West Hartford Resident Leads KO Swim Team to New England Championship

Published On: March 20, 2016Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools, Sports

With several first-place finishes, Jack Barry of West Hartford helped lead the KO boys swimming and diving team to a New England championship. Submitted photo

The Kingswood Oxford boys swim team won the New England title and the girls placed fifth, with key contributions by many West Hartford residents.

With several first-place finishes, Jack Barry of West Hartford helped lead the KO boys swimming and diving team to a New England championship. Submitted photo

With several first-place finishes, Jack Barry of West Hartford helped lead the KO boys swimming and diving team to a New England championship. Submitted photo


The Kingswood Oxford boys varsity swimming and diving team won the Division II New England Swimming and Diving Championships on March 5 at Roger Williams University, and the girls team placed fifth.

The boys team – which had come in second for the past two years – won this year’s meet handily, with 469 points to St. George’s 375 and Kent’s 366.

KO’s top finisher was Jack Barry ’17 of West Hartford. He won the 200 Freestyle (setting a meet record of 1:46.86) and the 500 Freestyle. In addition, all six seniors swam extremely well, each one recording two individual finishes among the top eight places — “an extraordinary achievement at a large meet,” said Coach Alex Kraus.

Team members cheer at the New England championships. Submitted photo

Team members cheer at the New England championships. Submitted photo

Captain Andrew Zimmerman ‘16 took second in the 200 IM as well as the 100 Butterfly, while Captain David Lessard ’16 finished seventh in the 100 Butterfly and 8th in the Backstroke. Jack Wolf ‘16 placed fourth in the 50 Free and fifth in the 100 Butterfly, and Captain Kyle McLaughlin ‘16 swam to seventh-place finishes in the 200 Freestyle and the 500 Freestyle.

Chris Carangelo ’16 excelled in the sprints, placing sixth in the 50 Freestyle and fourth in the 100 Freestyle, and Mick Hains ’16 took eighth in the diving and fifth in the 100 Breaststroke.

Other standout performers were Tim Petit ‘18 (seventh in the 50 Freestyle and seventh in the 100 Breaststroke) and Stephan Pang ‘17 (third in the 200 IM and third in the 100 Backstroke). Noah Hawks-Ladds ‘17 showed strength and endurance, taking third in the 500 Freestyle and fifth in the 100 Backstroke.

Other swimmers who placed in finals included John Hagberg ‘19 (third in the 200 Freestyle and 10th in the 100 Freestyle), Harry Krause ‘18 (13th in the 100 Freestyle and 13th in the 500 Freestyle), and Kyle Zimmerman ‘17 (sixth in the 200 IM and ninth in the 100 Breaststroke). Kian Issari ‘18 added a ninth-place finish in Diving along with a 15th place in the 100 Butterfly.

Jaron Stake ’18 placed 14th in the 100 Freestyle, and Carter Castanza ‘18 took fifth in the diving. Thomas Betts ‘19 placed 14th in the 200 IM and 13th in the Breastroke.

Many swimmers contributed to the Wyverns’ success in the relays. Taking third in the 200 Medley Relay were Stephen Pang ’17, Mick Hains ’16, Andrew Zimmerman ’16, and Chris Carangelo ’16. In the 200 Free Relay, the Wyverns also took third as Tim Petit ’18, John Hagberg ’19, Jack Wolf ’16, and Jack Barry ’17 swam to a season’s best time. Saving the best for last, the quartet of Chris Carangelo ’16, Andrew Zimmerman ’16, Jack Wolf, and Jack Barry ’17 finished first in the 400 Free Relay to close out the meet.

Meanwhile, the girls team came in fifth out of 10 teams. The 200 Medley and 400 Free Relay both placed fifth place overall, while the 200 Free Relay earned sixth. Olivia Shea ’16 placed fifth and sixth, with personal best times in the 200 Free and 100 Fly. Amanda Civitello had season-best times as she took fourth place in the 200 IM and 500 Free. Ahana Nagarkatti ’21 was fifth in the 100 Backstroke and Grace Amell ’17 was fifth in the 100 Breaststroke with a lifetime best time. Among the races swam, 85 percent represented best times; of special note were Gywneth McDonald‘s and Laura Polley’s swims in the backstroke and Ali Zilahy’s and Manisha Satheesh’s lifetime best swims in the 500 Freestyle.

“The girls displayed sportsmanship, courage and enthusiasm throughout the day, not unlike how they’ve behaved through this season,” said Coach Kata Baker. “We are incredibly proud of their dedication, spirit, and grit.”

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