West Hartford Student Recognized as Winner in the 19th Annual ‘eesmarts’ Student Contest

Published On: June 24, 2024Categories: Business, Government, Reader Contributed, Schools

Third-grade eesmarts winner Elizabeth Johnson. Courtesy photo

Connecticut students submitted projects to the statewide contest promoting  sustainability, energy efficiency, and clean and renewable energy.

Elizabeth Johnson at the eesmarts award ceremony. Courtesy photo


West Hartford student Elizabeth Johnson was recently honored as a winner in the 19th Annual “eesmarts” Student Contest.

Presented by Energize Connecticut in partnership with Eversource and Avangrid subsidiaries, United Illuminating, Southern Connecticut Gas and Connecticut Natural Gas, the eesmarts Student Contest invited Connecticut students in grades K-12 to showcase their energy smarts.

Participants chose from a variety of project formats based on their grade-level including poems, essays, posters, billboard advertisements, comic strips, short videos, persuasive images, and more.

Elizabeth, a third-grader at Bugbee Elementary School, won first place for her limericks that provided tips on how you can save energy at home and at school.

For energy-saving home tips, Elizabeth suggests taking short showers, turning off the lights, and lowering the heat. She also encourages her readers to “be cool and help our school” by walking and turning off screens and lights.

More than 600 students throughout Connecticut submitted projects for consideration. Twenty-nine entries from 19 schools in 16 Connecticut communities were selected as this year’s finalists.

Finalists attended an awards ceremony on May 7, 2024 at the Connecticut Science Center and received their prize and certificate.

For more information on the student contest and the eesmarts program, please visit EnergizeCT.com/eesmarts.

Third grade finalists in the 2024 eesmarts contest. Courtesy photo

About Energize Connecticut

Energize Connecticut helps you save money and use clean energy. It is an initiative of the Energy Efficiency Fund, the Connecticut Green Bank, the State, Eversource, UI, SCG and CNG with funding from a charge on customer energy bills. Information on energy-saving programs can be found at EnergizeCT.com or by calling 877-WISE-USE.

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