Town of West Hartford to Close Senior Centers, Libraries and Other Facilities for Two Weeks

Published On: March 12, 2020Categories: Government

West Hartford Town Hall. Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Multiple Town of West Hartford facilities will close for two weeks to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus.

By Ronni Newton

On the heels of a notice that West Hartford Public Schools will be closed for two weeks beginning March 16, officials announced early Thursday evening that many town facilities will also be closed for at least two weeks in order to reduce the spread of coronavirus.

The decision is part of West Hartford’s emergency action plan, and in addition to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, closures will give custodial staff the opportunity to thoroughly clean all of the spaces.

“This is an all-hands-on deck approach,” Mayor Shari Cantor said. “We are all focused on doing what is best for the whole community. Some of these decisions are very difficult and we take the consequences seriously.”

Closings may be extended, but that decision will be announced at a future time, town officials said.

Current closing schedules, according to the Town of West Hartford, are:

  • West Hartford Public Schools: Monday, March 16-Friday, March 27
  • Veterans Rink: Saturday, March 14-Sunday, March 29
  • Cornerstone Aquatics Center: Saturday, March 14-Sunday, March 29
  • West Hartford Senior Center: Monday, March 16-Sunday, March 29
  • Elmwood Senior Center: Monday, March 16-Sunday, March 29. The CRT lunch program will be provided as a boxed lunch that will be available for pick-up only.
  • Elmwood Community Center: Monday, March 16-Sunday, March 29, except for critical services, which include YWCA Day Care Center and CRT lunch (boxed lunch pick-up only)
  • All library programs are canceled starting March 12. The main library and branch libraries will close from Sunday, March 15-Sunday, March 29.
  • Hillcrest Area Neighborhood Outreach Center will also close for two weeks, but will assist with lunch distribution (outside the building), from 11a.m. to 12:30 p.m., on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, for Hillcrest residents only.

The following town-owned facilities will remain open at this time:

  • Town Hall
  • West Hartford parks
  • Westmoor Park will remain open, but programs will be canceled from Saturday, March 14 through Sunday, March 29
  • Rockledge Golf Club
  • Buena Vista Golf Club

In addition, Dial-A-Ride services will continue for the purposes of attending medical appointments, grocery shopping, and CRT lunch pick-up.

The West Hartford Food Pantry, which is located on the first floor of Town Hall, will have pre-packed bags available for pick-up, but has suspended the self-select Wednesday program.

“We are coordinated and unified in our efforts,” Cantor said. “We are grateful for everyone’s cooperation and patience during these unprecedented times.”

Cantor also provided the following comments:

  • Make sure you, your family, friends and neighbors – especially people over 60 years old – are registered on the Town of West Hartford Everbridge system to receive communications.
  • Try your best to prepare in case you or someone in your home is exposed to COVID-19 by having up to two weeks of supplies at your home, including prescriptions and food.
  • The town will begin gathering names of people who are interested in volunteering to assist others that might not be able to prepare and need help while quarantined or sick by picking up medicines and delivering food and other supplies. More details will be provided shortly on how to volunteer.
  • There is a shortage of blood throughout the country due to lack of donations. If you can safely make a donation, please do – it is needed!

“We have moved from containment to mitigation in the last week in the U.S., and West Hartford is acting accordingly,” Cantor said.

Anyone with questions or who needs additional information should call 860-561-6990 or 2-1-1, or visit these webpages:,,

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  1. […] The Town of West Hartford has announced that many facilities will close for two weeks, including libraries, senior centers, and indoor athletic facilities. The complete list and closing dates can be found here. […]

  2. […] Town Hall itself follows a decision made on March 12, 2020, to imposed a two-week closure of West Hartford Public Schools, Veterans Memorial Skating Rink, […]

  3. […] Other town facilities, including the libraries and senior centers, as well as school buildings, have been closed since earlier in the month. […]

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