West Hartford Dental Practice Changes Ownership

Published On: July 6, 2017Categories: Business

Dr. David Weil and Dr. Tori Saferin at the closing on June 9. Photo Credit: Dr. Tori Saferin (courtesy photo)

Dr. Tori Saferin, a West Hartford native, has taken over ownership of Dr. David Weil’s dental practice as of June 9.

By Jackie Palermo

Dr. David Weil has been practicing dentistry in West Hartford since 1978, but as of June 9, 2017, the office at 758 Farmington Ave. is under the ownership of Dr. Tori Saferin.

Saferin grew up in West Hartford and has been practicing in Connecticut for four years. She told We-Ha.com that she and Weil connected through their colleagues and they found that this transition together makes a “really good fit.”

While Saferin has taken over the practice, Weil has not retired completely and will still remain involved. “Weil will still be working at the practice on a limited schedule,” she said.

Saferin is excited about her new ownership of the business and said, “The patients are fabulous.” The type of office that she has taken ownership of is one defined by personal relationships and trust. She explained that there are generations of families that Weil has provided care for, and that some of his current notes date all the way back to 1978, and include the dates of patients’ children’s birthdays.

“We are really able to give people a unique and personal experience,” Saferin said. “They get the time they need and deserve with the provider.”

Saferin described how wonderful it is to be helping the community members whom she grew up with. Patients come in to see her, and she recognizes them as former classmates or neighbors. “It feels really good to be home.”

Saferin is excited about the the practice’s capacity for new patients as well as being able to rely on an existing client base. She said that the practice will offer more hours of care than ever before.

“The office is modernized,” Saferin said, yet stays true to the unique provider relationship that it has always had under Weil. The future of the practice includes exciting new technology, including an “intraoral camera” which will allow patients the ability to watch certain procedures as they happen.

Saferin emphasized the importance of trust between the patient and provider, and explained how horrible it is to see news of scams and deceit.

“We look at the patient for what they need. We don’t have quotas, and there won’t be a new doctor every time you come in,” she explained.

Saferin is looking forward to her outreach in the community. “I intend to be there for a very long time” she said.

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