
Beauty Wherever you Land

Looking and Feeling Beautiful on the Go!
by Tammy Kroll

These are amazing times.  Technology allows us opportunities to work, shop, run errands, from the comfort of our homes.  With online conferencing, virtual malls and even on-line grocery shopping, we don’t even have to leave our home!  A welcome respite from constantly checking our look in the mirror as we rush out the door. We can do it all from home…until we begin to let ourselves ‘go’.  You know… no make-up (your being ‘natural’), P.J.s until noon (and beyond), the ‘messy’ bun (passé), and slightly atrophied after having only lifted coffee cups!  And God forbid you get comfortable enough to saunter out to the mailbox in your robe!  Settled in that groove, what if your home business, your boss, or other life circumstances dictate you leave your feathered nest to travel?  Would your pale face panic at the thought?  Here are some tips to ease the transition:

In The Nest

My recommendation…sleep in!  Or at least let the light of the day wake you. A jarring alarm does nothing for health and can even shock your system.  Instead, waken to the musical chirps of our feathered friends.  Getting to bed early sets your body’s clock naturally. Naps are also good for your looks.  Invest in a comfortable sleep mask to keep out natural light.  20 minutes is all that is needed to look and feel refreshed

Do not live on coffee alone.  Coffee is dehydrating.  Rather, start with an energy fueled breakfast like an organic, veggie laden omelet and green tea which is preferable for beautiful skin and weight control.   Break for lunch!  Hopefully you have lost the flannels and dressed for success at this point and can meet a friend or client for some sushi (rich in skin loving Omega 3’s).  Staying connected with others is vital to remain in good health.

Working from home gives you many beautifying opportunities that those of the traditional working world aren’t allowed.  Before a round of client phone calling, comb a 30 minute deep conditioning treatment thru your hair.  Conference call?  Slather on an exfoliating facial mask or use an at home teeth bleaching kit. Video call?  Then maybe a detoxifying foot soak to slough off dead skin and get ready for the beach.  Or, for your own fun, apply a self-tanner just before and see who notices your change in color.  Self-tanners give a natural looking glow without aging damage from the sun. Use one without mineral oil that absorbs into skin without streaking.  Cover entire areas, avoiding dry spots.  Exfoliating first ensures an even application.

Break from work, errands, and on-line shopping to try some healthy yoga or a new dance fitness game.  Circle the block on your bike or take a quick walk.  Hit a few whiffle golf balls in the back yard.  Even 30 min. daily can make a difference in how you look and feel, again, adding glow to our skin.  Many of us work from home for the flexibility so take advantage of that and have some healthy fun.

In Flight (Traveling)

Bring that mask to catch up on beauty sleep. Whether it’s daytime or your seat mates are reading, the mask will keep you drifting in dreamland.  Neck pillows are great to avoid ‘cricks’ and the blow up ones pack well.  Your favorite pashmina can double as a blanket.

Drink plenty of water before you take flight.   Remember, water is not allowed into the airport terminals.  Once through, buy yourself some bottled water.  It’s needed to fight the dry effects of inflight air.  Pour a few drops in your hand and pat all over face and arms to stay refreshed.  Purchase a mini skin spritzer with a refreshing citrus or relaxing lavender scent.  Just be sure the ounces meet inflight guidelines.

It’s also important to keep skin moisturized.  Most skincare lines offer sample sizes perfect for traveling.  Contact your skincare provider for samples of favorite products and pop them in your travel kit for a little skin refreshment.  Pat some all over your face soon after you’ve used your skin spritzer.  Make sure your travel kit contains a lip moisturizer or gloss, preferably with SPF20 or more and reapply often while in flight.  Keep the rest of your makeup simple.  Forgo the foundation and shadows opting for powdered bronzer instead, lightly brushing on cheekbones, forehead and chin.  Clear eyebrow gel vs. mascara defines and keeps lashes moisturized avoiding smudges during sleep.

Gone are the glory days of balanced meals on even long flights.  Eat well and take your vitamins before you travel to keep energy up.   Peanuts, served on most flights, offer a good source of protein (the honey roasted ones may contain wheat and should be avoided if you are gluten sensitive). When asked for a drink, order orange juice with immunity boosting vitamin C or tomato juice both loaded with skin enhancing anti-oxidants.  Order them without ice to get the most benefit.  Order more water. Again, avoid coffee. Carry protein bars to avoid starchy, sugar-laden snacks that sap energy.

Practice these simple steps and let your beauty take flight!

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