Whalen Frailey Wedding

Published On: January 28, 2014Categories: Lifestyle, People, Weddings

Congratulations Allison Whalen & Jackman Frailey


Allison and Jackman met on the very first day of their senior year at Northwest Catholic High School. They became fast friends. Jackman and his family had just moved to West Hartford from North Carolina so the timing couldn’t have been better. They started dating a few years later, when Allison moved to Washington D.C. to attend medical school. A long distance relationship continued for the next three years. Jackman proposed to Allison on a Whalen family vacation in Aruba, when he took Allison to a romantic sunset dinner on the beach.

The bride is the daughter of Richard and Lillian Whalen, of Rocky Hill. She graduated from Northwest Catholic as class valedictorian, earned her B.S. from the University of Connecticut (magna cum laude), and received her M.D. from Georgetown University School of Medicine (cum laude). Allison is currently a first year pediatric resident at Boston Children’s hospital and Boston Medical Center.

The groom is the son of Michael and Gigi Frailey of West Hartford. After graduating from Northwest Catholic with honors, Jackman went on to earn his B.S. in biological sciences at University of Connecticut and is currently working in basic science research in the Boston area.

The couple married in June at Saint James Roman Catholic Church in Rocky Hill, the childhood parish of the bride. Father Ed Sheridan, family friend and childhood priest of the Frailey’s , travelled from North Carolina to perform the ceremony. A formal reception was held at Belle Terrace at Avon Old Farms, followed by a relaxing honeymoon in the Bahamas. The couple resides in Boston.

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