West Hartford’s Cookin’ Again on March 21st

Published On: March 16, 2015Categories: Entertainment, Food, Happenings, Lifestyle, Uncategorized

Benefit event raises funds for The Foundation for West Hartford Public Schools and features “celebrity chefs” who will delight guests with their signature dishes.

Submitted by Teresa Duprey

WHCookin_chef-logoThe Foundation for West Hartford Public Schools will hold its popular annual fundraiser – West Hartford’s Cookin’ – THIS  Saturday, March 21st from 6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. at West Hartford Town Hall Conference Center.  West Hartford’s Cookin’ features “celebrity chefs,” such as Mayor Scott Slifka,  and dozens of other local civic, business and education leaders, who cook their favorite dish and serve it to guests from all over town.  The evening’s fun also includes live and silent auctions.

For the past dozen years, the Foundation for West Hartford Public Schools (FWHPS) has provided support for projects, programs and initiatives that enhance the educational experience of students across the district.  Since 1997, when the FWHPS was established as an independent non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, the group has invested over $1.2 Million dollars back into the classrooms from preschool through high school. Some grants have supported teacher mini-grants or In-Residence programs, while others have supported pilot programs, such as a full-day public pre-school.

Event Co-Chairs, Jennifer Shiffman and Sherry Timmeny explain, “We are excited to be chairing this unique and festive fundraiser.  The creativity of our ‘celebrity chefs,’ combined with enthusiastic support from our sponsors and the community, make this a truly special evening.  We want to especially thank to our sponsors:  Atlantic Design Works, Blaze & Bloom, Bridgewater Chocolates, Cricket Press, Falvey Linen & Uniform Supply, Gengras Motor Cars, West Hartford Great by 8 and Growing Great Schools, JP Carroll Construction, Phil & Kim Keck, Stuart Levy Photography, Rogo Distributors, Frank Webb’s Bath & Lighting Center, Webster Bank, West Hartford Education Association, West Hartford Magazine, and Whole Foods Market.  The event provides a wonderful way to support West Hartford’s public schools and the tradition of offering all of West Hartford’s children enrichment opportunities.”

Co-President of the Foundation’s Board of Directors, Cyndi Brown added, “The stress of these economic times has made money and resources more difficult to come by.  I feel extremely grateful to be in a district where the community, through the Foundation, is willing to provide additional financial support for educational projects in our classrooms.  This support is one of the many reasons West Hartford Public Schools achieves excellence as a school district.”

“This event draws people from all over town to support public education in West Hartford.  Many residents appreciate that West Hartford teachers deliver to students from all walks of life a high-quality public education.” concludes Jennifer Shiffman, Co-President of the Foundation’s Board of Directors.

For more information on the event or instructions to purchase tickets, please call (860) 561-8755 or visit www.fwhps.org.

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