, be true to your loved ones and be true to yourself. Demonstrate loyalty to those things that you love – your ideals, your morals, and those you care for. Set your sights high to those things that are your dreams, your mountains to scale and let no obstacle deter you from that passionate purpose. And if you stumble on your path, get up, check your bearing and continue to climb,” he said. 

Superintendent of Schools Paul Vicinus. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

“Faith, belief, loyalty and love.” Vicinus repeated, “They are yours for the taking. Pick them up. Go forth and dare to change the course of history,” he finished. 

After capturing the graduates’ minds and spirits, Board of Education member LaToya Yagaloff told the students she felt as if she was graduating with them. Yagaloff said that she’d never worn the traditional cap and gown nor had the opportunity to walk across the stage because she graduated from both high school and college early.

Board of Education member LaToya Yagaloff. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Yagaloff went on to praise the graduates’ acceptance, love, inclusion, and resilience. “It was your generation that started to re-simplify concepts adults over complicated. You taught us to respect you for who you are and identify with you in the ways that mattered to you,” she said. 

Yagaloff continued to sing the graduates’ praises. “You saw violence, and injustice and you were inspired to raise your voices, create inspiring art and media and lead unapologetically. One of the things I respect and admire most about you is that you don’t over politicize humanity and you care about our planet.” 

Lastly, she gave the students the secret to something special – success.

“While success is measured in different ways like wealth, status, and power I urge you to view your success as something that blossoms as a result of the seeds of kindness, compassion, selflessness, thoughtfulness and love are planted. If your words or actions can inspire someone to forgive, put a smile on the face of a person who felt hopeless or shift a community to take a stand on what is right! … Then my friends you have found success,” she finished. 

After her speech, Yagaloff was finally – and unexpectedly – given the special and long awaited opportunity to walk across the stage. 

Interim Principal Jocelyn Tamborello-Noble hugs LaToya Yagaloff after she crossed the stage, as Superintendent Paul Vicinus claps. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

With the students’ own anticipation of walking across the stage nearing closer, the senior choir members took to the risers to perform a touching rendition of “Rivers and Roads.” Grads and loved ones listened intently as the choir sang lyrics that hit close to home reading “a year from now we’ll all be gone.”

Despite the changes that were soon approaching for the graduates, they still had a chance to hear from each other. The first student speaker, Ahmad Mohamad Al Khoudeir, spoke of his remarkable journey, which began in Syria where he was born. 

Student speaker Ahmad Mohamad Al Khoudeir. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

“While most people envision childhood as a time filled with joy and happiness, mine was different. The landscape of my childhood was marked by adversity and characterized by the backdrop of violent conflicts,” he said. 

Al Khoudeir then explained how his parents and five siblings fled Syria to Lebanon to pursue their right to an education. While in Lebanon, Khoudeir attended school, worked alongside his father at his painting business, and watched as his mother finally received her high school diploma 15 years after being taken out of school. 

“Both of my parents sacrificed their own interests in exchange for us getting a good education and pursued the rare opportunity of getting to come to the United States,” Al Khoudeir said, and upon arriving in West Hartford in November, he quickly seized the opportunity to apply to college. 

Above all, Al Khoudeir focused on the importance of education, since it was once something taken away from him. 

“Education offers a profound and somewhat elusive chance for many. Knowledge arms us to meet challenges and become the critical thinkers we need to be to pursue future goals. A smart person learns from their mistakes, but a wise person learns from the mistakes of others. My mom wisely advised that people should seize the advantage of schooling in their life. Since in life tests come first demanding sacrifices, then lessons follow, whereas in school, lessons precede tests, equipping us with the knowledge to overcome challenges,” he said. 

The final student speaker, Serena Ritter van der Hulst, then offered a question to her classmates. “I challenge you all with this question: what does it really mean to waste time? I would like to argue that no time is time wasted, it is simply time spent,” she said. 

While van der Hulst explained her decision between choosing between her passion, dance, and a more “practical” choice, computer science, and then changing her mind to pursue exercise science, she argued that it wasn’t time wasted. 

“Throughout my high school experience I was consumed by the idea of maximizing my time – you know, making the most of every moment and living life to its fullest. I was convinced all hours spent procrastinating, or even resting lacked value. I could not have been more wrong. One cannot assign a certain value to a moment in time,” she said. 

Student speaker Serena Ritter van der Hulst. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

“I implore you all to adapt this open mindset ahead of time and find value in everything that you do, regardless of how insignificant it may appear at the moment. Leave with the understanding that any way you use your time will be time well spent,” she finished.

Sasha Belabe translated Hulst’s speech into American Sign Language. 

Sasha Belabe. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

After inspiring words from their classmates, Samuel Eurich, the choir teacher, was chosen to give the faculty address and was the final speaker standing in between the ceremony and the long-awaited walk across stage. 

Eurich not only admired his students’ passions but applauded them. At a time when they were freshmen, when students weren’t even allowed to sing or much less stand next to each other, Eurich recalled how they remained headstrong and resilient in their passions and encouraged the graduates to always do so. 

Faculty speaker Samuel Eurich. Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

At last, the students walked across the stage, moved their tassels, tossed their caps, and became alumni. Now standing on the doorstep of their future, the class of 2024 has officially closed the Conard chapter of their journey. Now, they’re off to do big things!

Congratulations Conard class of 2024! 

A complete list of the Conard Class of 2024 can be found below the photos.

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School graduation. June 10, 2024. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Conard High School Class of 2024 (list provided by Conard High School)

Kevin Yamil Abreu
Juan Antonio Acevedo
Carmel  Adhikari
Fatma N.  Akcay
Ahmad Mohamad Al Khoudeir
Hala Ibrahim Aldabaan
Miguel Angel Algarin
Mohammad Nawaf Al-Hazaimeh
Samuel Lucas Almeida
Jahki Quran Anderson
Jonathan David Anderson
Bryan Silva Andrade
Riley Rose Andrews
Noah Jackson Armstrong
Dante Leonard Arroyo
Grant Harrison Arruda
Talia Maya Asal
Sabine Lily Ashworth
Varvara  Atsian
Jazlyn Renasia Banks
Logan Adam Robbie Banks
Gavin Maxwell Barbagallo
Anastasia Stefania Batisko
Lillyana Marie Bazzano
Cheyenne Elizabeth Beganski
Sasha Grace Belabe
Dominic Georgievich Belyaev
Cooper David Ben-Kiki
Storm Dakota Bentley
Katherine Anne Bernard
Mailina Janese Betsey-Chambers
Viha Ashish Bhatt
Sawyer Mackay Bloom
Riley Christopher Blum
Samuel Raphael Bomzer
Grace Margaret Bond-McKirdy
Marquise Timothy Boomer, Jr.
Ava Elizabeth Bradford
Fynn Keagan Braiewa
Owen Patrick Brennan
Luca Phoenix Brites
Aidan Timothy Brunetti
Tyler James Buccilli
Jayden C. Buckley
Enyce Sincer Burgor
Alexander John Burtness
Silas  Capps-Hawkins
Joseph Christopher Carbone
Iriliz Marie Cardona
Naviah Bell Carrero
Charlotte Patricia Case
William Ethan Chapman
Sophia  Chen
Michael  Chiu
Oliver T.  Choflet
Chidera Gabriella Chukwura
Michael Steven Cicchetti
Zoe Victoria Clarke
Elijah Paul Clymer
Vincent David Collard
Tai Josefino A. Kachwaha Comiso
Isabella Sara Consoli Cespedes
Nathanael Aiden Corona
Taleyna Tai’ana Craig
Charles William Culbert
Peyton Michelle Cunha
Da’Shawn Jamariah Cushnie
Anna Elizabeth Daigle
Alexa Newport Daly
Evan Matthew Danyliw
Hilary Liselle Davis
Nicholas Clark Davis
Danielle-Joe Melissa Dawidowicz
Jacob Omar De La Vega
Julia Rosemary Deane
Rachel Lynn Deka
Kelly Larsen Delaney
Brendan David Denault
Noёl Martine Denault
Adam Stuart Desmarais
Kevin Paul DeStefano
Daniela Michelle Diaz
Genesis  Diaz
Danielle Kelley DiGiacomo
Gabrielle Louise Dipombe
Adam Arturo Disla
Benjamin James Dollar
John Henry Doyle
Jayden  Du
Grace Walker Dube
Finnegan Nathan Duffy
Jack Brian Eddy
Santana Jose Edwards
Landon Trent Edwards-Scoville
Aiden Jason Emery
Jonathan Lee Exum
Gurrie Anthony Fandozzi
Connor James Farrell
Stephanie Enid Feliciano
Joshua Joy Fernandes
Jose Miguel Figueroa
Andrew Charles Filotto
Emily Grace Fleischmann
Lillian Doyle Fletcher
Tyler Hutchinson Fleury
Bryan L  Flor
Riley John Fox
Kam’Ron Jermaine France
McKenzie Rose Franklin
Jahnnaya Tasia Frater
Shawn Gabriel Fuller
Brielle Grace Ganci
Sirina  Garba
Jonathan Samuel Garcia
Malachi Kyleek Garrett
Christopher S.  Gaston
Daniel Frank Geary
Rihana  Ghimire
Paul Robert Glotzer
Kishon T. Glover
Oliver Henry Goldstein
Cielo Calderon Gomez
Julius Gregoreo Goode
Megan Nicole Gordon
William Harris Gregware
Emma Johanna Grimmer-Solem
Lilly Marilynn Grose
Ana Lara  Guimaraes Pinheiro
Nicholas Stanley Gupta
Donna  Gurung
Analise  Guzman
Payton L.  Guzman
Rachel Leah Haimes
Nicholas Brian Hall
Benjamin Patrick Hammond
Lauren Michelle Hardesty
Benjamin David Hardman
Jane Sitterly Harhay
Julian Christopher Hartland
Raage Mukhtar Hassan
Jayson Karnel Hernandez
Sierrah Ilianey Hernandez
Amanda Prince Hetrick
Kelly Thi Ho
Truong Quang Ho
Bryn Rose Huber
Lexandra Nicole Huertas
Keely Elizabeth Hughes
Jeremy Scott Hunt
Lindsay Jordan Intagliata
Anna  Isufi
Blake Lincoln Ittleson
Katherine Marie Jakubowski
Nora Marija Jalinskas
Carlos Isaias Jaquez-Felix
Keira Elizabeth Jennings
Claire Katherine Johnson
Bruce Edward Lansing Jones
Alexis M. Jovet
Diya Jignesh Kalaria
John Anthony Kane
Neev  Kanwar
Viktor Jameson Karotkin
William Arthur Keever
Amanda Elizabeth Kelly
Radha  Khadka
Emmett G. Khan
Deebisha  Khatiwada
Benjamin Joseph Kline
Nathan James Kluskiewicz
Jack Tierney Kopka
Evelyn Hill Kornbluh
Veide Danette Krisst
Megan Brooke Kristofak
Maximiliano  Laborde
William McKinley Ladd
Nathaniel Alan Larkin
Evan Loh Lawrence
Brenda Ngocnhu Le
Benjamine Johnnie Leaphart
Adama Fatou Lette
Mackenzie Emily Licht
Janessa Marie Lopez
Louiyie  Lopez
Sabian Xavior Lopez
Bao Lam  Luu
Olivia Christina Lynch
Owen Edward Macdonald
Setareh  Mafaher
Kate Teresa Maglio
Hayden Riley Mallach
Emma R. Marcella
Kerri-Ann Audrey Marshall
Justin Rex Martin
Kiera Ashinye Martin
Tomas Felipe Martin
Talia Celestina Matthews
Mia Ariana Mayuri
Emily Grace Mazzatto
Ethan Beaudry McCue
Isabella Rose McCusker
Peter Matthew McGoldrick
Gavin John McGrath
Benjamin Lucas McIlhoney
Emily Victoria Medeiros-DeSouza
Solimar  Medina
Adam Armando Mendoza
Ellin Rose Messina
Catherine Elizabeth Midura
Maxwell William Milburn
Anton Douglas Milne
Arran John Milne
Connor Thomas Minahan
Megan Faviana Miranda-Corvalan
Sofia Ann Mongillo
Charles E. Moore III
Chloe Abigail Moran
Sean Luke Morley
Elin Beatrice Morris
Lila Bo Moshka
Rune Seamus Killian Moyer
Miles Sullivan Moynihan
William Brooks Moynihan
Janaina Rachell Munoz Cardenas
Sofia Deborah Muslim
Henry Nicholas Nace
Diya  Nair
Divine Shanelle Nelson
Binh-An Phuc Nguyen
Jessica  Nguyen
Jessica Xuan-Mai Nguyen
Lily Marie Nguyen
Trong Phu Nguyen
Ty Phu Nguyen
Amanda Isabel Noa Maisonet
Lillian Gale Norton
Giselle  Ntiamoah-Larbi
David James O’Connor
Shakira Carmela Ogountola
Emily Brooke O’Keefe
Matthew Christopher Oriola
Bruno Andres Ortiz Alvarez
Nelson Eduardo Ortiz Silveira
Jojo  Painter
Amanda Grace Palisi
Maia Grace Palmer
Shreya  Pant
Nicholas Robert Peter Paolitto
Theodoros Theo Paschoudis
Arya Raju Patel
Nehan J Patel
Vansh Raju Patel
Kee La  Paw
Denitsa Oleg Peneva
Amanda Knipp Pereira
Derek Javian Perez
Alexander John Petit
Isabella Rose Pham
Uyen Bao  Pham
Nico  Phu
Mason Albert Pia
Evan Anthony Piccioli
Anish  Pokhrel
Aidan Richard Policelli
Geneo Irase Posley
Maxwell Thomas Potts
Morgan Moy Prestage
Annabel Grace Probolus
Sofiea  Pun
Dominic Joseph Quirk
Jordan Alexander Ramirez
Emanuel Abel Ramirez Asmat
Emily Paige Rankin
Christopher Alton Rauch
Broderic Hugh Reese
Nathan Tyler Refici
Pratiush  Regmi
Kris  Rimal
Danishka Angelique Rivera
Eric David Rivera
Ailani  Roach
Christopher J. Roberts
Morgan Harper Robinson
Tegan Catherine Rochford
Adrianna Gennise Rodowicz
Heally Beth Rodriguez
Jodalyz Ivette Rodriguez
Nevaeh J. Rodriguez
Tomas Malik Rodriguez
Isabella Marie Roy
Grace Laura Rubino
Gabriella M. Ruff
Reynaldo  Ruiz
Meryl Jean Rung
Evan Alexander Russell
Clare Marie Ryor
Zachary Robert Saguisag
Jonathon B. Samid
Alexandra Ledee Santana
Emma Kate Santangelo
Alessia Catherine Sardilli
Lilliana Catherine Sardilli
Andrew Thatcher Sarzen
Robert Trung Scanlon
Eleanor M. Schaefer
Astrid Eileen Schnabel
Julian Robert Schneider
Jaydon A. Schuler
Patrick James Schulz
Colin James Scrimgeour
Aidan Merle Scully
Amalia Marie Seedman
Garrett James Selstad
Daniel Richard Semerjian
Jaiden Isaiah Serrano
Safina Andrea Shakeel
Zahed Ahmad Shams
Matthew Michael Siegel
Sadie Hart Sindland
Aaron Kenyon Sisk
Zoe Elizabeth Slap
Susan Elizabeth Smith
Yanyra Lucia Smith
Gabriel Andres Sosa
Gavin Edward Sparkowski
Seth Richard Spaulding
Eva Hope Speranza
Lucas Timothy Steadman
Nicole Celestine Strong
Lucy McLean Sturm
Ryan Santos Sultanum
Sophie Jessica Sumner
Madelyn Grace Sweeney
Thomas Albert Tamborello Noble
Kristina Marie Taylor
Mariana Calderon Temponi
Haidee  Thai
James Joseph Thibault
Josiyah Naeem Khali Thomas
Miguel Angelo Mattos Tizoco
Kathryn Marie Torla
Kimberly Dennise Torres
Thaynalee  Torres
Delaney Elizabeth Towey
Seamus Laroy Tracy
Vincent T. Trang
Nolan Russell Trent
The Khang  Truong
Arlo  Tucker
Eyan Joseph Turner
Nicholas Bradley Ucci
Serena Ritter van der Hulst
Leo Jefferson Vanags
Ethan Yanil Vazquez
Joshua L. Vazquez
Jadalise Sonia Vega
Jeremy Luis Vega
Rocco Joseph Vernile
Aniyah Janae Walker
Maya Sophie Wallace
Devin Nathaniel Walters-Murphy
Sean Anthony Weber
Ben Helge Weiler
Zoe Mae Weissman
Alessandra Marika Welz
Tyler Maxwell West
James Neal Whitty
Damian Andrzej Wiktor
Anthony Eric Williams
Gracelyn Marie Williams
Terrence Lamar Williams
Sienna Jade Mary Wynn
Taylor Rose Yepes
Alycia Soria Zahn
Lillian Rose Zimmer
Lily Ann-Marie Zucks

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