West Hartford Library to Host Author Talk with Joseph M. Reynolds
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Joseph M. Reynolds, author of ‘Make Dust Our Paper,’ will visit West Hartford’s Noah Webster Library on Aug. 15 for an author talk and book signing.
An author talk and book signing will be held on Tuesday Aug. 15, at 7:30 p.m, celebrating the release of Joseph M. Reynold’s novel “Make Dust Our Paper.”
Books will be available for purchase at this event held at the Noah Webster Library, 20 South Main St., West Hartford.
“Make Dust Our Paper: A Novel’: Carrigan approaches the millennium New Year craving climax and culmination. What he finds instead is constant anti-climax, and lack of definitional consequence for his failures and failings and genius. A conceptual heir to Fitzgerald’s “This Side of Paradise,” this novel explores everything from Carrigan’s past in the spelling bee as a contemptuous 12-year-old, to his father’s death in Ireland years before, to the depth of mystery, violence, and secrecy that he returns to, both existentially, and literally, as he becomes 21, and then 22, without proper fanfare or notice.
Joseph M. Reynolds did his graduate work in Creative Fiction under the tutelage of acclaimed novelist and memoirist Da Chen. He teaches college in New England, and at Trinity College Dublin in Ireland during the summer term. As an undergraduate, he was a speechwriter and intern in the U.S. Senate office of the late Senator Edward M. Kennedy.
To register for this event, please call the Reference Desk at 860-561-6990 or visit westhartfordlibrary.org. After parking in the garage, come directly to the library for validation in the meeting room.