Learn How to ‘Navigate Divorce’ in West Hartford

Published On: March 10, 2015Categories: Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Jewish Family Services in West Hartford is sponsoring a program to help those navigating divorce to do so with less stress.


Submitted by Cathy Bergstrom, Community Engagement Coordinator, Jewish Family Services

Splitting up is painful; don’t do it in the dark. Learn valuable information and ask questions during this unique offering by Jewish Family Services. A panel of experts including two attorneys, a financial strategist, a mental health professional, and a divorce recovery coach will share their expertise and insights with you in this 90-minute seminar.

Whether you’re just deciding to file or are waist-deep in the process, there is valuable information for everyone. Attend and walk away with an understanding of the pros and cons between mediation, collaborative divorce, and litigation. Learn the possible outcomes inside and outside of court. Learn how to move beyond your own anger and hurt to focus on helping your children cope. What are the financial questions you should be asking?

Join us at JFS at 333 Bloomfield Ave. in West Hartford on Tuesday, March 24, 5:30 to 7 p.m. Come to the Federation Board Room.

Visit www.jfshartford.org or call 860-236-1927 for more information and to register. There is a $49 registration fee.

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