Westfarms General Manager to Speak at Saint Brigid Symposium

Published On: April 6, 2015Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

Kevin Keenan. Submitted photo

Kevin Keenan, an SBS alum, will be the April speaker at the West Hartford school’s Speaking of People Symposium.
Kevin Keenan. Submitted photo

Kevin Keenan. Submitted photo

Submitted by Andrea Austin-Thomspon, Saint Brigid School

Saint Brigid School (SBS) proudly presents Westfarms General Manager and SBS alum Kevin Keenan as their April Speaking of People Symposium speaker. The “Symposium” will take place in the auditorium on Friday, April 10, at 1 p.m. Admission is $5 for the public.

The Symposium is similar in format to that of the Bushnell Performing Arts Center’s Connecticut Forum. As an academic institution, SBS‘ Symposium is used as an interactive educational vehicle to create a casual conversational and intellectual dialog between the speaker and students.

Keenan’s rise through the ranks from maintenance to management at Westfarms has been a personal commitment to success and teamwork. Come hear Keenan’s story – we’re sure you’ll be inspired by it.

For information call: (860) 561-2130, ext. 104 or email: athompson@stbrigidschool.eduk12.net

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