Meet the Candidate: Mary Fay
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Mary Fay. Courtesy photo is offering our readers the opportunity to meet the candidates running in the Nov. 7, 2023 municipal election.
Compiled by Ronni Newton is offering our readers the opportunity to “Meet the Candidate” – designed to help them get to know the candidates running for office in the 2023 municipal election.
Identical questionnaires have been sent to all candidates, and each profile received has been submitted directly to by the candidate or the candidate’s campaign management. The responses have not been edited but have been formatted to match our publication style. Questions left blank have been deleted.
As profiles are received, they will be published on under the “Government” tab. is not making endorsements of any political candidates but we are publishing this information in order to assist voters in being informed and prepared when they go to the polls on Nov. 7.
If you are a candidate and wish to submit a profile, please return it by email to Ronni Newton at [email protected] as soon as possible.
Name: Mary Fay
Party affiliation: Republican
Family information: Married; 13 year old daughter who attends West Hartford Public Schools
Primary occupation: Senior Executive/Consultant
Previous political experience: 3 term WH town council incumbent; minority leader
Endorsed candidate for state rep
Endorsed candidate for congress
Endorsed candidate for state comptroller
Member of “Save our Water”
Other relevant experience that may be related to your desire to serve the community, and further qualifies you for the office you are seeking: Life-long CT resident. West Hartford resident 25 years. Community volunteer, school volunteer, coach, library board. Serve on boards. Senior finance executive; MBA
Why are you running for office? I’m passionate about public service. I’ve long had the calling, but my career demands and travel schedule prohibited me from serving. Now that my schedule is more forgiving, I jumped right in. I see West Hartford face challenges that need balanced, conservative views and common sense solutions. The single party democrat voice that has led this town for decades is not working. Over development, tax abatements for rich developers, changes in zoning, more traffic, increased crime and severity, inflation, affordability and parking are complaints that fill up my inbox daily. People complain that we have lost the aesthetics of West Hartford and the new apartments look like prisons. Their biggest complaint is that with all the development, taxes keep going up, up, up, and away! Yet the majority party votes to reduce parking for new developments, ever-higher budgets, and more taxes. I am not afraid to standout from the crowd of group think and vote independently. Often times I vote with the majority if it makes sense and it is what the people desire. I return calls and emails. I’ve solved neighborhood problems, like restoring U.S. mail carrier services when the postal carrier ceased operating in this neighborhood due to a rat and rodent infestation; and many others. We do not need councilors around the table rubber stamping everything that comes across our desks. That is not our role. Our role as public servant is to serve and represent the people. They do not feel heard or that their voices matter.
There have recently been numerous residential and commercial developments considered by the Town Council, and there are others in the pipeline. What is your overall opinion of the pace of development in West Hartford? Too much. Residents do not want it. Many come speak out at town council meetings and public hearings. Residents feel like their voices do not matter, and no one cares. I do. Face to face testimony carries a lot of weight with me. I speak with, meet with, and listen to residents each and every day. I see West Hartford facing challenges that need balanced, conservative views and pragmatic, analytical, common sense solutions. The single party democrat voice that has led this town for decades is not working for all. Over development, tax abatements for developers, changes in zoning, more traffic, increased crime, inflation, affordability and parking are complaints that fill up my inbox. People complain that we have lost the aesthetics of West Hartford and the new apartments are unattractive. Residents’ biggest complaint is that with all the new development, taxes keep going up, up, up, and away! Even more senseless, the majority voted to reduce parking for new developments from 1.5 spaces per unit to 1! We already have parking problems throughout town. I think a reasonable moratorium on new development approvals until we assess the impact of the ones in the pipeline should be considered. This includes the UConn property.
What issue(s) are your primary area of focus? My areas of focus are the residents, businesses, and people who live in West Hartford: Key issues are Over development, tax abatements for rich developers, traffic, crime, inflation, affordability and parking. I’m also passionate to make sure that all are heard, including conservatives, which is part of diversity. We are way behind in this regard. We should be able to come up with a solution for residents in town who cannot park in front of their homes, have oil deliveries, nor have guests parking as the roads are filled with parked cars, some overnight. We need to enforce the rules we have. I voted against pension bonds, as it is not a sustainable solution. With market volatility, pension funding, of which we took on debt, no longer provides 100% funding. We need to make sustainable change to retiree obligations, including medical. This is why corporations can no longer provide these benefits.
What do you feel is the biggest challenge facing West Hartford today, and how do you plan to address it if elected? As always, they are financial. I’m a fiscal hawk. Over spending, a never ending spiraling out of control budget; increasing cost per student; resulting in extremely high taxes and affordability issues for many. Seniors deserve to stay in their homes. So do veterans. Luxury apartments and more low income apartments are not the solution here. Lower property taxes is. With my background as an MBA, insurance, and finance senior executive, I understand how the numbers work and how the decisions made today will impact the future. Crime prevention, taxpayer costs, and education are top on my list too. I hear from many residents that they want to see pan handling addressed as a quality of life issue.
What do you feel differentiates you from the candidates from other parties also running for this position? Experience. My voting record. Independent thinking. Analytical, practical, and problem solving are some of my strengths. I’m in my third term…but not in my 20th. I’ve run for other elected positions and have learned a lot. Senior leadership, finance, and business acumen are a plus. The ability to express a view and stake out a position that’s different from the herd. Persistence and grit. It is extremely challenging to be the minority in this town. The democrats control literally everything. From agendas, subcommittee assignments and leadership, proclamations, PR, and so on and so forth. I was able to deliver a balanced budget my first term. I’ve sponsored a “No Tolls Resolution” when tolls were being debated in the legislature, and an “Anti-crime resolution” last term. Although both were passed by numerous adjacent towns and cities, West Hartford’s never saw the light of day. I’ve appointed qualified people to commissions that have been blocked. Not even discussed. Our board of ed is limiting public input, a disgrace and violation of our first amendment. Is this how you want your town continually run?
Anything else you would like to share relevant to earning votes on Nov. 7? The people of West Hartford know me. You know what I’ve accomplished in a very, very challenging environment. You know how hard I work. I love West Hartford and want only the best for our residents, businesses, and all who enjoy working and visiting our town. I hope to earn your vote on November 7. Thank you for your support!