Republicans Outline Proposals to Reduce Energy Costs

Published On: January 17, 2023Categories: Government

House Minority Leader Vincent Candelora and Senate Minority Leader Kevin Kelly outline energy policies. Photo credit: Hugh McQuaid, CTNewsJunkie

An element of their plan involved shifting certain expenses like supply and delivery fees onto the state budget, which based on 2020 energy costs may save the average Connecticut household around $210 per year.

By Hugh McQuaid, 

House and Senate Republicans called Tuesday for state government to pick up the tab for more than a dozen energy charges and fees normally paid by ratepayers as part of a package of proposals aimed at reducing the cost of electricity in Connecticut.

During an afternoon press conference, lawmakers from both Republican caucuses unveiled the most recent legislative responses to the Jan. 1 supply rate increases affecting customers of both Eversource and United Illuminating.

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