‘#LetsTalkWeHa’ Campaign Will Focus on Education and Awareness to Combat Addiction in West Hartford
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Rachel Tenney. Submitted photo
Rachel Tenney, a recent graduate of West Hartford’s Parent Leadership Training Institute (PLTI), has launched the ‘#LetsTalkWeHa’ campaign in West Hartford.
Submitted by Rachel Tenney
The #LetsTalkWeHa campaign is designed to get families and our community to start talking about addiction and what it is.

Rachel Tenney. Submitted photo
This should be a topic, right along with any other topic that parents feel is important to discuss with their kids. The topic of sex has come to be known as “The Talk.” Parents often giggle about the time when “The Talk” will become necessary. We decide on how and who they should talk about it with. Are you going to leave that “Talk” up to health class or will you have an open dialogue about it with your children? This is how we need to start thinking about addiction.
Opening up a discussion, regardless of differing family histories, religious beliefs, or economic status, will make steps forward in getting ahead of what could potentially become a problem.
We all hope addiction will never affect our family. A simple first progressive step is as easy as talking about it. Educating our children on what it is and how to recognize signs can make a huge impact. Families become blindsided by addiction every day.
Many addicts come from extremely successful backgrounds. Addiction is not biased. Addiction does not discriminate. It can happen right under your nose. The more you get it out there and talk about it, the better chance you have of making a difference.
Raising awareness and providing education about addiction will guide children, teens, and young adults into making smart choices while also lifting the feeling of shame and stigma attached to addiction. This will help make it possible for people to feel comfortable and seek help early on.
So, as a community together, and families individually, let’s start talking about this.
I hope that when you see the #letstalkweha logo around town, you and your children will recognize it and remember how important it is to discuss addiction. I plan to provide information on conversations surrounding addiction, when people would be most likely to be at risk, and best practices as it relates to medication in the home.
Knowledge is HALF THE BATTLE. It’s as easy and simple as that. So “LetsTalkWeHa”!
For more information, email Rachel Tenney at [email protected]. She will also have a booth on the front lawn of First Church in West Hartford Center on Saturday, June 4, from 11 a.m. – 5 p.m., during Celebrate West Hartford.