NBC Connecticut President Inspires Audience at Black History Month Symposium

Published On: February 17, 2015Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

L-R: Principal Shevon Hickey, Keeshia Caguitla, NBC CT's President and General Manager, Ric Harris; Julian Wilson, SBS' Advancement Director Andrea Austin-Thompson, and Alexandra Guerrrero. Submitted photo

NBC Connecticut President and General Manager Ric Harris was the guest speaker at Saint Brigid School’s ‘Speaking of People’ Symposium in West Hartford.

L-R: Principal Shevon Hickey, Keeshia Caguitla, NBC CT's President and General Manager, Ric Harris; Julian Wilson, SBS' Advancement Director Andrea Austin-Thompson, and Alexandra Guerrrero. Submitted photo

L-R: Principal Shevon Hickey, Keeshia Caguitla, NBC CT’s President and General Manager, Ric Harris; Julian Wilson, SBS’ Advancement Director Andrea Austin-Thompson, and Alexandra Guerrrero. Submitted photo

Submitted by Andrea Austin-Thompson, Saint Brigid School

Saint Brigid School’s Speaking of People Symposium honors Black History Month. In honor and recognition of the centuries of contributions of African Americans, NBC Connecticut’s news station WVIT President and General Manager, Ric Harris was the Symposium’s guest speaker on Friday, Feb.6. Prior to coming to NBC Connecticut, Mr. Harris worked in a variety of executive level positions as either the executive vice president, senior vice president, or vice president of a number of major news network stations across the country.

With over 25 years of in-depth electronic and digital media expertise, coupled with Harris’ keen insight into the news industry, he was quickly able to captivate an audience filled with eager listeners. Harris shared numerous metaphoric anecdotes on the importance of always preparing yourself for future opportunities by being self-disciplined and formulating a plan for success.

At one point, an animated six-feet five-inches tall Harris, and former undergraduate basketball forward, stepped from behind the podium and swiftly moved to the basketball court’s foul line; raised his hands in the air in a dunking motion and confidently stated, “Always envision your shot – then follow through and execute your plan. Anything is possible if you practice long and hard enough.”

Referencing the gospel song “This Little Light of Mine”, Harris shared a close friend’s personal motto, “Always let your light shine and never be the one responsible for diminishing it.”

“Mr. Harris was most definitely an awe inspiring and motivating speaker. His story of success and dedication to hard work has relevance to every young person seeking a positive and empowering role model regardless of their racial make-up.”

Pausing only for a moment, Principal Hickey added, “The Speakers’ Symposium has been an incredible gift for Saint Brigid School. The caliber of speakers that have graciously volunteered since September to participate in Saint Brigid’s Speakers’ Symposium, has been absolutely amazing. Interestingly enough, we had a waiting list of speakers for the fall.”
Mr. Harris has a master’s in communications management and a bachelor’s in communications and English from John Carroll University. He is a member of a number of professional organizations, including IAB’s Digital Video Committee, and sits on the Board of Directors of the Broadcast Education Association.

The objective of the Speaking of People Symposium is to create an engaging conversational and intellectual dialog with the students, faculty, alumni, and the community-at-large, while simultaneously showcasing the success of people from various nationalities and backgrounds that have achieved the highest levels of success in their chosen professions. The Speakers’ Symposium is similar in format to that of the Bushnell Performing Arts Center’s Connecticut Forum. On Friday, March 21st at 1 pm the Symposium’s guest speakers will be SBS alumni: Michael J. Gustafson, Esq. and CT’s First Assistant U.S. Attorney, along with former Hartford City Council candidate Corey Brinson, Esq. The public is welcome to attend.


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