‘Phantom of First Church’ to Hold Halloween Organ Recital in West Hartford Center
Audio By Carbonatix
"The Phantom of the First Church Crypt" (aka Music Director James Boratko) rehearses for the Oct. 27th Halloween Recital at First Church, West Hartford. Photo by Amy Melvin
Harry Potter music is included in the First Church West Hartford third annual Halloween Organ Recital on Friday, Oct. 27 at 7 p.m.
By Joy Taylor
He’s back! The Phantom of the First Church Crypt will return for one night to engage in musical treats for Halloween.
In addition to some favorites, this year will include organ recitations of some symphonic treasures for the season, including Danse Macabre, In the Hall of the Mountain King, and Pictures at an Exhibition.
Some of his cohorts will come along for the ride as they explore some music from the Harry Potter movies. The Phantom will appear on Friday, Oct. 27, at 7 p.m. at 12 South Main St., West Hartford Center.
Come dressed for the occasion and have your picture taken with our favorite ghoul after the concert!
With the only light in the room from the flickering candelabra, the mood is certainly set for a spooky night. The acoustics are amazing and the musical selections will provide the Halloween sprit, so to speak.
A suggested donation of $10 will be taken at the door. Free parking is available behind the church (enter the parking lot from Farmington Avenue). Visit whfirstchurch.org for more information.
The Phantom of the First Church Crypt will return on October 27, 12 South Main Street, West Hartford. Photo credit: Joy Taylor
The Phantom of the First Church Crypt and friends after a previous Halloween recital at First Church West Hartford. Photo credit: Joy Taylor