Meet the Candidate: Shari Cantor
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Shari Cantor. Submitted photo is offering our readers the opportunity to meet the candidates running for election on Nov. 3, 2015.

Shari Cantor. Submitted photo
Compiled by Ronni Newton is offering our readers the opportunity to “Meet the Candidate” – designed to help them get to know the candidates running for office in the Nov. 3, 2015 municipal election.
Identical questionnaires have been sent to all major party candidates, and each profile received has been submitted directly to by the candidate or the candidate’s campaign management. The responses have not been edited but have been formatted to match our publication style. Questions left blank have been deleted.
As profiles are received, they will be published on under the “Government” tab. is not making endorsements of any political candidates but we are publishing this information in order to assist West Hartford voters in being informed and prepared when they go to the polls on Nov. 3.
If you are a candidate and wish to submit a profile, please return it by email to Ronni Newton at [email protected] ASAP.
Name: Shari Cantor
Age: 56
Party, position seeking: Democrat, Town Council
Family information: Married to Michael Cantor for 30 years, sons Joshua, Sam, Ben, and Jacob all born and raised in West Hartford and educated in West Hartford public schools. Joshua now owns a home in West Hartford, as does Shari’s mother Rose Granow.
Other occupation, if applicable: Trustee of the University of Connecticut, serves on boards of numerous nonprofits.
Political experience: Eleven years on West Hartford Town Council the last four as Deputy Mayor.
Other relevant experience: Shari worked in public and private accounting. In eleven years on West Hartford’s Town Council, Shari has been involved in meeting the needs of all members of the community. She chairs the Finance & Budget Committee and she is the Liaison for the Senior Citizen Advisory Committee, and the Foundation for West Hartford Public Schools.
Why are you running for office? It is an honor to serve the people of West Hartford, my hometown community. It has provided me with so much and it is a privilege to give back. I grew up here, my husband Michael and I have raised our four sons here, and today three generations of my family live here. By serving on the Town Council, I am working to make a difference not just in our quality of life today but also for future generations. I work with people one on one and listen. In addition to Council committees I am a member of several community organizations that address issues with senior citizens, families, public safety, education, livability— whatever it is, I’m in there and I’m trying to make things better. I’m accessible to the people I serve and I am involved in the many aspects of our community that make it vibrant and diverse.
What issue(s) are your primary areas of focus? My primary focus is affordability, livability, and continuity.
West Hartford is nationally recognized as one of the best communities to live in. This is due to our commitment to education, public safety and overall quality of life. Our challenge is having the wisdom and discipline to remain fiscally responsible, to keep our AAA bond rating that has been so attractive to residents and businesses, to invest and reinvest in our community, so that in 20 years West Hartford will be even better. Today, West Hartford is a vibrant community, with four town centers, it’s walkable and bikeable, it’s diverse, and we need to grow thoughtfully to ensure the same excellent quality of life for our children and grandchildren.
What do you feel is the biggest issue facing West Hartford today? West Hartford has enjoyed terrific growth in the last decade, and continues to offer high quality education, public services, public safety including the exceptional work of our police and fire departments, and overall quality of life. It’s important to me to keep West Hartford an affordable community, with housing options for people at all stages of life and at all income levels. We need investment to keep property values strong, but we need housing options for all to keep our community vibrant.
What do you feel differentiates you from other candidates also running for this position? I strive to be a strong and compassionate leader.
I grew up in West Hartford and raised my family in West Hartford. Today both my son and mother have homes in town. I am an active volunteer in many organizations in the community, including, Rotary, the Jewish Federation, Foodshare, American School for the Deaf, UConn, and Connecticut Children’s Medical Center. I’m a good listener, I gather facts and opinions, and I try to make a positive difference. I personally am committed to working civilly with all elected officials. We all live here, this is our home and indeed “we have it all in West Hartford” to quote I am dedicated to governing responsibly, thoughtfully, honestly, respectfully, and strategically to keep West Hartford one of the best communities in the country.
(Optional) Anything else you would like to share? West Hartford has been the recipient of many accolades and we are proud that we rank highly with independent sources but we have much work to do. I am excited to build on many of our strengths as we address our challenges. My goal is to make West Hartford stronger and better every day.
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