Owen Eagan Kicks Off Campaign for West Hartford Probate Judge

Published On: May 4, 2016Categories: Elections, Government, Reader Contributed

F. Owen Eagan (left) and Owen P. Eagan at campaign rally. Photo credit: James Eder

Attorney Owen P. Eagan announced his candidacy on Sunday.

F. Owen Eagan (left) and Owen P. Eagan at campaign rally. Photo credit: James Eder

F. Owen Eagan (left) and Owen P. Eagan at campaign rally. Photo credit: James Eder


Owen P. Eagan, a local attorney and lifelong West Hartford resident, launched his campaign for town probate judge during a campaign rally speech to about 50 people from the auditorium steps of the West Hartford Town Hall building Sunday.

Thanking the crowd for attending the rally despite the rain and the afternoon chill, Eagan addressed his supporters standing beside his wife, Judy, his campaign manager, Town Councilman Leon Davidoff, and his father, the retired U.S. Magistrate F. Owen Eagan, along with others.

Owen P. Eagan. Submitted photo

Owen P. Eagan. Submitted photo

Recalling that exactly 30 years before his father had sworn him in as a Connecticut lawyer – remarks that drew applause from the crowd and waves from the magistrate – Eagan said he would bring lessons learned from his father to the probate court upon election to benefit the town.

“[My father’s] acts of kindness taught me the importance of using one’s talents to help others,” Eagan said. “Now, as I am a father myself, I would like to follow in my Dad’s footsteps to serve the town that I was lucky enough to grow up in as its probate judge because I believe I can make a difference, and I truly want to make a difference in the lives of the people here.”

Noting the probate court’s service to children, elderly people, persons with intellectual or psychiatric disabilities and with the affairs of decedents’ estates, Eagan said he would keep a high standard of sympathetic fairness in the court if elected.

“It’s my goal to serve all the people who come before me, if I am lucky enough to be judge, and treat them with kindness and dignity while being fair to all,” Eagan said.

Eagan voiced his great respect for sitting West Hartford Probate Judge Sydney Elkin, and former Probate Judge John Berman, stating that their dedication and integrity has contributed to the high reputation of the West Hartford Probate Court.

Reflecting on his past roles in serving the community as a coach on West Hartford youth soccer, basketball and football teams, his service as deputy mayor and his current role as the appointed chairman of the Freedom of Information Commission, Eagan expressed that he would bring the same level of commitment to the role of probate judge that he consistently applies.

“I give my heart and soul to what I choose to work on in the community and I intend to do the same as a probate judge for the town of West Hartford,” Eagan said.

Eagan ended his speech by thanking his supporters and affirming his conviction that he can win the election with their help.

“I would be honored to serve as the next probate judge for the town of West Hartford and I am very, very humbled to have your support and your presence here today,” Eagan said. “I cannot win without you, but I know with you, I can win in 2016.”

Christopher Gosselin, 19, a Republican, a West Hartford resident and a student at Quinnipiac University, traveled from college to attend the rally and said that Eagan’s speech was well done.

“He really articulated his position well,” Gosselin said. “He showed his expertise in the area [of probate work] and he had a sizeable crowd, showing the amount of support he has in West Hartford, so he definitely has a strong chance in the coming election.”

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