Sol LeWitt Prints on Display at Delamar West Hartford

Published On: January 19, 2022Categories: Arts, Lifestyle, Reader Contributed

Prints by Sol LeWitt are on exhibit at the Delamar West Hartford. Courtesy image

The public is welcome to view a collection of prints by artist Sol LeWitt, presented by the New Britain Museum of American Art and currently being exhibited at the Delamar West Hartford.

Strict Beauty by Sol LeWitt on exhibit at the Delamar West Hartford. Courtesy image


Concurrent to their exhibit “Strict Beauty: Sol LeWitt Prints,” the New Britain Museum of American Art (NBMAA) is pleased to present an exhibition of work by Sol LeWitt at Delamar West Hartford. The installation will include a series of prints, drawn from the LeWitt Collection and New Britain Museum of American Art.

The conceptual artist Sol LeWitt (1928-2007) is best known for his programmatic wall drawings and modular structures, but alongside these works he generated more than 350 print projects, comprising thousands of lithographs, silkscreens, etchings, aquatints, woodcuts, and linocuts. The exhibition begins with the artist’s earliest prints: figure studies and scenes of urban life made at Syracuse University and in Hartford, Connecticut.

LeWitt’s mature printmaking is explored in four thematic sections that reflect the diverse abstract languages he pursued throughout his career: “Lines, Arcs, Circles, and Grids,” “Bands and Colors,” “From Geometric Figures to Complex Forms,” and “Wavy, Curvy, Loopy Doopy, and in All Directions.”

The exhibit is free and open to the public. Delamar West Hartford is located at 1 Memorial Road, West Hartford, CT, 06107, 860-937-2500.

Prints by Sol LeWitt are on exhibit at the Delamar West Hartford. Courtesy image

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