West Hartford’s ‘Thursday Throwback’

Published On: July 7, 2016Categories: Features

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Test your knowledge of West Hartford history with this ‘Thursday Throwback,’ courtesy of the Noah Webster House and West Hartford Historical Society.

By Ronni Newton

It’s Throwback Thursday (#tbt), and time to take a look back into West Hartford’s past to either stir up some memories, reflect on how much things have changed, or both. And if you have no idea, we love the photo captions, too!

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Last week’s photo (at right and in larger size below) was timely for the Thursday that preceded the Fourth of July.

West Hartford doesn’t have fireworks shows in town very often, and even though there was nothing all that obvious about this location, most of our readers were able to correctly determine when and where the photo was taken.

“I’d like to guess the 2004 Sesquicentennial celebration over Rockledge Golf Course, but we had color photography back then; so I’ll guess that it’s way back in 1976 for the bicentennial year. I am ruling out the 1954 centennial because I don’t believe that Rockledge was a public course at that time (but it’s my second guess),” commented Rick Liftig.

“I remember the 1976 Bicentennial fireworks over Rockledge,” added Mike Margolis.

Betty Healey had some detail about the 1954 fireworks: “I believe the 1954 fireworks were in Sterling Field. I also seem to remember that some of the fireworks landed on the roofs of houses on Sidney Ave.”

“What are the pole/mast like structures in the haze? What is the structure at the left? Rick, good catch on the black and white clue. I’m bamboozled!” commented Liz Gillette.

Dianne Rechel commented: “No idea, but wonder what sort of a structure the people on the left margin are in. There aren’t that many people there, and they all appear to be standing- kind of odd for a fireworks event. In a previous Throwback, wasn’t there a West Hartford tower mentioned? The terrain looks fairly level so I am going to guess it is not one of our parks or golf courses. How about View of Tower overlooking Sterling Field or something similar in Elmwood? Looking south at ARRL antennae?”

All of those who commented on Facebook also correctly identified the location and date. Robert Zinkerman remembered watching these fireworks as “a tiny tyke.” Leesa Philippon and Lisa Petersen also remember attending these fireworks.

This was Rockledge Golf Course, and it was the 1976 Bicentennial celebration on July 4, 1976, as many readers guessed. As for the structures mentioned, we have no idea!

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

This week’s photo (at right and in larger size below) appears to pre-date the Volkswagen diesel engine controversy. (My husband drives a diesel Jetta which gets 50-plus mpg and we now know is polluting the atmosphere, so we are anxiously awaiting the final settlement details.)

Who knows where this photo was taken?

When was this photo taken?

What is in this location now?

Please share your memories below.

Thank you to the Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society for providing us with the images. They are always looking for new images to add to the collection. Visit their website at www.noahwebsterhouse.org for more information about membership and programs.

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Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society

Rockledge Golf Course, Bicentennial Celebration, July 4, 1976. Courtesy Noah Webster House & West Hartford Historical Society


  1. RFarr July 7, 2016 at 9:43 PM - Reply

    New Park Ave., right near Flatbush Ave. iirc; hmmm…1970? They had to “eminent domain” this property for the busway route, or buy it, something like that.

  2. Liz Gillette July 7, 2016 at 11:36 PM - Reply

    Was it Bill Barry Volkswagen? I think Bob’s got it. It’s now the busway station at Flatbush.

  3. Lisa Petersen July 8, 2016 at 6:44 AM - Reply

    Bill Barry Volkswagen on New Park Avenue corner of Flatbush. My dad drove a “beetle” back then and I remember going here. He had a 1963 and then a 1969 beetle. Later he had a “Rabbit” from there.

  4. Connie Reder July 8, 2016 at 8:00 AM - Reply

    Right. Ooohhh: and look at that 1956 Karmann Ghia! Wanted one of those in the worst way. Who knew Volkswagen also made sexy cars?

  5. Mike Margolis July 14, 2016 at 1:37 PM - Reply

    By the way, my wife bought a Jetta there in early 1985 when it was still Hart VW, as the photo shows.

  6. Jim Ganz July 21, 2016 at 9:01 PM - Reply

    I remember the 1976 fireworks. I seem to recall that they were actually a huge disappointment, with long gaps between the various bursts, and that afterwards the town took some kind of legal action against the company hired to produce the show. Perhaps there are old newspaper articles about the controversy.

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