Watkinson School Sixth Graders Stencil Storm Drains for the Environment

Published On: June 2, 2015Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

From left: Watkinson students Anders Aavatsmark, Brian Namnoum, Owen Chambers, and Maeve Healy show off their handiwork. Submitted photo

Watkinson School sixth graders participated in the tenth annual service learning project to prevent dumping of waste in local storm drains.

From left: Watkinson students Anders Aavatsmark, Brian Namnoum, Owen Chambers, and Maeve Healy show off their handiwork. Submitted photo

From left: Watkinson students Anders Aavatsmark, Brian Namnoum, Owen Chambers, and Maeve Healy show off their handiwork. Submitted photo

Submitted by Stacy Routhier, Watkinson School

Watkinson School sixth graders participated in the 10th annual service learning project to prevent dumping of waste in local storm drains.

West Hartford residents Anders Aavatsmark, Owen Chambers, Maeve Healy, and Brian Namnoum joined their sixth grade science classmates from Watkinson School to stencil storm drains and distribute educational flyers around the Park River. The Watkinson sixth graders have been participating in this service learning project to protect the Park River for the past 10 years.

They visit the Bloomfield Kenwood Circle neighborhood and apply a stencil to storm drains that read, “Dump No Waste Drains to River.” In addition to volunteering to protect the environment, students collect and identify benthic macro invertebrates in the Park River to determine the water quality. They also write and illustrate children’s books, which teach younger children about the connection and importance of the Park River, Connecticut River, and Long Island Sound.

Watkinson School is Hartford’s oldest independent day school serving students in grades 6-12/PG. Their next open house is July 9 at 6 p.m.

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