West Hartford To Delay Mailing Motor Vehicle Tax Bills
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West Hartford Town Hall. Photo credit: Ronni Newton
Automobile tax bills, which are typically due on July 1, will not be due on that date this year due to the uncertainty about the uniform state-wide motor vehicle mill rate.
By Ronni Newton
The Town of West Hartford will be sending out property tax bills soon, with a due date of July 1, but motor vehicle tax bills will be delayed this year due to the uncertainty in the state budget.
Town Manager Ron Van Winkle told the Town Council Tuesday night that the town is going to wait to see what happens with the state budget, at least in the near term, before sending out motor vehicle tax bills.
The original budget proposed by Gov. Dannel P. Malloy, as well as the subsequent budget the governor presented, specified an automobile mill rate of not more than 32 mills. In the 2017-2018 budget adopted by the Town Council on April 25, 2017, the real and personal property mill rate was set at 41.04 mills, while the automobile mill rate was set at 32 mills in compliance with the state law capping it at that level.
For FY2017, the motor vehicle mill rate was capped at 37 mills.
As part of the capped mill rate for FY2018, the state was to return some of the lost revenue to municipalities as a grant, but there is so much uncertainty surrounding the state budget, which was not adopted during the regular legislative session that ended last week. A special session for the purpose of adopting a budget has not yet been scheduled.
Van Winkle told the Town Council that he has heard it is highly likely that the state will not reduce the mill rate on automobiles to 32 mills, so the town will wait for a while, until the final legislation is adopted, to send out the bills.
A press release issued by the Town of West Hartford Wednesday states: “As soon as information is available, including the mailing date and due date of the motor vehicle tax bills, that information will be posted on the West Hartford home page, www.westhartfordct.gov and also made available by calling the West Hartford Tax Office phone line: 860-561-7474.”
“Don’t look for your tax bill on your automobile. Do look for your tax bill on your home,” Van Winkle said Tuesday night.
Connecticut General Statutes 12-146, mandates that taxpayers have a one-month grace period from the established due date to pay the bill without interest.
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