The Snowmen of West Hartford
Audio By Carbonatix

Daphne Pelosi, 3, and Penelope Pelosi, 5, are pictured hanging out with their snowman on Tunxis Road on Sunday. Photo courtesy of Christina Pelosi
West Hartford received roughly 10 inches of ‘snowman-quality’ snow by mid-day Sunday, and we asked our readers to submit some of their favorite snowman photos.

“O’Leary sisters (Ellie age 10, Phoebe age 6, and Vivian age 4) with the snowman they created Jan. 7 on Beverly Road. The girls started the day helping their dad shovel the driveway and sidewalk then spent the afternoon sledding at Bugbee school. The girls were rewarded with hot chocolate and homemade chocolate chip cookies for their efforts,” said their dad, John O’Leary IV, who shared the photo
By Ronni Newton
West Hartford received very little snow during the winter of 2022-2023, and the prediction of 6-12 inches of snow for Saturday, Jan. 6 into Sunday, Jan. 7 had many people excited.
For some children, it was their first chance to experience snow.
Not only did West Hartford receive roughly 10 inches of snow from this storm, but it was the kind of snow that was easily packable into snowballs – and turned into snowmen (or other types of snow creatures).
We asked readers to share their favorite snowman photos – and the result was a great assortment of creations ranging from miniature to life-size. The details that have been included were provided along with the photos.

“My son and my husband built this cute snowman,” said Jessica Llosa, who shared the photo

“My kid made a mini snowman while waiting for the rest of us to come out to play,” said Libby Wentworth, who shared this photo

Daphne Pelosi, 3, and Penelope Pelosi, 5, are pictured hanging out with their snowman on Tunxis Road on Sunday. Photo courtesy of Christina Pelosi

Daphne Pelosi, 3, and Penelope Pelosi, 5, are pictured hanging out with their snowman on Tunxis Road on Sunday. Photo courtesy of Christina Pelosi

West Hartford snowman. Photo courtesy of Sara Sholovitz

West Hartford snowman. Photo courtesy of Sara Sholovitz

“Mira Agarwalla (age 2 years and 9 months) just became a big sister for the first time,” said her mom, Dr. Sneha Arjun Agarwalla , who submitted the photo. In celebration of her new sister, “she enjoyed her first big snow storm and made her first snowman and snow angel – starting off the new year with a lot of firsts!”

“Mira Agarwalla (age 2 years and 9 months) just became a big sister for the first time,” said her mom, Dr. Sneha Arjun Agarwalla , who submitted the photo. In celebration of her new sister, “she enjoyed her first big snow storm and made her first snowman and snow angel – starting off the new year with a lot of firsts!”

Built by my 6-year-old daughter and our two neighbor boys with some help from me. It was over 4 ft tall and was immediately tackled after this picture was taken. Photo by Webster Hill neighborhood resident Stephanie Donovan, who added that bribes of hot chocolate were needed to give her a chance to take the photo

“After playing in the snow with her sister Alessandra and her dogs Luna and Meatball, Gia Gwara decided to switch it up this year and make the tiniest snowman possible!” Photo courtesy of Allesandra’s mom, Adrianne Giammatteo

“After playing in the snow with her sister Alessandra and her dogs Luna and Meatball, Gia Gwara decided to switch it up this year and make the tiniest snowman possible!” Photo courtesy of Allesandra’s mom, Adrianne Giammatteo

Snowman by Sutton Schwartz, 11, a sixth grader at Bristow Middle School. Photo courtesy of Nancy Schwartz

Snowman by Sutton Schwartz, 11, a sixth grader at Bristow Middle School. Photo courtesy of Nancy Schwartz

Robin Road snowman. Courtesy of Sophie Giuffria

“Nicolas (2.5) built his first snowman during the snow storm on Sunday and had SNOW much fun!” Photo courtesy of Kristen DiPietro

“When CT gives you a snowstorm, build a snowman. Well, after decades of enduring winter and snow, I got to build my first snowman this Sunday. I’m a physician and a mom and still, I’m quite proud of myself and my husband for taking time to have some fun despite having a long driveway to plow. Our kids had a blast.” Photo courtesy of Vero Pimentel
Snowperson photo submitted by Emily Chenette
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