West Hartford’s ‘Thursday Throwback’

Published On: March 5, 2015Categories: Features

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Test your knowledge of West Hartford history with this ‘Thursday Throwback,’ courtesy of the Noah Webster House and West Hartford Historical Society.

By Ronni Newton

It’s Throwback Thursday (#tbt), and time to take a look back into West Hartford’s past to either stir up some memories, reflect on how much things have changed, or both. And if you have no idea, we love the photo captions, too!

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Last week’s image (at right and in larger size below) featured a young girl who was dressed up and appeared to perhaps be eating a lollipop.


Many of our readers thought that the girl was at a candy counter at a West Hartford store.

“Could that be the old Dougherty Drug Store on Farmington Avenue? It got a lot of my allowance back in the Fifties!” commented Connie Reder.

Lisa Petersen added her guess of Burnham’s on Facebook. Sue Jednorowicz, also on Facebook, guessed Hilliard’s.

Rick Liftig did a thorough analysis of the image: “This is such an interesting photo – especially looking at the background. This well-dressed little lady is clearly enjoying a sweet treat from the display case behind her. There is a commemorative plate sitting on the shelf behind the counter and what looks like candy boxes on top of the counter. I would guess the photo is from around 1900 and taken at either the Judd Pharmacy or Burnham’s in the Center.”

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Everyone’s guesses were great ones, but one of Rick’s was correct. According to the Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society, this photo was taken at Judd’s Candy Store, which opened on the corner of South Main and Farmington Avenue around 1880.

Who knows anything about this week’s image (at right and in larger size below)? If you can’t guess, a caption works, too!

Please share your memories and/or caption ideas below.

Thank you to the Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society for providing us with the images. For more information about the organization, visit www.noahwebsterhouse.org.

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Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society


Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Judd’s Candy Store opened on the corner of South Main and Farmington circa 1880. Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society



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