West Hartford Women’s Chorale Scholarship Awarded

Published On: May 26, 2015Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools
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Submitted photo: Michael Terranova from Conard High School receives the 2015 WHWC Scholarship from Sheila, Nussbaum, WHWC Board member

Michael Terranova, a senior at Conard High School, will receive the West Hartford Women’s Chorale Scholarship for 2015.
Submitted photo: Michael Terranova from Conard High School receives the 2015 WHWC Scholarship from Sheila, Nussbaum, WHWC Board member

Submitted photo: Michael Terranova from Conard High School receives the 2015 WHWC Scholarship from Sheila Nussbaum, WHWC Board member

Submitted by Karen Bachman, WHWC president
The West Hartford Women’s Chorale will award its 2015 Scholarship to Michael Terranova, a member of Conard High School’s choir and orchestra (viola & violin) for the last four years. The WHWC offers an annual scholarship to Hall High School or Conard High School student musicians who will pursue music education after graduation.
Michael is known for his generous spirit, sense of humor, kind heart, and his love of music. His involvement with music is broad-based ranging from giving Suzuki lessons to elementary school students to participation in both vocal and instrumental select groups at Conard High School and Hartt School of Music.
Michael will pursue music education at Central Connecticut State University in the fall. He is pictured in the photo with Sheila Nussbaum, a WHWC board member.
On June 5, the WHWC will present their spring concert Universal Song in the Bristow Middle School auditorium at 7 :30 p.m. Free Will donations are accepted and an audience reception follows the concert.  Proceeds from concert donations are used to fund the scholarship award.
This is the sixth annual scholarship award given by the chorale to graduating seniors at Hall or Conard High Schools who plan to pursue music. Door proceeds from free will donations are used toward funding the annual scholarship award.
For more information about the WHWC, a non-audition community chorale, go to www.whwchorale.org.

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