West Hartford Residents Perform in ‘Art Slam’ at State Capitol
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Middle School art students from left to right: Sammy Wolf, Chanjoo Kim, Clare Crosson, Olivia Carrabba all of West Hartford. Andrew Namkoong of Avon, James Amell and Middle School Visual Arts teacher Patrick Cronin both of West Hartford. Submitted photo
Watkinson students from West Hartford and other towns participated in the event.

Middle School art students from left to right: Sammy Wolf, Chanjoo Kim, Clare Crosson, Olivia Carrabba all of West Hartford. Andrew Namkoong of Avon, James Amell and Middle School Visual Arts teacher Patrick Cronin both of West Hartford. Submitted photo
Submitted by Stacy Routhier, Watkinson School
Members of Watkinson School’s Vox Wat including Sophia Volpe, Hayley Madigan, and Sam Volpe of West Hartford, participated in Art Slam 2015 at the State Capitol Building on April 7. Art Slam is an annual event, sponsored by the Connecticut Music Educators Association and the Connecticut Art Educators Association, in support of arts education.
Students from West Hartford who are in the 7th grade visual arts class at Watkinson did live artwork during their visit.
The a cappella singing group, Vox Wat, gave an hour concert, while six of Watkinson’s middle school art students participated in a group art project. Students and teachers from across the state, along with state government officials were on hand as well.

Members of Watkinson’s Vox WAT (l-r): Sam Volpe, Sophia Volpe and Hayley Madigan of West Hartford perform at the Capitol building. Submitted photo