Students from Norfeldt Elementary Will Be Published in Connecticut Student Writers Magazine
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Two students from West Hartford’s Norfeldt Elementary school have been selected for publication in the Connecticut Student Writers magazine.
Work by a first-grader and a fourth-grader who are students at West Hartford’s Norfeldt Elementary School have been selected by Connecticut Student Writers for publication in their statewide magazine.
First grade student Olivia Galdi’s painting, “Tiger” will be highlighted. It was created in art class with Mrs. Kaminski. Fourth grade student Kennedy Caudle’s poem, “I Am.” written in class with Ms.Laucks will be featured as well.
The artwork was selected from more than 200 hundred talented student artist entries, and the writing was selected from a pool of 1,800 creative student writers.
Connecticut Student Writers is a statewide magazine established in 1988 and published by the Connecticut Writing Project (CWP) at Storrs, in order to recognize excellence in student writing and artwork such as ours from grades Kindergarten through 12.
Kennedy’s poem about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. appears below.
I Am.
I am Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I know what needs to be done
I wonder why we had to be segregated.
I hear chants telling me to go home.
I see people who care.
I want a place where there is love not hate.
I am a believer of what could happen.
I pretend that I don’t hear or see the people.
I feel support wherever I go but hate is still there.
I touch the skin of my children hoping that one day they will live in a world that will have equality.
I worry that they will not listen.
I cry when I hear what people did.I am a human being just like you.
I understand what is going on.
I say what I feel.
I dream about equality.
I try to fight for my rights.
I hope that they will listen.
I am a lover.
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