Registration Opens for Special Olympics Spring Season

Published On: March 27, 2016Categories: Reader Contributed, Sports

Registration for spring Special Olympics sports is now open. Submitted photo

In-person registration is available Wednesday, March 30 at the Elmwood Community Center in West Hartford for Special Olympics athletes, partners, and volunteers.

Registration for spring Special Olympics sports is now open. Submitted photo

Registration for spring Special Olympics sports is now open. Submitted photo


West Hartford Special Olympics has three events happening for this season: Track, Bicycling and Swimming. There will be a sign up on Wednesday, March 30, from 6:30 until 7:30 p.m., on the second floor of the Elmwood Community Center. Please drop by if you have any questions or would like to meet the coaches.

Online registration is available by clicking here. Registration by April 7, 2016, is required in order to compete in the state games. All athletes, partners, and volunteers must register before they can participate in practices.

West Hartford Special Olympics has been involved in the community since 1969 and we continue to grow.  We run programs all throughout the year and this is just what is offered in the next season.

Athletes from ages 8 up compete. We also run a unified program where folks compete with similarly aged athletes in a variety of sports.

Special Olympics Summer Games are held in New Haven at the campus of Southern Connecticut State University, on June 10, 11 and 12. Athletes are not charged any fees (however donations are readily accepted). The donations will help offset the cost of running the program and will ensure we maintain a robust presence within our community.

Our program provides the training and expertise for both individuals who would like to help out and coach as well as athletes and volunteers who wish to help out.  For more information, visit the West Hartford Special Olympics Facebook page.

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