Nips Net Huge Revenue Numbers For Municipal Budgets

Published On: October 25, 2024Categories: Government

Nip bottles. Photo credit: Ronni Newton ( file photo)

From April 1 through Sept. 30, 2024, in West Hartford, 454,978 nips were sold, earning $22,748.90 for the town.

By Jamil Ragland, 

The latest numbers from the state’s surcharge on the sale of miniature alcohol bottles, commonly referred to as “nips,” shows that municipalities continue to reap windfalls from a staggering volume of nip sales.

Known as the “Nickel Per Nip Environmental Fee,” a five-cent surcharge is added to the price of a nip at the point of sale. This surcharge is then collected by wholesalers who disburse the funds to municipalities every six months in April and October, based on the number of nips sold there. Towns are required by law to use the funds for environmental efforts to reduce the amount of solid waste generated in the municipality and the impact of litter.

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