West Hartford Symphony to Commemorate Abraham Lincoln at Classical Concert
Audio By Carbonatix

The West Hartford Symphony Orchestra will perform its annual classical concert on Sunday, March 23, 2025.
Seven Score and 20 years ago “our fathers brought forth, upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”
The West Hartford Symphony Orchestra acknowledges the 160th anniversary of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln at its classical concert being held on Sunday, March 23, beginning at 3 p.m. in the Hoffman Auditorium at the University of Saint Joseph.
American composer John Williams wrote the music for the film Lincoln and two pieces from that movie will be performed at the concert. “The People’s House” and “With Malice Toward None” are standouts from the musical score, the latter piece written for solo trumpet and orchestra.
The music of Williams has certainly been influenced by fellow American composer Aaron Copland whose famous 1942 “Lincoln Portrait” for orchestra and narrator will close out the performance.
But why Beethoven you may ask? Lincoln loved music and while his favorite song was “Dixie,” he also loved opera, folk, and patriotic music. In terms of what is labeled classical music he admired the music of Beethoven, hence this concert’s “Overture to Fidelio.”
The “Were We Young Again” duet, sung by Sheri Ziccardi and Christopher Stone is from Chiarappa’s musical Lincoln and Booth, revealing a rare and peaceful moment between the Lincolns as they reflected upon choices made throughout their lives.
General seating is $20 with tickets for seniors and students at $15. Children under 12 are free. Tickets can be purchased online at whso.org, by phone at 860-521-4362, or in the lobby the day of the concert. Doors open at 2:30 p.m.
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