Aiken School Plans To ‘Make a Difference’ with Coat Drive

Published On: October 18, 2015Categories: Reader Contributed, Schools

Aiken Elementary School is collecting gently-used winter coats and accessories as part of 'Make a Difference Day.' Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Aiken Elementary School in West Hartford is collecting new and gently-used winter coats and other items as part of ‘Make a Difference’ Day.

Aiken Elementary School is collecting gently-used winter coats and accessories as part of 'Make a Difference Day.' Photo credit: Ronni Newton

Aiken Elementary School is collecting new and gently-used winter coats and accessories as part of ‘Make a Difference Day.’ Photo credit: Ronni Newton


The students and staff at Aiken Elementary School are making a difference. The school community of over 400 students is holding a coat drive for the Bergdorf Health Center in Hartford, CT and The Bridge Family Services in West Hartford, CT. The students will be donating gently used or new coats, hats, scarves, gloves, and other winter items until Oct. 23, 2015. The items will be donated on Saturday, Oct. 24, which is “Make A Difference Day.”

Aiken School students are among the millions of Americans across the country who are expected to spend the 20th “Make A Difference Day” doing volunteer projects to improve their communities and help neighbors in need. The day is the largest community service effort in the nation, uniting neighbors to improve the lives of others. The efforts of volunteers during this day show that anyone can accomplish amazing things to assist with solving problems in their community regardless of their age.

Students from pre-school to 5th grade are participating in this initiative. The Aiken students are currently donating items, tracking the donations, and making posters. “We are hoping that this project will allow students to realize how they can have an impact on their immediate community,” stated Jim Quinn, principal of Aiken School. “The students can directly see how their participation can help someone in need right in their own neighborhood.”

Aiken School has held the coat drive over 15 years to benefit various organizations.

To donate new or gently used winter items, please bring them to Aiken School. Donation boxes will be located in front of the school. It is requested that the clothing is like new and has no rips or tears.

For more information about Make A Difference Day, please call the “Make A Difference Day” hotline at 1-800-416-3824. More information and a national databank of local project plans is available at

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